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Best antique beer lights?

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Gigantalope posted on 04/05/2006

To be sure there were some fantastic ones...The Budweiser horses on moving background, the Oly moving streams, Hamms Bear, and beautiful Schlitz woman holding a globe.

I think Burgie made a series with chimps in flying saucers that were my favorites.

Funny how many bad beers had great promo stuff one could spend all those college years hypnotized by.

Does anybody else have any sign, light or "breweryana" that pulls at heart strings?

exotica59 posted on 04/05/2006

For the life of me I can't remember the brand beer that made this sign, but it was made to look like a baseball diamond and every so often a ball would pop up and drop into one of the slots for a base hit, left field fly ball etc. This was in one of my friends dads basement bar. I can remember them getting drunk and wagering on the "game" that would play out out on the sign. Hamms beer maybe? I dunno...
You also sparked a foggy memory of a little 50's collectible shop I go to once a year. They have an attic that is full of old junk, and they let me go up there and dig around. I remember seeing a pretty good sized flying saucer stuffed way into the back where I couldn't wade into.You couldn't see much of it. The owner said that it was from some sort of beer co. Now I wonder if there is a chimp inside of it! I'll be in the area of the shop over Easter, and I will try to make my way into the back of the attic where this thing is buried. Have to bring the camera!Glad you brought the subject up!

Swanky posted on 04/05/2006

I like the Miller Lite signs with with the rotating scene that is animated. It has "LITE" hidden all through the sign. A great sign to watch as you throw back beer after beer.

In the older sign department, I am very fond of the Miller loving cup signs. There is one that is simply a trophy cup with the bottle sticking out the top and fake ice and it's lit from inside. The better one is similar, except it rotates. "The Champagne of Beers"

mbonga posted on 04/06/2006

Anybody remember this one from the '60s? It's one I had completely forgotten about until I came across it on eBay. The inside cylinder rotates and makes the lights seem to shoot upwards like fireworks being launched. That would be one of my favorites just because it's one of the few I remember.

Unga Bunga posted on 04/07/2006

Ya Mbonga,
I remember that well.
I gotta say that my favorite memories were the Budweiser Clydesdale's

tikivixen posted on 04/07/2006

The ones the Jab has. :)

Gigantalope posted on 04/07/2006

mbonga, yeah...I remember that one. In a dark room it's mesmoriziing.

It is really clever in design as well.

Great post!

exotica59 posted on 04/18/2006

I made it out to Des Moines and here is what is left of the old flying saucer beer sign. Does anyone remember this? what beer? Or was the sales lady mistaken.
The saucer part was now missing, and his little red light on top of the dome was broken. I love the tv tubes!

Gigantalope posted on 04/18/2006

That's definitely Mr Burgie.

The saucier dome tho...not sure that was originally his ride, although the Monkey thing I mentioned earlyier was also a Burgie sign I believe.

Cool search


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