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Frame- Bongofury 04/20/06

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Monkeyman posted on 04/20/2006

Finally finished a frame for Bongofury. It was my first frame of several for TikiTony artwork. Tried to be extra careful with matching color schemes and textures.

This is the original artwork but I dont have it to install (maybe some finished pics from Bongofury)

I did some more experimentation with adding blocks of wood to the outside of the frame and also to the inside perimeter also (see hanging plants)

THANK YOU Bongofury.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2006-04-20 09:01 ]

Loki posted on 04/20/2006

That took my breath away..stunning work. Do you sketch how you want it to look first or make it up as you carve?

Moki posted on 04/20/2006

Holy Crap MonkeyMan!!! That is an amazing piece and BongoFury is one lucky person. Can't wait to see it in person. You should drop if off at our place on your way to the Kon Tiki this weekend. :wink: We'll framesit for a while.....:lol:

It is absolutely beautiful. You should be very proud!!

Swamp Fire posted on 04/20/2006

Wow, another awsome frame Monkeyman!
You have a great eye for color and detail.

Tiki-Kate posted on 04/20/2006

Holy crap indeed. This is absolutely beautiful.

Benzart posted on 04/20/2006

I see you have been monkeying around again MM and the result is really Beautifully done. One of these days you have to stop getting better at this. Just keep the frames coming.

Tikiwahine posted on 04/20/2006

Wow, nice work! That is one gorgeous frame.

TofuJoe posted on 04/20/2006

Wow. I'm always looking through the creating tiki forums and everyone here really does superb work.

But this is just so amazing I had to post and say something.

The work on that frame makes me smile smile smile.

thanks for sharing it!


Digitiki posted on 04/20/2006

That frame is outstanding! You do such good work! The frame is a work of art in itself.

Lake Surfer posted on 04/20/2006

Hot damn MM... that's sweet!

A piece of art wrapped around another piece of art!

Beautiful... thanks for sharing!

sirginn posted on 04/20/2006


You keep pushing the envelope with your frames, great job.


teaKEY posted on 04/20/2006

That frame needs a frame because its true artwork.

aikiman44 posted on 04/20/2006

I must have a frame like that! Now to look for a picture.

kingstiedye posted on 04/20/2006

another amazing frame monkeyman! i can't wait to see what you do with "paganstein" when it's my turn.

Feelin Zombified posted on 04/21/2006


GMAN posted on 04/21/2006

Very Sweet! I love the skulls and the tucan. Wow!


The Sperm Whale posted on 04/21/2006

I swear man I totally love your work Monkeyman!!! That frame goes perfect with that print Bongofury must be totally stoked!!! Thank you for sharing!!

Monkeyman posted on 04/21/2006


I do sketch the piece before carving. Sometimes its a real detailed sketch and sometimes its just a placeholder to maintain symmetry.

You can see the whole process on my website http://www.monkeymandesign.com

Thanks for the positive vibes everybody. It makes the long hours and drudgery of some carving worth it.

Heck Im just trying to keep up around here.

Kirby, Lake Surfer, Benzart, Kiegs, Basement, Ona..... sheesh its like a talent show...

tikitony posted on 04/21/2006

Holy smOkes Monkeyman! It looks fantastic! You capture the "tikitony" but also unleashed the "monkeyman" on it. It's a great merge of our work. You nailed it! The carving is all your own, and its amazing! I'm quite envious of your intricate vision and execution. That toucan looks like it flew out of one of my paintings, through your mind and landed on the frame! Great work! Now, who's gonna frame your frame?

kick_the_reverb posted on 04/21/2006

On 2006-04-20 20:58, Monkeyman wrote:
Thanks for the positive vibes everybody. It makes the long hours and drudgery of some carving worth it.

He's not kidding folks, I've seen him at work, and it is painstainkingly tedious...I demand he gets the respect that he deserves! :wink:
Great work Monkeyman. I saw the LP frames too, very cool.


bongofury posted on 04/21/2006

Very cool Monkeyman. Definately a work of art in itself. When Derek asked what I wanted it to look like, I just asked him not to put the Tiki in the frame. The rest is all MMs hard work and creative talent with inspiration from Tikitony's art. Looking forward to seeing the frame in person.

teaKEY posted on 04/21/2006

I was just thinking, thats a soild one piece frame? Right? If so, thats not too common is it?

Monkeyman posted on 04/21/2006

It is not a solid one piece frame. Its a regular frame (4 sides) that I constructed and then glued on the additional blocks to the interior and exterior edge.

bongofury posted on 04/26/2006

Here they are together.....thanks Monkeyman and Tikitony

Tiki Bird posted on 04/26/2006

Another great frame MM, they keep getting better each time, cant wait to get my own. Congrats Bongofury!


Monkeyman posted on 04/26/2006

TBIRD you are next

rodeotiki posted on 04/26/2006

On 2006-04-26 07:55, bongofury wrote:
Here they are together.....thanks Monkeyman and Tikitony

Now thats a match made in heaven. Absolutely perfect work by both Tikitony and Monkeyman

hewey posted on 05/02/2006

Cool frame man!

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