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new new new tiki pianting!

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kooche posted on 03/18/2006

wed march 22nd at 6PM promptly i'll be playing some amazing music down at the tiki ti and showing a new painting that'll be up for sale - what will i be playing??? airing out some old favs and introducing some new sounds to the world too - i hope i see you there because it's going to kick boots!

Benzart posted on 03/19/2006

You gonna post a picture here so we can see it from Florida and other faraway places. I Know it' gonna be Kuel, but I would like to judge fer myown self.

hewey posted on 03/19/2006

Yeh man, I dont think im gonna make it from Aussie land. Post some pics would be great - even if if is after you unveil at the show thing. Looking forward to it - your art is awesome man.

kooche posted on 03/20/2006

thanks for the kind encouragement gentlefolks! - it doesn't look like much now

Polynesiac posted on 03/21/2006

quick deadlines can give you some COOOL artwork. Let that creativity flow!

I hope I can make it up..

kooche posted on 03/21/2006

though i will be playing some tunes wed the painting thing ain't happening - i thought i could finish in time but i haven't even gotten this thing under a black light and i just found some glitter i want to use and since finding it i've decided that i'm going to go out and find some jems to use as eyes - if i wasn't burried in TV backgrounds to paint i'd have something new to share but it just isn't in my cards this week - why rush it?

sorry! - here is a sneak peak!

it's INCREDIBLE what a painting has got to become before it's finally DONE! so much is hidden - the puzzle aspect is addicting to me - see you wed and again after that when this thing is 100%

foamy posted on 03/21/2006

kooche, are you saying that you make it up as you go along? Or is it final placement of elements or just working it out? Just wondering.

[ Edited by: foamy 2006-03-21 13:31 ]

kooche posted on 03/21/2006

each image is an idea before it's a piece of water color paper being painted - those ideas are usually scribbled out very small - like as big as a stamp or maybe a bit bigger - then - i go for it! i use a bit of pencil to rough it in someitmes other times i just stand back from the painting - look at the arrangement and then fire in with paint...i recently started to use my fingers in all of my gouache paintings to get really organic wet into wet areas...trees clouds bushes water - then i'll cut frisket to tighten up patterns and silhouette value and get to thte linework

thansk for the interest!

PockyTiki posted on 03/21/2006

wow, I love that painting! What medium is it? I love your style.

kooche posted on 03/21/2006

gouache on paper - i'm going to try to get a fluro bulb in my studio tonight so i can trip out while i paint it...listen to the ocean loop in the bg and sip off of my maitai!

PockyTiki posted on 03/21/2006

wow, you have to go trippin in order to get ideas for that kinda stuff?..You can just ask me for inspiration. I can think of some pretty messed up sh*t

kooche posted on 03/22/2006

hey man - i haven't tripped in ages - a rolling stone gathers no moss - my sh*t is as messed as it GETS!

PockyTiki posted on 03/22/2006

lol i like your thinkin'!

kooche posted on 03/23/2006

i have one artist proof of Tapa left! it's the LAAAST one!

sirginn posted on 03/24/2006


Tapa Rules! One of your all time best, and the quality of the print is incredible, hard to tell the difference from the original, even when side by side.

Looking forward to seeing the completed new peice.

Sorry I could not make the Ti on Wed for chichis and Ray's Mistakes.


kooche posted on 03/24/2006

dude i went big last night @ the Tiki and ended up in jumbo's clown room - YES! how did it happen? i don't know!

man i am headed to San Juan tonight with Ava and Chachi - tomorrow i am back in the salt water for the first time in YEARS! i can't wait! granny get's to play on the sand and i get to splach around like a crazy man!

i just customized one of 2 last artist proofs of Tapa with a bunch of paint and i'm sending this one out with a couple of Tshirts too

i'll finish up that black light piece next week and maybe sometime soon we can link up for one last chichi before you are a poppa!

i hope you have a KILLER WEEKEND BROTHER!

hewey posted on 03/24/2006

I love it like it is! The head has been blown apart by an experimental atomic cocktail!

kooche posted on 04/02/2006

about half way there - i'm gald i didn't rush this one

hodadhank posted on 04/02/2006

Splentrulescent! I'd love to see that beauty in a blacklight.

kooche posted on 04/02/2006

hey man - THANKS! it's always great to hear positive feedback!

when it's all done i'll post a black light pic up - there is definitely more than meets the eye so far as color and luminosity goes - more to follow!

Humuhumu posted on 04/02/2006

Man alive... that's going to be keeerayzy with the black light on it. So many cool details -- awesome!

kooche posted on 04/02/2006

thanks baby - LA misses you every wednesday - come home soon!

hodadhank posted on 04/02/2006

Just noticed the stigmata! Cray-zeeee! Can't wait for the blacklight post!

hewey posted on 04/02/2006

AWESOME! Love your work man

kooche posted on 04/02/2006

thanks y'all! i appreciate hearig it!
many mahalos!

hewey posted on 04/02/2006

On 2006-04-02 15:26, kooche wrote:
thanks y'all! i appreciate hearig it!
many mahalos!

We appreciate seeing it! Mahalo!

teaKEY posted on 04/03/2006

Love it. Can't wait to have a Kooche painting one of these days. I think I have said that a few times before. A tiki one of course, you have a amazing eye for tiki. Not just tiki but showing life through tiki like no one esle has ever done. If you do anymore keep us (me)posted. Your paintings, I'll drink to that.

kooche posted on 04/03/2006


i am presently starting on 2 more images for the Tiki Art Three 2006 @ Roq La Rue Gallery

these will be painted in oil - not gouache - sorry kids

i gotta get this black light piece done asap!

teaKEY posted on 04/03/2006

Lets just keep this ball rolling. What is the size of the painting and what show are you doing this one for.

PockyTiki posted on 04/03/2006

oh wow, i LOVE your color usage. It's fun to look at!

kooche posted on 04/03/2006

the ball is rolling but i gotta admit it won't roll very far - my next show is about the history and heritage of the state of California - i have been doing a shitload of research and it's pretty incredible and inspiring as can be

tiki holds a special place in my heat but not in my wallet - y'all are smart enough to not be materialistic and i respect that to no end - my involvment in the Tiki show at Roq La Rue gallery is a THANKS to Otto and Kirsten for getting me on the gallery walls where i want show - La Luz 07

the black light piece is just a mess aroung with fluro paints and multi media - $2000 as are all of my paintings that are 2X2'

thanks for the feedback everyone!

sirginn posted on 04/05/2006

I say it everytime, insane, your stuff rules, you seem to top yourself everytime.

Keep painting!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/05/2006

I know I'm only judging this painting based on a picture of it and having never seen it in person,....but this painting is awesome!! great work!!

some members wouldn't consider this a legit assessment as I have not seen the real painting up close....keep up the good work!! I would like to purchase some of your work down the line sometime.

foamy posted on 04/05/2006

Damn nice. I like it when the aces show up.

kooche posted on 04/06/2006

thanks you guys! it's nice to hear good things about something that isn't even done yet...when it's done i'll put it up!

thanks again y'all - i have been getting a lot of requests for pieces about surfing and you can bet your boots that the show at La Luz 07 will have more than a couple of those!

many mahalos!

hewey posted on 04/06/2006

Must have missed the black light bit first time around - cant wait to see it!

Benzart posted on 04/06/2006

Sweet Kooch, and I Really Love the Drink Slurping Mouse/critter, and the Crab flambe' looks like he is having the Most fun.

kooche posted on 04/07/2006

you are a total and complete inspiration - rock on!

i'm out in Palm Springs right now - passed the caliente tropics and remembered stopping by the oasis a few years back - man the drinking that has happened out here is voluminous to be sure!

thanks again you guys!!!

Sneakytiki posted on 04/12/2006

Kooche, great painting!! Your work is amazing. I just started trying to paint with acrylics a bit in 05 and this December I tried gluing some jewel eyes on pieces and using glitter glue too. The first time I used the glitter I found it to be easy to knock off a piece as it's brittle after drying, since then I'm using superglue and putting glitter directly on top of that. If u don't mind sharing info. with a novice, I was wondering what kind of glitter/glue you are using on this piece?

My head feels like the tiki head guy in your piece after looking at sum of your paintings, mindblowing!


kooche posted on 04/30/2006

Link to Image



[ Edited by: Tikiwahine - to replace giant image with a link to the image instead - 2006-05-17 12:02 ]

hodadhank posted on 04/30/2006

A fine big tiki Kooche!

Sneakytiki posted on 04/30/2006

That's beautiful!

kooche posted on 05/13/2006

Sneakytiki posted on 05/13/2006

Wow, you really developed that! It was cool seeing just the tiki on a white background and then seeing where you went with it. This is my favorite place to look for great paintings, thx for posting this.


hodadhank posted on 05/13/2006

Beautiful Kooche!! I love the colors and symmetry of this one. One of my favorites so far. Is this a commission or will it be available to the Ohana? Hmmmmmm?

PS- Hoped to meet you @ Oasis. Was sure I'd recognize you grooving to APE's dueling steel guitars but didn't see you. Maybe the rum fogged my vision!

kooche posted on 05/13/2006

thanks guys! this is a commission!

i wasn't at Oasis because i live less than 2 miles from the Tiki Ti - what more can i say? i'm lazy?

thanks again for the kind review of this painting!

Benzart posted on 05/16/2006

Kooch, I Really love this one. It makes you want to go swimmin' down at the local waterin hole. Although I might be reluctant given where the stream is coming from!
Cool one for some lucky person.

kooche posted on 05/17/2006

thanks Benzo! you are the MAN! MAHALO!

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