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Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor to open in Hawaii

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thejab posted on 05/23/2006

E Noa company, a trolley tour company, recently signed a license agreement to build and operate Farrell's on the Hawaiian Islands. Their first parlour is scheduled to open in June, 2006 at the Windward Mall in Kaneohe.

In the spirit of that announcement, the article below was published in the Farrell's Sundae Funnies in 1970, shortly after Hawaii's first Farrell's opened.

"Aloha! Joy Nesmith, cashier at the new Farrell's - Kahala Mall (Honolulu) store, reports that the shiny nui (new) Kine (Hawaiian) Farrell's has been open a little over two months and the kamaainas (long-time residents) and malihinis (new-comers or tourists) are finding the Farrell's fare really ono (good)!  

Many customers, as well as the crew, are already showing the results of Farrell's fabulous kaukau (food) and fantastic fountain fantasies...they're getting momona (fat).  

That doesn't slow the Zoos down though...last week one went right through the fire exit.  

To put patrons in a happy mood, Farrell's - Hawaii has added a new flavor, Passion Fruit Sherbet. Now, says Joy, she can understand why the Hawaiians are so friendly!"

As a franchise, the Hawaii Farrell's showed tremendous deference to the Island population; for example:

  1. White rice was offered as an alternative to french fries on most burgers and sandwiches.

  2. Frozen yogurt sundaes were offered on the menus in addition to the ice cream treats.

  3. Macadamia Nut ice cream was on the menu.

  4. Specialty food entrees included Curried Turkey Salad, Spaghetti, Saimin, and Chili & Rice.

  5. The kid's menu was called (of course) the Keiki Menu.

  6. Belly Buster sundaes included the Honolulu Zoo, the Mauna Kea, and Madam Pele's Volcano.

From http://www.happyitis.biz/

thejab posted on 05/23/2006
mrsmiley posted on 05/23/2006

I seem to remember that Farrell's was family fun!

Phillip Roberts posted on 05/25/2006

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-16 14:09 ]

BettyBleu posted on 06/05/2006

Omigosh! I remember Farrell's. Pure heaven on Earth! I had my birthday party there when I as a kid - Oh, I remember the 26 scoop sundae!!

Hakalugi posted on 06/06/2006

As a child, one of the big things to order at Farrell's was The Zoo. A huge pile of ice cream covered with all sorts of gooey syrup and garnished with small plastic zoo animals. The thing was delivered to your table on a stretcher handled by two people and accompanied by great fanfare with a big announcement, sirens and lots of noise. If you could eat the whole thing by yourself they would give a you prize (probably a bottle of weight loss pills or a feather to tickle the back of your throat).

Slacks Ferret posted on 06/06/2006

I'm almost certain I was at the Farrells in the International Marketplace when I was a kid. I remember going to an ice cream parlour with an "old-timey" feel.
Would it have been there in '82?

Chongolio posted on 06/06/2006

Farrels was a blast. We had a lot of our parties as kids there. The one by our house in the valley had a player piano that was an endless source of fascination for me. They also had candy shop that was out of control and conveniently located by the register. My Mom spent bundles at that place and that is not counting the dental bills. One time she came out of the bathroom and accidentally tripped the one of the guys runnin' around with the zoo. The guy totally ate it and ice cream went flying. Can you imagine the lawsuits you would have now serving kids small choking sized plastic animals covered in syrup, ice cream and whipped cream. They can't possibly still do that can they!??

On 2006-06-05 18:21, Hakalugi wrote:
If you could eat the whole thing by yourself they would give a you prize (probably a bottle of weight loss pills or a feather to tickle the back of your throat).

Hakalugi, you are thinking of the Pig Trough. (nobody could possibly eat and entire zoo and live) If you ate the whole thing one of the ice cream slingers would come out make a big annoncement to the entire place that you ate the whole thing and give you an award ribbon that said "I made a pig of myself at farrells." At least that is the way it went down in the Woodland Hills Farrels. Not sure what the story was but that one's name was changed to Barrels. It was never the same and totally went downhill. They didn't even get a new sign. They just made the "F" of the old sign into a "B" and painted a crappy looking clown next to the name. Even as a kid I thought to myself "how chintzy is that? they don't even spring for a new sign." After that is was Swenson's all the way. I can't believe that Farrels is still around.


Hakalugi posted on 06/06/2006

On 2006-06-06 07:11, Chongolio wrote:
Hakalugi, you are thinking of the Pig Trough.

Yr right Chongolio! Thanks for deconsolidating my memories. The Zoo probably had 50 scoops of ice cream in it. I suppose that if someone ate that whole thing by themself the management would kick you out for being stupid.

naugatiki posted on 06/06/2006

I also enjoyed the candy shop in front of the restaurant with it's large red and black licorice whips, jaw breakers, giant lollipops, and barrels of hard candy like root beer flavored. They also carried those faux styrofoam straw hats all the employees had to wear. It seemed everyone I knew in high school ended up working there.

They had a hand cranked siren and drum in one of the corners of the restaurant and when someone ordered a zoo, or had a birthday or anniversary they'd crank up and make an announcement, on a crowed day they'd never stop and it got pretty loud. With all the 1890s music I'm surprised they didn't put out a restaurant record like Shakey's Pizza Parlour did.

sweetpea posted on 06/06/2006

I still have the ribbon they stick on
ya when ya finish the pig trough...
yup, it was a done deal....

JackLord posted on 06/07/2006

Yea Farrell's! We had a bunch of them around here. Everyone had the sweet intake of Augustus Gloomp in Willy Wonka.

I remember one of the ribbons they gave as a prize read, "I Mad a Pig of Myself at Farrell's.

I heard something about its resurrection but what the hell happened to it in the first place? Everytime I was there it was full and its not like Americans have gotten thinner.

WenikiTiki posted on 06/07/2006

This is excellent news! I live 2 miles from the Windward Mall in Kaneohe. AND I have a 16 year old in desperate need of employment. He wants to work a fun job. I'm not sure working there would be fun, but maybe he will think so .... and GET A JOB!

Pretty funny that I hear about this on TC.

I asked my husband did he remember Farrell's and he waxed poetic about the great birthday parties he used to go to there as a child. Somewhere in Northern California.

I'm already planning a party there!

Oink! Oink!

Chongolio posted on 06/08/2006

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=476&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi47.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Ff170%2Fchongolio%2Fmyspace%2Ffarrells-logo.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=93e31b99d05c6997d05fb2ad1588d7af
Bob Farrell's Story

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