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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Come Join Chongolios's Tiki Surf Shack

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Chongolio posted on 04/08/2006

Hey all you Surf and Tiki artists and art lovers, a while back I started an artist group at Slide.com called Chongolio's Tiki Surf Shack and now I am inviting anybody who want to join to come check it out. Slide.com is a pretty cool site that lets you create slide shows that can be posted on your website and myspace pages. It is pretty trick. The group is meant to be a one stop place to check out the art of fellow TC members. So if your interested give it a visit, join the group and check out or add your own creations.

Chongolio posted on 04/12/2006

Well this idea was a real Led Zeppelin. I would like to hear why you folks were not interested. As I said I thought it was a pretty nifty dealio.
Maybe the name is too Chongoliocentric? I will change it if thats the problem. Fret not, my feeling are far from being hurt, but I am a little surprised nobody even showed slight interest apart from the people who I invited when I first stared the group.
The only bad feedback is no feedback.
Your friend in art,

Benzart posted on 04/12/2006

Hey Chong, I just now checked it out and I think it looks pretty good. I'll download the software later today and see what I can do with it. Thanks for the link.

Polynesiac posted on 04/13/2006

Hey! Chongo's right, this is a pretty cool website. The thing that I totally dig about it is you create your own slide show - either using images of your own art or other peoples art. THEN (and this is the super cool part) the slide shows are automatically updated, if the creater adds or deletes images. And, it is very easy to apply your slide show to other websites (like myspace) so everyone can see it. I like it. Thanks again for the invite, chongo.

Here's an example: http://www.myspace.com/polynesiac

Sign up!! join the fun!!!

Chongolio posted on 04/14/2006

Thanks for the replies fellas....I was beginning to wonder if this thing was on. I knew I could count on good ol Benz to have a kind word to say.
Polynesiac- Thanks for addin some pics and making the group a bit more interesting. I am using the slide player on Myspace too and just added it to my new and improved Lost-isle website.


rodeotiki posted on 04/19/2006

I think I joined , but I am computarted so I not sure what I did. I now have a fancy slide of my pics on my desktop.

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