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TIKI's for the Home

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Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

Here are a few of my favorite tikis I've made to
go around the house. like this eight-footer of a rick griffin pair of twin KUs in the bedroom.

[ Edited by: Lounge deVille on 2003-02-19 18:46 ]

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

Here is a Moai door-guard with an emerald
crystal pendant with blacklite effect.

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

Here is a maori style made for Tiki Farm

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/20/2003

....wait a minute....did you carve these? In wood?

Turbogod posted on 02/20/2003

Very nice. Are they wood?

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

These tikis are "hollywood"style,they are Foam
poly and extruded styrene,carved by chainsaw.
hot wire is preferable safety wise.
after a foam master is sealed,a mold is made for casts to be poured in polyester resin to form a
hollow lightweight prop that looks like solid
wood or stone, but isn't.
The giant Ku is painted and pitted to look like
chisled lava with lots of moss and tropical silk plants attached in the built-in pockets.Used two for a trade show (ASR in San Diego)years ago.
(Eventually I may make a mold of one of these and make hollow copies to retail/wholesale.)
Right now,I'm working on a new series of yard
Tikis that are about four feet in height(.Moai)

[ Edited by: Lounge deVille on 2003-02-20 09:07 ]

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

Most of the tikis made this year ,will be made of stone , cement or fiberglass(without the glass.)
they will all outlast us or termites by decades.
The advantage is in the duplication of a
masterpiece,instead of one at a time,each time.

Chacha posted on 02/20/2003

Those are impressive. I really like the backlit door guard.
Has you ever made these commercially?
I like the fact that these are lighter weight / fiberglass....
I'd like an army of Ku's by the pool

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

Yes,That's what I do is make and sell Ancient
Cultural art;Polynesian in this case.
Work is in the back yard doing the sculpting thing.
besides,I love the atmosphere they bring to a back yard or front as I'll send picts of soon of our front tiki tropics red and green lit landscaping
out front.(I love that TIKI ROOM feeling every time I come home,don't you?

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

This is the front decor:-Lounge


"Just tryin to have a little fun ,folks."-Dean Martin

[ Edited by: Lounge deVille on 2003-02-20 11:26 ]

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

-Closer look at the eight-footer. -Lounge

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

Closer look of the four-foot Aku-Moai-Lounge

purple jade posted on 02/20/2003

[ Edited by: purple jade 2006-03-20 21:11 ]

Lounge deVille posted on 02/20/2003

The hot iron way has it's hazards too where you can be burned or shocked instead of being maimed,..But the hot irons I'm going to use are
someone elses for foam they are supplying me to carve.My prefs are extruded styrene block carved
w/electric chainsaw.Home depo used to order it.(I don't know who makes the hot irons,
but they sell some at Pearl Arts and Crafts in HB.
for the white craft/ floral foam that is comprized of "little caves"instead if "little balls."

GECKO posted on 02/21/2003

good job brah! dem wun nice tikis!

Choptop posted on 09/02/2003

Any word on making Fiberglass versions?

I'm looking for somehting for the backyard, and need a hollow, weatherproof tiki !!!

TikiMaster posted on 09/03/2003

Below is a pair of Hawaiian Tikis "Ku"

Mahalo Nui Loa,

TikiMaster posted on 09/03/2003

Aloha Choptop,
Check these guys out for Fiberglass pre-made Tikis http://www.tikitrader.com/tikiplas.html

If you need custom work..let me know. It's about $150 per feet (not cheap, the process is not simple)

A Hui Ho,

Tiki Diablo posted on 09/03/2003

Hmmmm...."little balls"? Just messing with you Marcus. How are things, haven't heard from you for a while.Welcome back and say hi to Biff for me.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 09/03/2003


Is that a link to "Tiki Trader"!?!?

He's also charging $289.00 for the the three-tiki pole when Design Toscano (who are the direct distributor) sells it for $98.95. Need I say more about Tiki Trader?

Click here for Design Toscano's webpage.

TikiMaster posted on 09/06/2003

Ooooops...OK, wrong recommendation! Thanks SugarCaddyDaddy!

Have a great weekend!


TikiMaxton posted on 09/07/2003

If anybody's interested in trying their hand at foam tikis, I have recently come by a little helpful knowledge. I'm working for a haunted house that is doing a lot of simulated stonework for a "Temple of Doom" kind of set. The blocks of stone and the Olmec heads were carved out of foam then coated with at kind of cement/stucco mix. When they were dry, we painted and aged them and, apart from the unfortunate color choice (pink sandstone - not mine), they came out looking great. I'm told that with a few coats of the cement mixture they will weather quite well outside. Here's the secret to getting polystyrene blocks in big (like 2'x3'x4') dimensions: Go to a marine repair or salvage place. They use these blocks to shore up barges and floating homes and, when they're done with them, often have trouble recycling them. We got dozens of these big 'uns for free! Chainsaw, electric carving knife and dremel tool all work for carving. I'm gonna do an entryway kind of like that Polynesia pic that was posted by Spike.

I'll post photos of the carvings when I get a chance...

seamus posted on 09/07/2003

Nice work Lounge de Ville. I'm happy to see another "sculptor" out there. I do the back yard thing as well. I work mostly in concrete, but I'm just starting to get into the foam thing. Resins and fiberglass are still a mystery to me, and from what I can tell drive the cost up significantly.
I'm hoping to be visiting Socal in the near future. Perhaps we can hook up and swap stories.
I'm gonna be packing the car full of Tikis, so anyone who wants to save on shipping costs and get a great deal,, give me a holler and tell me what you want.
This is a 3ft tall spitting fountain I recently sold.


[ Edited by: seamus on 2003-09-07 13:35 ]

Octane posted on 09/09/2003

here is MY AKU AKU to watch over my family cave or my elders cave.

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