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Adult Tiki

Pages: 1 15 replies

suicide_sam posted on 04/22/2006

I was talking to Winky Tiki last night and he informed me that he was recently hired by Vivid Video to shoot some tiki porn. He made 30K in 3 days. That doesn't suck does it?

lanikai posted on 04/22/2006

On 2006-04-22 13:51, suicide_sam wrote: shoot some tiki porn.
That doesn't suck does it?

funny boy.

[ Edited by: lanikai 2006-04-22 14:10 ]

Humuhumu posted on 04/22/2006

I saw that! The news, that is, not the porn. Here's the review I saw:


Congrats to Octavio, I know he must be one happy chappy.

naugatiki posted on 04/22/2006

Not bad scratch for 3 days work.
Any working titles for this tiki porn? Here are a few I came up with-
Tiki Boobs
Trader Dicks
Donna Ho- A Lei Isn't Just For The Neck

When it gets later we can get bluer.

[ Edited by: naugatiki 2006-04-22 14:14 ]

MrBaliHai posted on 04/22/2006

3 days = 30k!? I'm definitely in the wrong line of work.

hodadhank posted on 04/23/2006

That sure beats my door to door breast exam business.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/23/2006

Proof once again - "Things Go Better With Porn".

AlohaStation posted on 04/24/2006

"That sure beats my door to door breast exam business."

Hey Hodad - check this out. Somebody already had that idea.


Helz posted on 04/24/2006

Dang Aloha...you beat me to it. I heard about this last week.

hewey posted on 04/24/2006

Who needs understandable plot when it looks nice and you are intellectual by using Latin... :)

We don’t really know why they’re there or what they are doing, but it looks nice. Heart screams “Give me head” in Latin.

30K in 3 days is pretty good. Hey, my mate has done some award winning short films. Their 5 minutes has enough plot to be padded out to a full length porno...

christiki295 posted on 04/25/2006

On 2006-04-22 13:51, suicide_sam wrote:
He made 30K in 3 days. That doesn't suck does it?

Are you sure he wasn't pulling your leg?

30K in 3 days sounds high, even for the cover girl.
The LA Times, in one of their last articles about the worker's comp issue stated that salary for men is low because there is no shortage of men, even well-hung & well-toned men, waiting to get paid for sex.

Let's say, for example, there are 5 scenes with 10 actors & actresses apiece. If each of the 5 guys are getting $10K for a days work, and the porn star women are getting 4x that or $20K, than it would cost Vivid $150K for every video.

Maybe I need to run a few extra laps (OK - go under the knife) & retain an agent.

2 weeks work (10 days) and I've already made over $100k.

bigbrotiki posted on 04/25/2006

From what I know about that end of the industry, 30 K would be the budget of the whole film, not the director's fee, so deduct talent, crew, locations, equipment and costumes (the few) from it. But that is still not bad overall.

christiki295 posted on 04/27/2006

On 2006-04-22 13:51, suicide_sam wrote:
I was talking to Winky Tiki last night and he informed me that he was recently hired by Vivid Video to shoot some tiki porn. He made 30K in 3 days. That doesn't suck does it?

Which tiki porn name did he select?

BC-Da-Da posted on 04/28/2006

I think it's only natural for the contemporary tiki movement to get into adult films. And I'd trust Winky Tiki with choosing the girls and set designs more than anyone else, to be honest. It could have ended up being the regular hard rock looking people, and that would have been lame. But in keeping with the vibe of risque and nudie films from the '60s that featured tikis, I'm all for the real people who know this genre to be making the adult product.

[ Edited by: BC-Da-Da 2006-04-28 11:42 ]

winkytikipinups posted on 05/13/2006

HEy Bigbrotiki, you sure do know your porn very well!
Man, I wish I'd made 30k in 3 days,then I'd be buyin Maitais for everybody
on happy Hour.SO subtract cast,crew,locations, art dpt, props, post production,permits,stylists, grips, eqptm etc..then Im back to cool-aid zombies. BUt man, was that fun!
I just made a fun flick called "the rebelle rousers" for Vivid-(alt). It's about a gang of misfit pinups that run the vintage lingerie racket in squaresville,which they pedddle to the addicted prissy pinups at exhorbitant prices.
Business is so good for the Belles, That they had to bring in a new member to keep up with the demand, So they send her to TIKI island to get initiated- and that particular scene is called "the ritual in the TIKI hut". Its a bondage scene with Hawaiian model Dragonlily-

you can watch the teaser here:

and its so tame a nun can watch it.the movie..well..that depends.

comes out july 20

rodeotiki posted on 05/13/2006


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