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VanTiki Handmade Mugs

Pages: 1 13 replies

VanTiki posted on 05/07/2006

Aloha all -

Many of you have been peeking at (and buying!) my handmade mugs over on the creating tiki forums under "interest in handbuilt mugs". Welp - the site is finally working well enough for me to put it in the Tiki Marketplace. Please take a gander:


There are a few mugs still available from batch #2 (the cool green Pongo Log mug in the gallery is on hold, I'll know more in a day or so), and I have included a lot of info on pre-ordering mugs on this new version of the site.

Please be warned - I am no HTML genious! I slapped this together with iWeb, so I know it can get a bit wonky for Internet Explorer users. Firefox and Safari would be your best bet. A big mahalo to all Tiki Centralites for your advice and guidance!


cheeky half posted on 05/07/2006

Let me be the first to congratulate you on getting the www officially up and going in the marketplace. You are making some very fine mugs that would be a wonderful addition to any tiki mug collection.

cheeky half

Slacks Ferret posted on 05/07/2006

I think the website looks great. Especially for something you just "slapped together". Nice work!

TravelingJones posted on 05/07/2006

BRAVO VanTiki!!!

Da kine site is SsweeetT as da mugz within, brah...Let the backorders BEGIN!!!


hewey posted on 05/07/2006

Cool mugs man - well done!

TravelingJones posted on 05/19/2006

...wearily I stumble across the stone threshhold of Tacky Manor. A crisp breeze blowing gently through the dimly lit hallway. CRACK!...a flash of blue light as the storm draws near. CRACK!...I calmly lay my pack upon the heavy wooden drum. rrrRUuummbBLE...I lay the tiny burnt remain of cigar upon the marble tray. I strike a match.
Lighting a candle next to the decanter of rum...CRACK! FLASH!...HOoowwWL! The candle flame is RIPPED from the wick.
I panic and from the darkness...a hellish kackle? echoing nearer...and closer...a laughter that chills my spine. kkKRACK!POP!SNAP!...FLASH...thier faces become clear and closer yet.

Suddenly I realize...

"Hey my mugs arrived from VANTIKI!" Chokest mahaloz vantiki! Da kine SsweeetT buggahs paka, braddah!!!
Smokin' heft and 'hand-feel' on these babies folks! If you're looking for unique mugs to add to your top shelf...these are not to be missed!!!

Great Job Vantiki! Loving the textures and glazes,brah!

PONGO(red)#03 and Trepanning Accident #02


kingstiedye posted on 05/19/2006

my new vantikis have also arrived! red pongo, brown jabber pod and trepanning accident skull! awesome! mahalo vt!

VanTiki posted on 05/19/2006

Much Mahalos for the kind words - and I am so stoked everyone likes the mugs!


Oh man, just re-read Traveling Jones' post. SO funny! SO good! You're the best!

[ Edited by: VanTiki 2006-05-18 19:56 ]

FreddieBallsomic posted on 05/19/2006

Damn,dude. Got my mug yesterday.....you need to be makin more.. this thing is now in my top three mugs of all time. Keep'em rollin' my brother... If anyone out there gets a chance ......score one. They're Siiick!! Freddie Balls Out!!

Mo-Eye posted on 05/19/2006

Aloha Vantiki!

I am brand new to Tiki Central and this is my first post. I wanted my first to go to you - those are killer mugs! Some of the best I've ever seen! I've got to have one. All right, one of each.

[ Edited by: Mo-Eye 2006-05-19 15:33 ]

Dancin' Lizard posted on 08/23/2006

I just received Jabber Pod #12 last week. The photos don't do this piece of art justice. When you hold this mug in your hand it has weight, texture and warmpth. Nothing like a commercial, vintage and modern, mug will give you.

Well worth every penny paid. It is truly a piece of art. It's a one of a kind and it's a stand out addition to any mug collection.

Mahalo to VanTiki.

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 09/29/2006

Your mugs are completely kickass. I look forward to the day I can add one to my collection. Put me down for a trepanning mug!

TravelingJones posted on 09/30/2006

Yo VanTiki...the natives are getting restless! Beware the mosquitoes buzzing around your head...maybe poison blowdartz...Headhunter Season??? :tiki:


Rattiki posted on 09/30/2006

SO KEWL! I'll have to have at least a skull when the tourist bucks return! :wink:

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