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DJ Lee is my hero...

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hodadhank posted on 05/12/2006

I got so much great music at the Oasis.

I bought everything on Lee's table Saturday night and went back and did it again on Sunday, asking him to please dig through the box for stuff I hadn't seen yet! We rapped a little bit and he was so cool... funny stories about the Carla Pundit recording!

My CD collection is mostly vintage surf, easy, jazz, south pacific ethnic and exotica so I was excited to be turned on to some contemporary cats doing classic genre recordings.

I also picked up Kick The Reverb's previous band the Astroglides. Also very cool but much heavier than the Sand Devils. Can't wait for their CD. Very nimble fingers on that guy Ran, must be from squeezing all those limes!

hodadhank posted on 05/15/2006

WTF? Can I get a witness??????

suburbanpagan posted on 05/15/2006

I'll testify! DJ Lee has been the coolest for freakin' years! Go Cavern Club!

bigtikidude posted on 05/15/2006

I have all the surf stuff that Lee has put out over the years, and most of the exotica also. just need a few more things.

I also dig the hell out of his dj spinning at the Lucky Tiki on Sun. nights.


kick_the_reverb posted on 05/15/2006

Hell Yeah, everytime I hear him spin, I just grin ear to ear. And I have quite a few of the releases he had put out on his label over the years.


hodadhank posted on 05/15/2006

He was eyballing your old band's disc while you were making me a keelhaul, Ran! Did you give him a copy? I can see it now...Dyonisus Records, home of the Sand Devils!

kick_the_reverb posted on 05/15/2006

Sure, we made a trade...

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