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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki


Pages: 1 3 replies

TIKI'S GONE WILD posted on 06/10/2006

Hopefully this question does not sound to lame!
I was wondering how to ID Witco Items? Is it signed or stamped or?
Any help would be Great! A pic would be even more Appreciated!
Thanks in advance...D.

Formikahini posted on 06/10/2006

Hey TGW!

Witco is a big subject around here for sure.

You can get all (more!) than you asked for by doing a Search. Hit "Search" in the upper right hand corner here, enter Witco and the world is your (carved, wooden with burned grooves) oyster! Or you could hang on for another one or two weeks/months/years for Sven Kirsten's forthcoming book on the subject :wink:

He does have a nice section on it in his "The Book of Tiki."

Or you can be like some unscrupulous eBay sellers and call anything made of wood, "Witco," as in, "It's not signed, but many friends of mine who are experts assure me it's Witco."

Sven, I'm waiting for my check for PR....

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 06/10/2006
TIKI'S GONE WILD posted on 06/10/2006

Alright! Thanks for the info!
I guess I'll just have to wait until the
book comes out,and add it to my library!
Wait! Let me check my wallet?
Dang! Theses books are puttin' me into the
poorhouse! Hehe...........D.

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