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2 of my New Wacky Packages paintings for Series 9, 2012. p. 103

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Sam Gambino posted on 05/09/2006

Thanks hipster! You're a real hip dude!

DJLee posted on 05/09/2006

Hey Sam

Your gold flake Dionysus Records painting hangs proudly in my office!


Sam Gambino posted on 05/09/2006

Alright! Thanks for letting me know, Lee. I wondered who ended up with him... now I'm sure the painting has a good home!

THOR's posted on 05/16/2006

Aloha Sam!!

Just wanted to let you know that your fun shrunken head mugs are doing great at the Thor Stor in Waikiki!! I have a tall, Jivaro Indian Tsantsa coming out this summer and we will create a little "head shrinkin" section. Have you seen the display where your mugs are?? I have a few pics if not.

I have not been on here in ages but making it a goal to take a little more time to relax and enjoy this place. Anyway....warm Aloha's!


Chongolio posted on 05/16/2006

DANG!! Those last to are CRAZY GO NUTZ. They do look like actual pictures. Unbelievable, simply mind bogglin' Hey Sam, I got to see the original "Trpyno Tiki" at Oasis 6. Dr. Shocker had brought it down and had it hangin' in the Cult of the Eye room. I was jazzed to see it up close. Your detail is amazing and even better when seen in real life.


Sam Gambino posted on 05/17/2006

Hey Thor- Thank you for the kind words. I know what you mean about hanging here at TC. I don't get around as much as I used to either. Congrats on the mug coming out too. I'd love to see pics too - I hadn't seen the display.

Hey Chongo- Thank you too for the very kind words, as I really value the opinions of my friends at good ol' TC! I didn't know that Trypno was at the Oasis. It was Trypno, right? Not Hypno? Oh, I get those 2 cats mixed up all the time...... :wink:

hodadhank posted on 05/17/2006

On 2006-05-16 15:14, Chongolio wrote:
... I got to see the original "Trpyno Tiki" at Oasis 6. Dr. Shocker had brought it down and had it hangin' in the Cult of the Eye room...

No fricking way! I missed tripnotiki in person? Room crawling is a must next year! I love that one too Sam.


Come on Sam - wheres your next piece? we are waiting with baited breath.....

Sam Gambino posted on 05/17/2006

Thanks, hodad and marcus! I'm working on the London Luau and Gotham pieces right now. I'll be posting them when they materialize...Thanks again!

Matt Reese posted on 05/22/2006

Keep it coming! It ,amazingly enough, just keeps getting better.

Sam Gambino posted on 05/23/2006

Thanks, Matt!

Sam Gambino posted on 05/23/2006

Here's the new gold leaf and enamel on stretched canvas painting for Cheekytiki's London Luau 2006 Show. It's my tiki from last year's London Luau with a little "Bond" worked into it:


hewey posted on 05/24/2006

Awesome work as always Sam!

I know you keep feeding these line about being busy and all that, but how about some more art like the lingerer? :)

Cool man

Matt Reese posted on 05/24/2006

Amazing work. I don't know how you can create so much art at such a fast rate and still keep the quality top-notch. My hat is off to you.

Sam Gambino posted on 05/25/2006

Thanks so much, hewey and Matt.

Hewey, I need to find time to do more Lingerer style art, but I'm busy and getting BUSIER everyday.

Hey Matt, I appreciate the kind words about the quality of my artwork. I have a hard time kicking out stuff for quantity instead of quality. I'm glad that you've noticed that, because I try to keep tabs on that. Thanks again!

Benzart posted on 05/25/2006

Hello Sam, This guy looks like the Successful, Proper, English Gentlemanly Duelist. Blow the smoke away and Who's next? Something about this one I Really Love Sam. Of course that shit-eating Grin may well be a Grimace because the way he is holding his arm, he may have Not been quite so successful as it seems?
Top Shelf all the way.

Sam Gambino posted on 05/26/2006

Hey Ben- Thanks for the kind words!

Yes, he may have been hit in the stomach. Hmmmmmmmm....

Chongolio posted on 05/29/2006

On 2006-05-16 21:37, Sam Gambino wrote:
Hey Chongo- Thank you too for the very kind words, as I really value the opinions of my friends at good ol' TC! I didn't know that Trypno was at the Oasis. It was Trypno, right? Not Hypno? Oh, I get those 2 cats mixed up all the time...... :wink:

My bad, It was Hypno. I blame the confusion on the all the booze that was circulatin' around the Cult of the Eye room.


Aaron's Akua posted on 05/29/2006

On 2006-05-28 18:31, Chongolio wrote:

On 2006-05-16 21:37, Sam Gambino wrote:
Hey Chongo- Thank you too for the very kind words, as I really value the opinions of my friends at good ol' TC! I didn't know that Trypno was at the Oasis. It was Trypno, right? Not Hypno? Oh, I get those 2 cats mixed up all the time...... :wink:

My bad, It was Hypno. I blame the confusion on the all the booze that was circulatin' around the Cult of the Eye room.


Sheee-it! Hypno was at Oasis?? And I missed it??? And I was IN the Cult of the Eye room!!!

Ah, MAN! Okay, if anyone should have that painting, I guess it's the Cult. Just bummed to have missed it. That painting is near and dear for me....

Sam Gambino posted on 05/30/2006

Here's the new Gotham piece for the show at MModern at the end of June. It's enamel on 14x18 stretched canvas. I thoroughly dig Vincent Price, so I couldn't resist painting him as Egghead. How cool is he? I mean, he loved art, he was associated with Shrunken Head toys, the Brady Bunch, tikis, Horror movies, Batman and appeared in one of the Beach Party movies. I can only hope to be a fraction of that cool by the time I'm in my '80's! By the way, the painting was still wet when I shot this lousy picture 20 minutes ago...


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino 2006-05-29 23:42 ]

kctiki posted on 05/30/2006

I just love your painting of Vincent Price as Egghead.

Perchance, have you made the acquaintence of the Abominable Dr. Phibes?

cheekytiki posted on 05/30/2006

Sam, thats egg-celent!
Boo, hiss, boo, I'm sorry, couldn't resist

foamy posted on 05/30/2006

Great work, as always Sam. I can see your work turning up on metal somewhere in the future. Good luck at the show, I'm sure it'll wow'em.

Matt Reese posted on 05/30/2006

Another classic. Eggstraodinairy work.

Chongolio posted on 05/30/2006

On 2006-05-30 04:59, cheekytiki wrote:
Sam, thats egg-celent!

On 2006-05-30 09:00, Matt Reese wrote:
Another classic. Eggstraodinairy work.

My feelings eggsactly. I am sure somebody will Shell out some chicken scratch for that one. No seriously, I am not yolking around.


P.S. Does the Gotham Diner serve Chongolian Chicken?

hodadhank posted on 05/30/2006

Great Sam! Hey that's kinda tiny...Are you painting all the fonts too?

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/30/2006

isn't that a wonderful painting, oliver?

Sam Gambino posted on 05/30/2006

Thanks so much for the kind words, everyone. Hey foamy, how did you know? There are metal and wood signs of my work coming out right now. Hey hodad, I did paint the letters. Great pic, J$....

SCTikiShack posted on 05/31/2006


Recently I acquired one of your dinky shrunken head shot glasses to go together with my larger one. I love it, they are my favorite tiki mug out there right now. Are you ever going to get back into your shrunken head theme, it was excellent?


Sam Gambino posted on 05/31/2006

Thanks, Will. I'm glad that you like the shrunken head mugs. I'll never actually stop "doing" a theme like saying that I'm going to stop doing tiki or shrunken head paintings, etc. Sometimes I'll take a break from a theme for a while because I'll get on another kick. That sort of keeps things fresh and fun. I took a little break from tiki paintings, but I've been working on new ones lately just as I have new ideas for shrunken head paintings too. I'm due to paint more shrunken heads soon, as I have more ideas for them.

hodadhank posted on 05/31/2006

Hey Sam!

I visited your site again and love your gold leaf Lucky Luciano.

Would love to see a whole gangster series form you...and don't forget Jewish mobsters Myer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel, Arnold Rothstein, Legs Diamond, Dutch Schultz, Louis Lepke, Detroit's notorious Purple Gang and of course Murder Incorporated, the Jewish-Italian enforcement co-operative that essentially overpowered Irish organized crime for nearly half a century...

Oh, BTW, I can't believe you haven't painted this guy yet!

Come on!!!

Sam Gambino posted on 05/31/2006

Thanks hodad - all those guys are on my future hit list.... their time will come!

Swamp Fire posted on 05/31/2006

Sam, love that Vincent Price as an egghead piece.
The realism is amazing, great job.

hewey posted on 06/01/2006

Very kool Mr Gambino :)

Sam Gambino posted on 06/01/2006

Thanks a bunch, Doug and hewey. I really value your opinions!

Benzart posted on 06/01/2006

Another really cool Gambino piece hits the street. I'm really loving what you are doing with these old characters., Nice

Sam Gambino posted on 06/01/2006

Thanks Ben - Always a pleasure to hear from you!

Sam Gambino posted on 06/03/2006

Here's the new painting for the DVA Show in Chicago. He's holding his cigarette between his lip and his nose.... An old trick that drives them all wild down at the Social Club. It's 14x18 enamel on masonite:


Raffertiki posted on 06/03/2006

That nose kicks ass!

Swamp Fire posted on 06/03/2006

Another great piece Sam!
Very cool.

Benzart posted on 06/04/2006

HEy Sam I REALLY Love this PA guy. He's just my kind of guy. I think I would like to carve him one of these dayz if thats OK?.

Matt Reese posted on 06/04/2006

Another one? Unbelievable! Great piece as always. Very cool.

hewey posted on 06/04/2006

Great to see some more tiki work Sam! Love the sneaky hand in the jacket

Sam Gambino posted on 06/06/2006

Thanks much, Raffer, Doug, Ben, Matt and hewey! He does have somewhat of a boxer's nose... Ben, I'd love to see him "Benzart-ed"!


Nice work Sam, what do you prefer doing? Tiki Art of Portrait art. Now get back to your brushes.

Sam Gambino posted on 06/07/2006

Thanks, Marcus! I really like doing both.... but the portraits take much longer than the tiki paintings.

Sam Gambino posted on 07/04/2006

Here's my Goldfinger Painting for the 007 Show at M Modern at the end of this month. Not tiki, but sort of "hipster '60's" :wink:

GMAN posted on 07/04/2006

Good god Sam, it looks like a photo of him. How do you do that!

I want my baby back baby back baby back.....I want my baby back baby back baby back!

Get in my belly!


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