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One-Of-A-Kind Tiki Mugs By Your Favorite Artists

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DaTiki posted on 05/30/2006

As I get them in, I will keep posting these awesome one-of-a-kind mugs provided by my good buddy Holden at Tiki Farm for my Tiki Show here in Chicago. There should be around 25 total. You'll also be first to know when they go on sale.


Amanda Visell & Michelle Valigura SOLD

Dave Krys SOLD

The Pizz $400

DvA Gallery is having it's 2nd Anniversary Saturday, June 17th and we are celebrating with another tiki party and show! We have another great line-up of artist and some new one-of-a-kind collectable mugs by our friends at Tiki Farm which are going to be hand painted by your favorite artists. As always, DvA Gallery events are free, open to the public and kid friendly. Food and appitizers will be provided and LIVE music by The Cocktail Preachers. Hope to see you all there! http://www.dvagallery.com

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 12:49 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 12:51 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-06 10:37 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-07 14:57 ]

teaKEY posted on 05/30/2006

I have been wanting to get in on a tiki art show for the last couple of years, This would have been a good one. The idea (I have been painting mugs the last couple of weeks) and the mugs are and sound like a great happening. Tiki just keeps going up.

hewey posted on 05/31/2006

Cool mugs :)

kingstiedye posted on 05/31/2006

awesome mugs, david. i hope i can get my hands on one.

DaTiki posted on 05/31/2006

More Mugs!

Squid SOLD

Ken Ruzic SOLD

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 12:50 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 15:21 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 05/31/2006

Ha! I like it, great concept.
Funny how things come full circle. When I first met Doug Miller (now proud proprietor of Dug's Tiki Island in Kona) in LA ten years ago he showed me his mug collection and sheepishly pulled out some vintage mugs from an earlier art phase that he had painted. I cringed and he agreed that the pop colorizing was a mistake, and vintage mugs are way cooler in their original form.

Ten years later, the Tiki revival is in full swing. Unthinkable in the mid-90s, a slew of new Tiki mugs is being produced. Both, Tiki mugs and the new genre of urban vinyl designer toys are highly desirable collectibles. Designer toys are routinely altered and personalized by known artists in individual ways. It was a logical conclusion to extend this concept to virgin Tiki mugs. Congrats!

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2006-05-31 14:01 ]

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/31/2006

..for some years now i have been wanting to do a similar thing using unpainted elviki figurines...i threw the idea past david from dva and we may do aomething similiar to coincide with elvis's birthday or some related type event...again, each artist will get a blank resin elviki figure to paint or deco any way they want.....

tedtiki posted on 06/01/2006

AArrgh! Oops my inner pirate escaped. I have to work that weekend. Maybe I'll send Savage Patty "North to Alaska". And when I say Alaska I mean Chicago.

hewey posted on 06/01/2006

more kool mugs :)

teaKEY posted on 06/01/2006

Can't wait to see Flounder's work. Some artist like Tim Biskup can do a simple one hour painting that sells for thousands and then you have an artist like Founder that gives you a better quality piece for a better price. Plus he won best of show on his last something like this event.

DaTiki posted on 06/01/2006

You want Flounder???? You Got Him!! Amazing work as always. This is titled "Shag Fan".

Flounder SOLD

Mitch O'Connell SOLD

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 12:52 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-08 08:05 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-08 08:06 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-09 20:54 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 06/01/2006

Flounder rocks!
Wish we could get more Tiki out of him.
Great thread DaTiki.

DaTiki posted on 06/01/2006

He is great. I'm lucky to have him at the gallery. He also did a tiki painting for the show so make sure to check it out when it gets posted. I think we're also going to do a show together next year too.

MakeDaMug posted on 06/01/2006

On 2006-06-01 11:22, Unga Bunga wrote:
Flounder rocks!
Wish we could get more Tiki out of him.
Great thread DaTiki.

Hey Kevin,
Good news! Flounder & I are working on a "RoboTiki" set featuring the following...
Hawaiian Ku in a Space Suit complete w/jetpack - mug
Marquesan in a Space Suit complete w/jetpack - mug
Rocketship w/Rarotongan little fellow peering through porthole - decanter

We're currently testing various glazes and anticipate a mid-late Summer launch.


teaKEY posted on 06/01/2006

Its a good thing that Flounder uses his powers for good and not evil!

Mai Tai Matty posted on 06/02/2006

holy sh*t they are bad ass !!!

hewey posted on 06/02/2006

Wow - awesome work by flounder - but what else did we expect?

Smoggy the space tiki project sounds great!

DaTiki posted on 06/02/2006

Derek Yaniger SOLD

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-07 10:16 ]

teaKEY posted on 06/03/2006

I would say that you aren't suppose to drink from these right?

DaTiki posted on 06/03/2006

Ummmmm...who am I to say what you do with yours. But I wouldn't recommend it!

DaTiki posted on 06/03/2006

Kirsten Easthope SOLD

DvA http://www.DvAGallery.com

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 10:58 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 13:33 ]

aikiman44 posted on 06/03/2006

Where can these be purchased?

DaTiki posted on 06/03/2006

These are all for sale through the gallery at a first come first serve basis for Tiki Central members. If there is a particular one you are intereste in, just let me know and we can make payment arrangements. I am still waiting on prices for a couple of the mugs so I can let you know upon request. Also- the Tiki Central Members will be the first to know that all the mugs and artwork for the show will be for sale on the website http://www.dvagallery.com by Tuesday, June 13th. Thanks for all the great responses and good luck!

David van Alphen
DvA Gallery

Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/04/2006

On 2006-06-03 10:58, DaTiki wrote:

Kirsten Easthope SOLD

DvA http://www.DvAGallery.com

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 10:58 ]

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-03 13:33 ]

..and guess who bought it!!! whhoooo-hhhhhoooooooo!!!!!

kingstiedye posted on 06/04/2006

nice score tipsy! i got squid's mug.

FreddieBallsomic posted on 06/04/2006

Yo, dude, I had to get up on this action as well... Rum D>> Hopefully we can hook up and dump a few at this event.. Maholla!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 06/04/2006

On 2006-06-03 20:14, kingstiedye wrote:
nice score tipsy! i got squid's mug.

..damn- beat me to it...i was eyeballin' that squid mug but got side tracked...good score to you too!!!

I think it's very cool that dva gallery has offered us on tiki central a shot at some of this stuff before the opening.....those that haven't bought anything don't be discouraged, as there will be a bunch more mugs as well as art available at the show so don't think you're going to walk in and see "sold" stickers on every damn piece!!! based on the few pieces i've seen that will be in the show, this promises to be one of the best midwest shows and will probably top last years event.....this is definately one not to miss!!! see ya all there........

DaTiki posted on 06/04/2006

Thank you for the kind words Tipsy. I'm definitely doing my best to make this an event not to forget. For those of you who are attending, I have just booked the HULA GIRLS and finalized everything with our sponsor, Voodoo Rum who will have lots of free goodies and most importantly, some exotic libations!! Can't wait. See you all there!

TravelingJones posted on 06/04/2006

SsweeetT Mugz!!!

DaTiki check your pm's...

kingstiedye posted on 06/04/2006

I think it's very cool that dva gallery has offered us on tiki central a shot at some of this stuff before the opening

i couldn't agree more! big mahalos to david!

DaTiki posted on 06/05/2006

I have had some people asking about the artists showing in the Tiki Show and just wanted to let those of you who didn't know, that there are still a couple pieces available from last years show. Things have been moving in the last couple weeks so here's your chance. Here is the link. Cheers,

DaTiki posted on 06/06/2006

Colin Johnson $800

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-07 14:56 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 06/06/2006

Aaaaaaaah! Somebody spiked my Mai Tai!

...somebody should do a morphing video with these.

teaKEY posted on 06/07/2006

I don't think that I read Miles Thompson was in this, but man, he would have killed this. The colors of the above one reminded me of his.

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DaTiki posted on 06/07/2006

Unfortunately Miles couldn't participate this year but, there is always next year! Hint, hint.

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DaTiki posted on 06/07/2006

Tiki Tony SOLD

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tiki5-0 posted on 06/07/2006

WOW!!!! tiki tony's mug is AWESOME!!! whoever got it is one lucky sucka!!

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kingstiedye posted on 06/07/2006

i love tiki tony! signed, one lucky sucka.

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kirby posted on 06/07/2006

The tiki tony is My absolute fave. I hope you got that one bullet..

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kingstiedye posted on 06/07/2006

yeah i did, kirby, and i'm stoked!

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teaKEY posted on 06/08/2006

Thats a nice mug. Doesn't even look like the mug should. Its backward, sweet. I have to see what the other side looks like.

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kingstiedye posted on 06/08/2006
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DaTiki posted on 06/09/2006

Hey everyone. I must say, I never expected this kind of a response. Thank you all for your interest and support of these awesome, hard working artist. Though I still might post a couple more mugs, I unfortunitely can't post them all. I gotta save something for the guests who show up for the event. BUT- to keep the fun and excitement going, I thought I would just start giving sh*t away!!!

EVERY DAY until the show, I will post a question right here. The first person to reply with the correct answer, will recieve the prize of the day. Please reply in the "Post Reply" section not by PM so that everone can see it. I will reply when the correct answer is given. Only one rule- you can only win once. Gotta give everyone a chance. So here we go with.......


prize: Thanks to one of our sponsors, a VooDoo Rum Gift Pack! Including a hat, t-shirt, keychain and sticker

question: Who is the artist who designed this logo for VooDoo Rum?

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Good Luck!

[ Edited by: DaTiki 2006-06-09 11:19 ]

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aquaorama posted on 06/09/2006

Just a wild guess...but it looked a little bit like Sam Gambino to me.

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c0c6045231fb4a52e4f6fae5049b0cc2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
DaTiki posted on 06/09/2006

Tikigreg got it! It's The Pizz. Congrats. PM me your name and address and I send your prize. See ya tomorrow.

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tikigreg posted on 06/09/2006

I was right! Well, it was The Pizz! I'm afraid I deleted the post by mistake. Cool Beans!

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senioraqua posted on 06/09/2006

Big Money, Big Money, No Whammies...
Von Franco

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tikigreg posted on 06/09/2006

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=18&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhome.comcast.net%2F%7Eclubtiki%2FVooDooRum-w-Logo.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=2b514992ed6582364a14c85b5fe60e0c Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=18&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhome.comcast.net%2F%7Eclubtiki%2Flewis_front.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=76bb5cc0fdf2825e8839e351eac70661

[ Edited by: tikigreg 2006-06-10 06:10 ]

Pages: 1 2 92 replies