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edgarallencoe posted on 05/25/2006

Just wanted to touch base and say What's Up!
Jill and I had a blast and enjoyed meeting everyone at The TV 30th.
I am feeling Deja Vu here, but we were suprised as hell how friendly everyone was after attending a lot of Rockabilly events.
At any rate, I am plugging a non tiki event, The Rockabilly BBQ up here in Charlotte http://www.rockabillybbq.com
We are looking forward to Orlando this fall and if anyone is traveling through Charlotte, NC look us up.

woofmutt posted on 05/28/2006

The Straight 8s are playin' the Rockabilly BBQ E.A.C. mentioned above. If yuh like Rockabilly and haven't heard this band check 'em out. See 'em live if yuh get the chance (like I did at last year's Rockabilly Ball). They have a hard rockin' yet melodic sound that's rough and fun and doesn't cross over into Psychobilly. They're album Casualties Of Cool (or here's the Amazon page which has more samples and some reviews) has been in my heavy rotation since last September. It's a top notch record, some Rockabilly that really rocks. (It's better than a cuppa coffee fer a mid afternoon pick-me-up!) I like 'em enough I actually toyed with gettin' to to the Rockabilly BBQ...But from the Evergreen State that's kinda a long trip fer lunch and a show.

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