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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Tiki Bob's Maori Mugs

Pages: 1 5 replies

momofthebean posted on 04/07/2006

Hi - I'm trying to find ways to determine the value of Tiki Bob's Maori Mugs. The only references I've found to ebay sales were a few years ago and the postings have expired.

Anyone have tips?


ookoo lady posted on 04/07/2006

Do you want to sell it, or are you just curious?

If you check out the ooga-mooga website, you will see that this mug is on the wishlist for 6 people. You could try contacting them (click on their names and follow the links) and see how much they would offer for it. That should give you a pretty good idea of it's value.

Link to Tiki Bob's Maori mug on ooga-mooga.

momofthebean posted on 04/09/2006

Thanks - I tried that and got a helpful response. Good suggestion.

stuckieshaft posted on 05/12/2006

My Grandma's Boyfriend just found one of these mugs at a thrift store.... he paid a whopping $1 for it. I'm now trying to decide, should I let him know what it might go for(cus I know he'd like the money) or should I try and swindle him out of it. It would be a shame to see it go up on ebay and I'd have to be the one putting it up for him, how depressing would that be.


*attention: I in no way condone the practice of swindling, nor do I engange in the practice myself.

(But damn,.... it's a tough call!)

pappythesailor posted on 05/12/2006

How can anybody claim he was swindled if you, say, quintupled his layout?

pdrake posted on 05/12/2006

just crack the old guy over the skull and take it.

or offer him 40-50 bucks for it. he could take granny out for a nice dinner.

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