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re: Sam's Seafood closing for good?

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Tikitatt posted on 05/15/2006

I just heard an unfortunate rumor about Sam’s Seafood located in Sunset Beach, CA. maybe closing its doors May 31, 2006. Again this is just a rumor and not verified. Anyone interested in doing a last hoorah to remember such a fine restaurant?

Tikitatt (John Sissel)

The Sperm Whale posted on 05/15/2006

You are right that Sam's will be closing but they are closing on June 4th. I just called them to verify if you were right. This is horrible news to me cause I have many fond memories there. I've had plenty of good times meeting for CRABS. The most important memory is that is where the Whale Rider and I got married.

[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2006-05-15 07:51 ]

bigtikidude posted on 05/15/2006

This is horrible news if true.
I say we gotta have a big going away party like we did at the
Royal Hawiian, but bigger/better.


[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2006-05-15 00:07 ]

WooHooWahine posted on 05/15/2006

BoooHooooo! :( June 4th is only 3 weeks away :( How about if we plan a Sam's Seafood Last Hurrah Crab Crawl??

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2006-05-15 08:10 ]

Tikitatt posted on 05/15/2006

A last tiki crawl at Sam's Seafood does sound like a good idea. I'm not good at putting functions together so when and what time?

Tikitatt (John)

WooHooWahine posted on 05/15/2006

On 2006-05-15 09:04, Tikitatt wrote:
A last tiki crawl at Sam's Seafood does sound like a good idea. I'm not good at putting functions together so when and what time?

Tikitatt (John)

Let me call Sam's today to reconfirm that their last day of businees will be June 4th. Please watch for a posting later today :)

SoccerTiki posted on 05/15/2006

Only 3 Mondays left (including tonight)!!!! Just when I was trying to get rid of the crabs!!!!

bigtikidude posted on 05/15/2006

I'm up for tonight.

QueenAlani posted on 05/15/2006

I'm crushed. Another tiki place bites the dust!!!

I grew up in OC and went there frequently. I was hoping to pop in for a drink the next time I was down there. Now all I'll have are my wonderful memories.

sniff sniff

Tiki Diablo posted on 05/15/2006


Riptide posted on 05/15/2006

Man, this is such a bummer. Although part of me was always surprised that it had remained open for so long, I was always happy to stop in to the bar, relax and have a drink on my way home from afternoon surf sessions at Huntington Beach or Bolsa Chica. I am just devastated to hear that that will no longer be an option with summer just about to happen. Not to mention my bro had one of the coolest weddings there.

Any word yet on what will become of the site?

Damn, Damn, Damn!!!

martiki posted on 05/15/2006

On 2006-05-15 11:57, Tiki Diablo wrote:

Exactly! What's going on? Was this expected? This is a really, really big loss.

MTKahuna posted on 05/15/2006


Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 05/15/2006

So where do we all congregate now? The tiki spots are drying up like tequila on the hot desert sand! Royal Hawaiian, Sam's. For us down in Orange County- there's not alot left! 'Cept our home bars! Any one know of some hidden gem?

bigtikidude posted on 05/15/2006

So who's up for tonight?
Also Tiki-Tatt and I have been e-mailing saying we should do a big last Hoorah, Maybe Smokin Menahune's and a frind of mine has a good mellow surf band called the Glasgow Tiki Shakers that might be good also.

Let's not let this opportunity slip by.
sieze the day, as they say...
But I wanna go the last 3 or 4 Monday's for sure.


Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 05/16/2006

Arrrrgggggghhhhh! This is beyond painful! Sam's Seafood is a true tiki treasure, forgotton by time. If it goes, there won't be much left in Orange County at all. For that matter, it's one of the best tiki joints left in California, period. Count me in in helping to put together a final event. We need Nick and Tiki Magazine and Jean-Paul there to document the final party, if we can get one together.

Tigerlily posted on 05/16/2006

This is a sad day, I've been soo depressed since I heard the new this morning. All the great old retro places are being closed down and replaced with something corporate and generic. I don't get it. I wish we could form some type of coalition to save these places. If you need any volunteers for the big event or help count me in.

Luckydesigns posted on 05/16/2006

I am blown away by this. How can a place like Sam's close down?! This is like the Tonga Room closing. You just can't believe that it's happening.

tikivixen posted on 05/16/2006

On 2006-05-15 15:15, MTKahuna wrote:

Yeah, this is bizarre. Every time I've ever been by the place it was rockin'. I know they certainly SEEMED successful, anyway.

What's the deal?!?

I'm so sorry guys!!!

p.s. Okay, which of you gets THE FISH?!? Nobody better try and dump THAT neon gem!


TikiJosh posted on 05/16/2006

I'm taking the fish. I'll take it home with a bulldozer from the 22 freeway construction if I have to. I'll erect it on the top of my condo building in Orange. I'll have to take it down two days later when the association notices it (the neon at night will be a big clue). Then I'll have to give it to someone else. Maybe it could travel from one person's home to another.

LapuRocker posted on 05/16/2006

I got wasted there many times. It will be missed.

tikipedia posted on 05/16/2006

Dammit! They are destroying our culture!!!

They will probably tear it down and put in an IHOP.

Luckydesigns posted on 05/16/2006

It's the classic case (just like Las Vegas) where the property is worth more than what's on it. Sentimental value isn't worth the tens of millions that they'll make in building condos. Sad.......but true.

Chongolio posted on 05/17/2006

Wow what a bummer. I only been to Sam's once but it was quite a treat. I will always have fond recollections of that place from the O.C Crawl when I met a ton of y'all. I wish i could make it down for the farewell.


Luckydesigns posted on 05/17/2006

I just can't believe Kona Lanes, The Royal Hawaiian, and now Sam's.....
Gone, all in the course of like, three years or so.....

RevBambooBen posted on 05/22/2006


SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 05/24/2006

Luckydesigns wrote:
I just can't believe Kona Lanes, The Royal Hawaiian, and now Sam's.....
Gone, all in the course of like, three years or so.....

Also, what I considered as a "light crossover" place, The Bamboo Terrace in Costa Mesa.

Luckydesigns posted on 05/24/2006

DAMN! You're right! I drive past that place pretty much every day and the place is well into it's Italian restaurant transformation. The Chinese faux architecture made that place so rad and distinct and now they are puting up bricks and letting it quickly fade back into the mini mall.

At least the last show that I saw there was the Tiki Tones....

RevBambooBen posted on 11/23/2006

Got a Tiki-Riffic Tip today from our very own Soccer Tiki who was driving by this morning and saw another dumpster full of Stuff. So.........I did a little scrounging and came up with some old thatch, bamboo and a bunch of fake plants. There is still a bunch of old thatch there left for any of you in town. Looked in the windows and all the thatch was off the bamboo huts/awnings.

I smell a couple of Bamboo Ben old stuff Sam's Seafood Mug Shelves in the works......I'll post the dumpster diving pics when the shelves are up!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble Gobble!!

squid posted on 11/23/2006

Hey Rev-
Thanks for recycling! That's a really cool way to remember a treasured establishment.

Tikiphantom posted on 12/01/2006

What's the place gonna be come, does anybody know?

tikihai posted on 12/03/2006

Pretty sure the place will be re-opening under a new ownership in about 2 weeks. The coastal commission will not review the demolition for another five years. The new management is in the process of cleaning out a lot of the old stuff, like Bamboo Ben scored...No more stuff left to scrounge up though. A lot of the old decor will still remain, for at least another five years. Lets start planning a grand re-opening party.

Tiki Kaimuki posted on 12/03/2006

Looks like I'm going to have to make a trip back down to socal. My mom and dad used to take us to Sam's all the time when we were growing up. At the time I hated it("Why not Bob's Big Boy like all the other families?"), but now the nostalgia has left me wanting to return.

SoccerTiki posted on 12/05/2006

I talked to the management yesterday and they are definitely trying to clean up as quickly as possible! They had to replace ALL machines in the kitchend and have gutted behind the bar to install all new equipment. They are keeping as much of the original decor as they can salvage...(Bamboo Ben may have more to add to this post later) The management also want to revamp the luau/Polynesian review...They are talking with caterers who will add real luau pig to the menu as well as other authentic dishes... Maybe a Sam's party in January?????

MEAN GENE posted on 12/05/2006


Polynesiac posted on 12/05/2006


christiki295 posted on 12/06/2006

On 2006-11-23 12:12, RevBambooBen wrote:
Got a Tiki-Riffic Tip today from our very own Soccer Tiki who was driving by this morning and saw another dumpster full of Stuff.

Nice tip, SoccerTiki.

Luckydesigns posted on 12/11/2006

That's awesome.

MTKahuna posted on 12/12/2006

Freakin Awesome: Monday Night- Kalua Pig Night???

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