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Coon-Tiki Video Clips

Pages: 1 9 replies

Ever heard of "Redneck Tobaganning"? Here's some video clips from the last day at Coon-Tiki. I took them with my phone, so excuse the quality!

Crazy Al With a Club

BK Takes a Tumble

A-A’s Winning Run!


Crazy Crazy Al Rides a Tiki

Swanky Goes Head First

Al Rides Again

Danny's Head First Run

BK Rides Some More

BK’s Final Run



I forgot to mention that there is no download required. Just click on the link and it will play direct from Google Video. Thanks for the tip, Swanky!


Aaron, those are so funny! I knew I should have stayed. That's what I get for driving off to church. What was the sled material ?????

It’s a plastic couch cover that someone found laying around. Swanky hosed down the grassy slope behind the cabin. Toward the end, we lubed up the bottom of the sled for increased performance. For this we had to use dishwashing soap, as no bacon grease was available at the time.


Ya'Had to be there to Reallysee the fun. Great pix and memories AA


[ Edited by: Benzart 2012-02-19 06:51 ]

On 2006-05-09 16:47, Benzart wrote:
Ya'Had to be there to Reallysee the fun. Great pix and memories AA


The Hi-jinks are the best part!!!


( i have no volume. sound is down. can only imagine the laughter!!)

happy, Happy, Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohh man! I could not stop laughing. this was soo hilarious


Man! I'm bummed I missed that - had to go early! Too much fun? Naw - no way! A-A - No worries about the quality man - just gettin' those pictures is way worth it.

Someday "they" will dig up this computer and look at the pictures from Coon Tiki and woner "What the
Fu$%?". We have the privelege of knowing "What the Fu%$"... I still think this was an historic occasion.

Thanks A_A for the pics - what a hoot!

Hey BK -- that last movie - you look like a "man in the boat" there...

[ Edited by: tikigap 2006-05-10 18:19 ]

...And a good time wad has by all.

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