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Die Oster Insel - Easter Island boardgames

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marika posted on 05/15/2006

Osterinsel means easter island and it is a German game published in 1994. You have 17 cards, 4 big moai statues 8 smaller ones and 120 pebbles. A game takes about 30 minutes, the link below is a (big) picture of it.


A simple game. Race to the end of a path. On your turn, you must move one figure and place as many rocks in the heads of other figures as the number of spaces you moved. Of the first two finishers, the one with the most rocks in his head wins.

The pieces are big honking Moai heads made of plastic which are hollow. The game is short and simple. There is not a huge amount of strategy and it helps if the other players cannot remember how many rocks are in the others heads. (rum should help)

I will try this one in 2 weeks with friends over for our biweekly board game night as I got it today.


A new game called easter island will also be publish in August 2006

Easter Island is a mysterious island in the South Pacific. Its inhabitants have long since vanished without a trace except for the giant Moai. These giant statues are so large and heavy that modern man has had a difficult time recreating them without modern tools. Tools the original inhabitants most certainly couldn't possess.

This game speculates that the statues were, in fact, beam weapons created by two very powerful wizards. These wizards used the statues in a giant game, with the island itself as the board. You are now one of those wizards...

Easter Island lets you place your statues and move them into position. Then, when everything is ready, call upon the power of the Sun to topple your opponent's statues and thus your opponent.

Components: A full-color game board, Sun tokens, Complete rules, 14 custom sculpted "Moai Statue" pawns!
Designer: Odet L'Homer and Roberto Fraga
Our Number: TLC 3400
UPC: 823973020109
Suggested Price: $24.99
Status: Coming August 2006


I will probably get this one as well.

edit: typo

[ Edited by: marika 2006-05-15 10:18 ]

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