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I met Shag today!

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hewey posted on 04/30/2006

Hey all, just wanted to brag that I met Shag today. He was doing a book signing for the Outre Gallery in Sydney. Got "the art of Shag" and got it signed, got the brochure/invite thing signed, and got my photo with him. Very cool.

Will post pics in a few days.

tikibob posted on 05/01/2006

That's great Hewey.

The neat thing about Josh is that he has remained "down to earth" in spite of his celebrity.

During the signings he has to be a little business-like because of the logistics of seeing lots of people. However, in a less crowded venue, he will talk to a fan in the same manner as he would talk with a fellow artist.

I have met lots of artists that move in the same circles as Shag and it is always refreshing to see the humble manner in which he enjoys his success.


"The Martin Denny Group at the Hanalei Hotel"
Shag - 1999

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