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Tiki in Jamaica?

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mikepattonisgawd posted on 04/30/2006

We're pretty sure that we want to honeymoon in Hawaii, but we've also been thinking a lot about Jamaica.
Is there any tiki type stuff in Negril or the surrrounding areas that you kids know of?

Formikahini posted on 05/09/2006

Not speaking with I've-been-there authority (nor have I done a Search on here - have you?), but Jamaica is not tiki, so I wouldn't expect it to have tiki.

Now, an enterprising bar-owner may have tried recently to open a tiki bar, but more than likely it will play reggae.

Hence, it ceases to be a tiki bar.
It becomes "a tropical bar" or "an island bar."

(NOT that it is IMPOSSIBLE to have the occasional Bob Marley song heard in your private tiki lounge and have it still be called a tiki bar, buuuuut....)

A palapa and palm trees does not a tiki bar make. It's a good start, but "if it says tiki on it, it better have a tiki on/in it."

None of which means, of course, that you couldn't have a WONderful honeymoon in Jamaica! Congratulations!!

sneakyjack posted on 05/09/2006

They have Tikis in Jimmy Buffets place (cheeseburger in P) - but I'm not so sure thats what you are looking for..
The place is in Montego Bay near where all the cruise ships come in...

If you can swing HI - thats the place - so I'm told!

Tikiwahine posted on 05/10/2006

You could visit the Appleton Estate Distillery, that's one heck of a good tiki rum in my book!

bb moondog posted on 05/10/2006

someone (like me?) should start a 'cheesburger in paradise' thread--we went to the one of 2 of them in Waikiki and it was OK...definitely Buffett-ish yet that damn CHEESBURGER HOLDING TIKI MUG of theres forced me to buy it..it IS a cool piece of work

yeah--Waikiki is the place for tikis--Easter Island might be good but not exactly first class digs there...

Molokai Mike posted on 05/10/2006

There's nothing quite like a honeymoon in Hawaii!! I've been to Jamaica (in fact, my brother honeymooned there) and unless you're honeymooning at a resort, it's pretty rough out there...The rastas are cool but the vibe is far from Aloha

quickiki posted on 05/10/2006

Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurants aren't affiliated with Jimmy Buffet (Thank God!). It's owned by a couple of nice middle aged ladies who started the chain in Hawaii 15 or so years ago. Jimmy Buffet in fact, had sued them over the use of the name, which they had just recently settled after years of litigation.

By the way, yes, those mugs are awesome (nice job Holden & Tikifarm), but I always laugh when I see one of them on eBay going for $30++! You don't have to go to Maui to score one of those dudes. Just call up their gift shop and order it for 16 bucks. They make very nice Mai Tai vessels indeed!

[ Edited by: quickiki 2006-05-10 14:52 ]

freddiefreelance posted on 05/12/2006

None in Jamaica, but there's King Yum in Flushing. You could just take the E train East to the 7/Flushing El @ 74th & Broadway... Oh, Jamaica the country? Sorry, no help there. :P

lanikai posted on 05/12/2006

On 2006-05-10 13:21, quickiki wrote:
Cheeseburger in Paradise restaurants aren't affiliated with Jimmy Buffet (Thank God!). It's owned by a couple of nice middle aged ladies who started the chain in Hawaii 15 or so years ago. Jimmy Buffet in fact, had sued them over the use of the name, which they had just recently settled after years of litigation.

allegedly, they initially had a "verbal aggreement" .... they met him once and asked if they could use the wording for their restaurants. he said sure why not. I do music. not food.
But later, changed his mind when he realised he gave away a valuable commodity... part of his "branding"...

lanikai posted on 05/12/2006

On 2006-04-29 23:40, mikepattonisgawd wrote:
We're pretty sure that we want to honeymoon in Hawaii, but we've also been thinking a lot about Jamaica.
Is there any tiki type stuff in Negril or the surrrounding areas that you kids know of?

may as well head to Jamaica.
What we've done here on Oahu is take away all the "tkis" on the island, hid them away safely, fabricate plastic replicas, plant them all through the concrete air-conditioned nightmare known as Waikiki, and now, no one knows the difference.

bb moondog posted on 05/16/2006

Waikiki IS a BIG CITY--just lik Chicago, Denver or any other burg---it flet a lot like VEGAS as you stroll down the street and some cheesy restaurant owner shoves a BREAKFAST COUPON at you as you head towards the beach...
luckily the whole island isn't spoiled...yet.

Bohemiann posted on 12/05/2006

Ja Mon! Der be Tiki here!

Just landed in Montego Bay ("MO-BAY"), dropped the bags at the resort and headed in to town. There's an area called "ipstrip" that has a bar,casino,gameroom,rainforesty place that sports two Tiki's at the entrance. There was this Santa out front who hooked me up with some Christmas cheer so I do not remember the name of the place. I'll be going back for some more 411 and pictures.

Bohemiann posted on 06/23/2007

Heres a shot of the twins out front on the Coral Reef on "Hipstrip" in Montego Bay.

It's more Rainforest than Tiki as is Margaritaville across the street.

It has gaming inside so they would not let me snap off any shots but it is well done. If you have time, It is really fun to grab a corner seat at either of these places a half hour before the ship lets all the revelers out and watch them come in and get ripped and make asses out of themselves. It all happens in a three hour window as they stumble back to the boats paying way to much for more Ganja than they will have time to smoke before they have to pitch it before hitting customs.
There is a cool looking double Trampoline out in the water but the fabric gets wet and is not stretched tight enough to really do anything except churn up the 5 Syrupy FooFoo drinks and Calamari you just inhaled.
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The airport also has a bar with a sign that indicates it is a Tiki Bar.
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It is part of the Margaritaville located in the airport. Did I mention it has a sign. It has a sign and margaritas and cheese nachos, chicken wings and a souvineer pink plastic margarita mug.

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