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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

carved glass tiki art

Pages: 1 3 replies

cherokee posted on 06/08/2006

Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a shout, since I'm new here. I sandblast/carve glass, and the majority of my themes have been ocean related, and recently I have begun creating tiki designs in glass.
While I am new to creating tiki designs, it is not a new style or genre to me. I have enjoyed the island style for a very long time, and after enthusiastic encouragement, I am creating my own.
I will be posting some pics in the near future of my most current works...and I hope all will enjoy!
I am also in discussion with someone whom a lot of you know of, who is the source of the enthusiasm and is very excited about the work being created.
I hope I have posted this in the correct area. Pardon my mistake if so.
Otherwise, take it easy, everyone!

tikigap posted on 06/08/2006

Welcome aboard!

Let's see some pictures!

[ Edited by: tikigap 2006-06-08 07:14 ]

cherokee posted on 06/08/2006

I am working on another piece today. I will probably post 3 brand new pieces this evening. Keep your eyes peeled! I hope I can get the pic posting done properly, so the detail can be seen well.

cherokee posted on 06/09/2006

I have posted pics in the auction area, since the pieces are for sale.
Unfortunately, I am not very adept with posting pics, so they are tiny, via Shutterfly.
Please take a look, and if desired I can send pics.
I use a different photo service...the pics are good. Check the Tiki Marketplace

[ Edited by: cherokee 2006-06-08 20:08 ]

Pages: 1 3 replies