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Has anyone heard of, Fernet Blanche?

Pages: 1 9 replies

tikiskip posted on 05/23/2006

We are trying to make an old recipe from the Kahiki. (navy grog mix) Fernet Blanche is one of the ingredients. But we can't find it. Dose anyone know of this stuff?

Hakalugi posted on 05/23/2006

Maybe there was a typo somewhere along the way.

Perhaps the recipe is actually calling for Fernet Branca, an herbal liqueur.

tikiskip posted on 05/23/2006

Thanks, I think thats it! I got a bottle on the way.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2012-06-29 07:04 ]

quickiki posted on 05/24/2006

I never heard of Fernet Branca until I was looking for a bottle of Amer Picon at a local liquor store. Turns out, Amer Picon is no longer distributed in the United States (FDA banned it a couple of years ago??), but the store owner steered me to Fernet Branca, telling me it tasted virtually the same. WRONG! I tried making a Picon Punch with the stuff and I almost gagged. Hopefully, it tastes better in a Navy Grog.

Hakalugi posted on 05/24/2006

On 2006-05-24 12:24, quickiki wrote:
... Turns out, Amer Picon is no longer distributed in the United States ...

quickiki, you can use Torani Amer in your Picon Punch. It's available from BevMo (and elsewhere):

Torani Amer actually makes a better Picon Punch than Amer Picon because Amer Picon has been bastardized over the years and has a lower alcohol content than when it was first introduced. The Torani Amer is a higher proof than Amer Picon and actually tastes more like the original Amer Picon than the current Amer Picon. Thus yielding a Picon Punch that tastes more like what a Picon Punch is supposed to taste like. Hopefully that makes some sort of sense.

Kono posted on 05/25/2006

On 2006-05-24 12:46, Hakalugi wrote:
quickiki, you can use Torani Amer in your Picon Punch. It's available from BevMo (and elsewhere):

Now that's just messed up! From the Bevmo site:

Orgeat: The rich taste of fresh almond perfect for your exotic baking recipes.

Passionfruit: The tropical flavor of sweet passion fruit. Perfect with your favorite mai-tai recipe!

Don't them boys and gals know how to make a dang mai tai?

EDIT: Btw, I got some of Torani's pomegranate syrup...not that good. Tastes like sloe gin minus the gin. That's not a good thing.

[ Edited by: Kono 2006-05-24 18:03 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 05/25/2006

On 2006-05-23 10:38, Hakalugi wrote:
Maybe there was a typo somewhere along the way.

Perhaps the recipe is actually calling for Fernet Branca, an herbal liqueur.

You can get a trippy buzz with this stuff.
Respect it though.

quickiki posted on 05/25/2006

Thanks for the info Hakalugi. I've been jonesing for a Picon Punch for quite a while (the local bartenders around here have a stunned trout-look when I ask for one), so it's welcome news to see I have an alternative source! Luckily there's a BevMo in town - I'll have to hit it on the way home. Cheers, Bro!

Mike the Headhunter posted on 05/25/2006

So what is the recipe for a Picon Punch?

quickiki posted on 05/26/2006

There are, of course, several good recipes for Picon Punch, but this is the recipe that I think tastes the most authentic.

Picon Punch Cocktail
1 tsp grenadine syrup
2 1/2 oz Amer Picon
soda water
1 oz brandy

Fill old-fashioned glass with ice. Pour in grenadine and Amer Picon. Fill glass with soda, leaving room for brandy. Float brandy on top of drink. Garnish with wedge of lemon and a marachino cherry.

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