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tiki mug release party?

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ob seagull posted on 02/10/2003

what is the deal with the Purple Orchids signature tiki mugs? I tried to call, but it seems that the TC members know more about this place than the bar tenders. Do they have them yet, when are they scheduled to arrive, and last, will you guys celebrate it?

thank you thru drive

Tiki Diablo posted on 02/10/2003

OB bird, TC was there last nightand Dave was a GREAT host . He said that the new mugs should be out next month, I think. I am not really 100% on that cause we were all sampling the samplers(bowls of grog) big-time at the P.O. , sounds good though, huh?

PolynesianPop posted on 02/10/2003

"Sampling the bowls" indeed! The folks at the Purple Orchid were gracious enough to buys us TC'ers something like 4 Volcano Bowls - each filled with a different PO signature drink. Dave & Rebecca were indeed VERY gracious hosts and made feel like VIP's.

suicide_sam posted on 02/10/2003

I didn't know about this, sorry I missed it. I've got to get to checking up on the board more often.

bigbrotiki posted on 02/10/2003

Welllll, I for one was unable to glean the date of the get together from the afore going web chats about it...

Tiki_Bong posted on 02/10/2003

Same here Bigbro,

What's going on? Have me and Bigbro been blacklisted? (Well, I can understand me being blacklisted, but Bigbro?)

Traderpup posted on 02/10/2003

I would have gone, but was kinda put off by the late start at PO that was posted. I don't play pool, but would have tried to catch up with the group at PO. Not that I don't stay out late, just don't like to start out so late is all.


PolynesianPop posted on 02/10/2003

Sorry Guys, I guess the get-together could have been better announced. It started in this thread:


and ended up continuing in the thread we're in right now. If its any consolation, Baxdog never showed up - although he gets an 'A' for effort!

The Hurricane Pool Bar was quite interesting. A mix of bamboo and day-glo murals, it had about a half-dozen tikis mixed in with some Dia de los Muertes carvings and a tiki mounted on the ceiling. The place was small with a TV in the corner and get this - only 1 pool table that nobody was using. Other than the bartender/owner and 1 patron, we were the only ones there.

We hit up Purple Orchid around 10pm. A small contingency of TC'ers gathered around a regular refilling of Volcano Bowls compliments of the house thanks to Crazy Al getting us "in" with the owners Dave & Rebecca. It was fun, we consumed about 4 bowls altogether (not counting the drinks we purchased on our own). Of course, the bowls were complimentary and filled with their own signature drinks!

A good time was had by all. Maybe Sabu can post some pics soon.

There was no intention of black-listing anyone (with the exception of Baxdog, and it looked like the plan worked!). I hope there are no hard-feelings.

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2003-02-10 14:15 ]

Tiki_Bong posted on 02/10/2003

F.U! (ha ha)

Man PolyPop, shouldn't you be staying home with mama and your little ones a bit more?

floratina posted on 02/10/2003

...and the discussion about the evening finished in this thread: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=2613&forum=4&12.

I considered calling some more of you folks, but I assumed y'all had seen the thread. I won't let that happen again. I thought about calling Bong but I figured that he and Spike were having one of their secret band practices that night. :wink:

The Baxes did show up at the pool hall but they were too early to meet up with us. Dave and Rebecca (the proprietors) were sooo generous and really great to hang with.

[ Edited by: floratina on 2003-02-10 14:48 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 02/10/2003

Soo, now that is over with, when are we going to MAR VISTA BOWL?

Tiki_Bong posted on 02/11/2003

Mar Vista Bowl, how's about February 22? There, I proposed the date, now someone in that area set up the rest of the logistics.

Doctor Z posted on 02/11/2003

Before he starts snapping at heels (or humping legs...), I think it should be noted that Baxdog & his family DID make it to the Hurricane Room, but left before any of us got there! Two-Wheelin' was a no-show, however... (2W - where you been? Living at Tiki Ti??)

The pool place itself was indeed empty at the time we were there, but I could tell by the sound-system and lights that it must really go off in the later hours! (but probably in a decidedly non-tiki way!) Dave at the Purple Orchid told us the story of the Hurricane Room and how the present owner ended up with it after the previous one had decked it all out. No word from anyone, though, on who did all the painting...

As far as 'blacklisting' goes, the date was posted long ago, but the actual time didn't get settled until that day or the day before. They were, however, on different threads in different forums, so I can see that they'd be easy to miss. I saw that Bong & Lucky D had a practice planned (can't wait to you play - got a name yet?), but I sent Lucky D a note anyhow, giving times & places, figuring he'd pass it along to Bong. No such luck, however, as I found out today that he doesn't read his e-mail often enough! AAARRRggghhh! As far as going back again, I for one, am always willing to give it another try!

I'm certain I heard Dave mention that the Purple Orchid mugs would be coming out next month also, so I agree that a mug release party is definitely in order! He says he lurks and reads but never posts, so: DAVE IF YOU'RE READING THIS - give us a date so we can come down and initiate the mugs right!

And we promise not to steal any!

No, really...


Tiki_Bong posted on 02/11/2003

Doctor Z,

Big Al coined the name of our little band - The Smokin' Menehunes.

Tiki Diablo posted on 02/11/2003

Yes, next time we'll set this up better. We had a good time, but all those that didn't make it would have made it perfect. Bigbro, I tried calling you, but the phone just rang and rang and....

Luckydesigns posted on 02/11/2003

What the hell is a Menehune anyway? I figure if I'm playing in a band with that in the name then I better know what it means.

I'm sorry I missed the Purple Orchid and the pool place. I guess I'm trying to save it all up for the Oasis and Vegas.

bamboo ben posted on 02/11/2003

A "Menehune" is a mini hawaiian! Basically Al is calling you and Bong, Blackend Midgets!(actually it's folk lore hawaiian mini people or, I'm sure one of you have the exact defination and or spelling) My son Blake 4, can play some mean coco nuts. He's C'Al and Ape's #1 fan so if you's need percussion, I'll pass it on to him. He's also very good at Pete Townsend'ing ukes! Thank god for ABC ukes! He would be the perfect Menehune Mascot to get the crowd rockin!

ob seagull posted on 02/21/2003


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 02/21/2003

Luckydesigns wrote:
What the hell is a Menehune anyway?

Menehune, next to the ashtray:

Luckydesigns posted on 02/21/2003

Thank's for the clarification guys. I don't much appreciate the definition. I still think the name has a certain ring to it though.
If we're gonna do this right Bong, it looks like were gonna have to get to the barber shop in order to match that haircut.

.....and grow mustaches


[ Edited by: Luckydesigns on 2003-02-21 14:34 ]

Pacific Andy posted on 02/22/2003

Where is the PO?

Pacific Andy posted on 02/22/2003

Another ? Does anybody know who makes mugs. Custom designs and manufacturing?

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 02/22/2003

Pacific Andy wrote:
Where is the PO?

See this link:

Another ? Does anybody know who makes mugs.Custom designs and manufacturing?

Here you go. Give them a call if you plan on making a mug....and don't forget about us here at TC!

Pacific Andy posted on 02/22/2003

Maururu!! Tahitian Thank you. I will keep you updated.

ob seagull posted on 02/27/2003
emspace posted on 03/02/2003

On 2003-02-21 13:47, Luckydesigns wrote:
I don't much appreciate the definition.>

Aloha Luckydesigns:

hey, maybe I can elaborate and make ya feel a little (no pun intended) better. New-school anthros feel that the Menehune may have been an aboriginal race of Hawaiians that preceded the great Polynesian migrations that brought the big, strong people we know today as the Hawaiians. Then, having displaced or assimilated the "little" guys, they created the folkloric Menehune (equivalent to the Leprechauns of Ireland - more on this): powerful and mischievious people not really dwarves, to alleviate some ancestral guilt. The folklore allows the Menehune to keep exacting subtle revenge on the Big Hawaiians who fail to show respect to the land, sacred places, things like that.

About Leprechauns and fairies, we know for certain that the Gaels (Celts) migrated to the island of Ireland from the mainland in several waves, displacing or assimilating the ancestral people who'd been there since after the last Ice Age. So: fairies, once again powerful and demanding of respect, not the little flitty critters you see in Disney, or the horrible "sneaky drunken Mick" caricatures you see in American Leprechaun lore.

Does this help? Menehune are nothing to be ashamed of! I hope somebody like Gecko might pick up this thread and correct all my errors, give us the real dope on Menehune...I would be happy to be told they are real! I already know Leprechauns are...:)


PolynesianPop posted on 03/02/2003

In other words, Lucky, its no different than calling you guys the Smoking Leprechauns. :lol:

Tiki_Bong posted on 03/02/2003

Hey PolyPop,

See if your painting is dry yet.

emspace posted on 03/02/2003

On 2003-03-01 21:54, PolynesianPop wrote:
In other words, Lucky, its no different than calling you guys the Smoking Leprechauns. :lol:

Damn! Thought I was helping, but you've got a point there PolyPop...:)


RevBambooBen posted on 03/03/2003

Blackend Midgets!

Luckydesigns posted on 03/03/2003

Thanks Em, that definition is much better. I also enjoyed the history lesson.

The Smoking Leprechauns, I kinda like that.

LapuRocker posted on 03/05/2003


Lucky you kinda do look like a Leprechaun. Top O' tha Mornin' to Ya!

Luckydesigns posted on 03/06/2003

What a jerk.
So are you gonna play percussion for us or what?

ob seagull posted on 03/12/2003

what fun this will be

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/12/2003

On February 9th you mentioned that PO said the mugs might be out in one month, which it now has been one month. Any new word on the release? Are you doing them or is Holden?


ob seagull posted on 03/18/2003

yes please give us details

ob seagull posted on 03/23/2003

i think it will happen soon, right holden

ob seagull posted on 03/25/2003

wow i am excited because we will be at the PO on Sat march 29 at approx 1130 pm. i can't wait to see the new mugs. thanks holden, you are the best.

ob seagull posted on 03/25/2003

wow i am excited because we will be at the PO on Sat march 29 at approx 1130 pm. i can't wait to see the new mugs. thanks holden, you are the best.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/25/2003

*ob seagull wrote:*wow i am excited because we will be at the PO on Sat march 29 at approx 1130 pm. i can't wait to see the new mugs. thanks holden, you are the best.

Did you hear of an actual release date or is there some invisible post between my last post on your post?


MakeDaMug posted on 03/27/2003

Mid-April is the release of the PO mugs!!! We're startin' to spit 'em out of the kiln - the design is very cool w/the big ol PO tiki tongue!

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