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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

New tools-happy days

Pages: 1 3 replies

makutiki posted on 04/12/2006

Finally got some good tools. Henry Taylor brand.

Here is what I´ve done so far...

ooops...! Sharp bastards!

Benzart posted on 04/12/2006

HAppyHappyHappy. Way to go Makutiki. I mean getting the toolz, not drawing blood .
HERE is a thread you NEED to READ.
Your 2 tikis are Excellent, I mean WAY Excellent. Get more wood, carve more tikis, Don't carve your hand.

GMAN posted on 04/12/2006

Ack! Nice toolz, not nice puncture wound! I love those little guys you made. Keep it up (and can I borrow some of those chisels???)


makutiki posted on 04/13/2006

Ben/gman Thank you very much!!Sure makes me happy you like my work!
Gman you can borrow them any day! Just drop by sweden when you need them :D

Here are some necklace-tikis I did today. Havent tryed all them tools yet, working my way down from the midsize ones to the smallest, but saving the big ones for last.

[ Edited by: makutiki 2006-04-13 15:05 ]

Pages: 1 3 replies