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Recipe: Jungle Madness (by Pappy)

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"Sometimes madness is the only path out. Let the bubbles help you on your way."

1 oz. Triple Sec (I used Bols)
1 oz. 151 Rum (I used Bacardi)
1 oz. unsweetened pineapple juice (I used house brand)
1 oz. lemon juice (I tried fresh and bottled--fresh better)
1 tbsp. coconut cream (Coco Lopez)
1 tsp. molasses (Brer Rabbit blackstrap)
4 ice cubes
soda (Polar)

Add triple sec, rum and juices to shaker. Crush ice and add. Put in coconut cream and molasses and shake before molasses hits bottom or it will stick. Serve in tall tiki mug and float some soda on top. Garnish with anything leafy.

This is the drink I've been working on. I wanted it to:
-have a cool name
-taste substantially different than other drinks
-use at least one ingredient (molasses) that's (almost) never used
-be easy to make
-have cheap ingredients
-be something I actually like

So if just ONE other person tries this and tells me they like it, all that liquor I wasted won't have been in vain. Don't skip the molasses and don't add too much. Like pernod, it will wreck the drink if you're not careful. It's a pain to measure out so err on the side of less.

[ Edited by: pappythesailor 2006-04-12 11:22 ]


What kind of Molasses do you use?

Sorry. I edited recipe. If it doesn't taste good, you're using the wrong ice cubes.


Hey Pappy, you ever get ahold of that Cruzan Black Strap rum? It would work in place of your mollases most likely and be easier to deal with in the shaker. It has a strong molasses taste and is generally hard to utilize as it is so dominant.

I think you may have a cocktail here that would make use of it.

Just a thought.


Sounds expensive--molasses is cheap. This is a cheap drink. Like me--cheap, cheap, cheap.


Hmm.. I dunno about the price on it out your way, but here in Kahikitown it retails for around 10-15 simolians. And that is mighty cheap for a fifth in my book.

Not to mention you'd need only a half ounce or so per drink to get that mollasses flavor you are after.

Like I said.. just a thought.


That horrid rum (Molasses Liqueur as Humuhumu called it) is usually $8-10 at some places, Trader Yossi's (Joe's) for example. At least it used to be. If you found a way to use it in a drink, a lot of us would thank you for helping us get rid of it :wink:


The drink's only a day old & I gotta go back to formula... :-?

At least try one and tell me it stinks.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. Can't try it, don't have molasses.

But how do you make Boston Baked Beans?

Don't sweat it--I'm too much of a &%#@ myself to get offended easily!


I have all of those ingredients on hand. I'll try it. And if it stinks, I'll tell you.

Chances are though, judging from the recipe alone, that I will critique it a bit. I hope ya don't mind, but if you really want me to open a can of Lopez for just one Tbsp.. well...


I'm gonna guess that I'll find it too sweet for my tastes and not boozey enough. I also don't see anything that says bitter or earthy that would give it the background it needs for all the sweet and bright flavors. But take that with a grain of salt, I only know what I know and that isn't worth very much. And I've been wrong about a drink plenty of times. So we'll see. Give me til Monday.


Hey Pappy, we're on our way to the Supermarket to buy molasses.

I'm looking forward to an evening of Jungle Madness.

I'll post my critique either late tonight or tomorrow!


I'm dying to try one of these in Pappy's lounge:) Til then I'll have to hit the store 'cause molasses is currently not in my cupboard. Sounds like a tasty drink though man!

Okay, we just finished trying it!

On the whole, this is a viable addition to any tiki bar drink menu.

For those that are concerned about it being too sweet, I don't believe it is. In fact, the lemon gives it a sour vibe.

I found that being exact was very important to this drink, which may be true of all great tiki cocktails. The first one we made, I may have had a little too much lemon and not enough cream of coconut. (The Coco Lopez I used did not mix very well) but on my second attempt, I used the more liquid portion of the Coco Lopez (bottom of the can) which mixed better, and created a better outcome.

I may disagree with Pappy's assertion to err on the side of less Molasses. Any less than the recommended one teaspoon and I think you wouldn't taste/smell the molasses enough.

I found the drink slightly too tart, due to the lemon. But keep in mind, I have a sweet tooth, and most of the time we're blending bananas with coconut rum and pineapple juice over here! The first tiki drink I invented had chocolate syrup in it!!!

The 151 gave it a nice kick without overpowering the overall taste.

That first stab I took at it (the one with too much lemon and not enough coconut)was easily remedied by adding some coconut rum to it.

I think my second attempt was pretty much what Pappy created.

A third attempt, which Kate mixed, used the blender and some more ice to make a kind of "Jungle Madness Smoothie" which tasted basically the same.

In closing, thanks for the new drink recipe Pappy, I'm buzzed.

Hooray! and thanks

Kahu posted on Sat, Mar 17, 2007 5:15 AM

Interesting drink. I like that you tried to make it simple and cheap to make. One question, you say "soda" what kind are you referring to? Ginger Ale? Club?

I still like this drink and make it for myself. These days I use Curacao instead of triple sec but it's club soda for soda. Glad you like it.

I think I'll make one right now!

I just made my first "Jungle Madness" by Pappy and I also used Orange Curacao instead of Triple Sec and J Wray & Nephew Over-proof for the 151 Bacardi . . . because that's what I had on hand. I also used freshly made seltzer water (no salt) in place of the Club Soda.

And. . . and . . . and . . . may I have another? Excellent drink!

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