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Selling ethics question

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Is it ok to show up for an event (Hukilau, Exotica, Oasis, etc) with items for sale if you're not a vendor? I don't know if it would upset the vendors who have paid for a space to sell their wares only to have some Joe Blow selling stuff of his own behind the scenes.

I just wanted some imput so I don't do something that might irritate my freinds.

Definitely, other vendors would disapprove - the better way would be to split a both. However, if your friend is never going to see these people again . . . .

As an occasional purchaser, I wouldn't not buy something just because you were in the parking lot, although I might pass you buy.

hewey posted on Mon, Jun 5, 2006 8:13 PM

On 2006-06-05 19:45, christiki295 wrote:
Definitely, other vendors would disapprove - the better way would be to split a both.

I understand where you're coming from Finky (not wanting the cost/hassle of a full booth) but I dont think its fair to the other vendors. Chris's idea of splitting a booth sounds good though. Doesn't even have to be a 50/50 split either, if you dont have a lot of stuff


I've wondered if this would be kosher too. My conclusions:

If you had people who had bought or inquired after your work before I think it would be fine to contact these people ahead of time and have a private sale in your hotel room. Sort of a trunk show.

The other option would be to pre-sell the items via the internet and arrange to deliver them in person at the event.

To set up a stand on the street or in a parking lot wouldn't be cool. It'd be different if we were talking about a huge commercial event, but most "low brow" culture gatherings are largely labors of love. Having vendors on hand is one of the attractions for the people who attend and the fees are usually nominal compared to the cost and time the organizers put into the events.

..this is why we called them "trunk shows"..back in L.A. , we would go to art openings and a handful of artists would show up with their own art to sell right from the trunk of their car......it was bad form to announce such things directly in the gallery, but word gets round and folks sneak out to take a look at the latest goods and possibly make a purchase.....now mind you, none of the artists in the show were doing this, but the L.a. low-brow scene was very vibrant and we all knew each other so it was a kinda given that this sort of thing went on and hey, they had to eat too!!......with that, i think it's still bad form to vend without paying for a booth or splitting one...it's really not fair to the organizers, who are the ones who went out of their way to present the event in the first place,, without which, there would be nothing to show up for and sell at......that said, it was fair game for folks to sell shit out of their hotel rooms at viva las vegas during the first couple years.....again, word goes round about what's being peddled' and before you know it you're following a group up to a room to make some purchases...bottom line -don't be a cheapskate!!! just pay the vendor fee and be done with it...


... if you had really great stuff, that'd be killer... if you didn't have a booth then you could sell lower at higher volumes and unload all your stuff with nothing to take back home... walk away with a pretty penny to spend at everyone else's booths... everyone wins... plus, instead of spending all the money you make, you could buy beer for all your friends...

Is it ok to show up for an event (Hukilau, Exotica, Oasis, etc) with items for sale if you're not a vendor?


In a BAD WAY !!!

My view is there's nothing wrong with selling out of your room or truck/car. You wouldn't get as much exposure but that's what other vendors pay for when they buy a booth. If somebody wants your stuff and not the other guys stuff, it doesn't matter where your selling from. Your carvings are very nice Finkdaddy.
The problem I have with a booth is your tied to it, and you miss out on some fun. Out of your room you can close and open whenever you feel like it. Carve it and they will come, no matter.

Welcome to America.


Baaaaaaaad juju. The whole reason all those people are there in one convenient spot is because of the very difficult, life-altering efforts of the event organizers. Become an official vendor, or don't play at all. Period.


Wow! I was really curious what the take was on this. I understand completely! No worries everyone, I'll just be dancing with the rest of you. :D :drink:

pablus posted on Tue, Jun 6, 2006 5:45 AM

There were several last year and the year before who set up a few items at someone else's booth and sold a few things from there. They also split the time caretaking the booth. It wasn't weird at all and worked well for eveyone involved.

I don't see how anyone could get arrrrrgumentative about that, since it's been done in the past.

Not bad juju, I disagree. I'm going to the NW Tiki Kon and I will not be paying for a booth. The hotel has agreed to let us sell out of our room if we pay a small fee. The last thing I want to do, when visiting a city I've never been to, is sit behind a booth all day. I want to see Portland. I learned what not to do at TO5 Palm Springs. If somebody wants my stuff, they will let me know.


That is a very tough question--I had an experience at Oasis 6 where I was COMPLETELY devoid of info about vendors & selling..we brought a few things down--just some monkeypod dishes I paint & a larger flat carving...found out when we got there that selling w/o sanction was a MAJOR faux pas becuz the booth vendors HAVE paid to hawk their wares & its kinda uncool to try to snag biz out of their hands. That said, the stuff I brought was COMPLETELY different than anything there & posed no threat to anyones livelyhood--I knew Otto was interested so he bought one & I managed to sell a torch set I had to some folks just milling around but , to try to sell a few things, I talked to some guys that did an inside area & they offered to display the things I brought for a cut in the proceeds; none of 'em sold but I learned my lesson. Because what I have is small spacewise, I will try to team up with some next year & share a booth; if you are there to sell, you probably should booth it; it benefits the event hosts & you should be able to at least pay for your stay there; plus the vendors are really fun peoples!!

Kim posted on Tue, Jun 6, 2006 12:22 PM

From an organizer point of view I do think it's bad form to sell on the side unless specific arrangements have been made to do so-- JungleTrader, I think your situation is different, since we (the NW Tiki Kon organizers) agreed to allow in-room vending, and you are paying a fee to do so (though I did just email you-- we got a better deal on vendor space! So you might consider taking a table after all!).

I'm biased, admittedly, but these events are a whole lot of work to put on, and usually the organizers don't make a dime-- in fact, most of us loose money. So I kind of feel like vendors who sell under the radar are taking unfair advantage of our efforts.

Thanks, but it's not the money I'm talking about. It's my time. As far as I know everybody sells different stuff anyway. I didn't think there was a lot of competition. Boobam sells bars, the carvers do a lot of different styles. There's a whole world of different mugs out there. There's lots of different ways to purchase all the variety of goods as well. I don't think it should be restricted to a formality.

I can't speak for Oasis or any other, but for Hukilau it will be okay for two partners to split a booth but all selling needs to be in the up-and-up areas..hotel regs had it tight this year. Should be a fun time, though..

..why is this thread being dragged out?? finkdaddy has already come to a resolution and his question answered.....it's over -let it go......

Aloha Finkdaddy, thanks for bringing this up as it does involve lots of events and numerous other vendors. It needed to be addressed.

Step away from the girl and put your hands in the air!

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