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My backyard is being invaded by tikis.

Pages: 1 8 replies

SCTikiShack posted on 06/11/2006

In the past I was always posting different topics for each of my tikis, but it seems to make more sense posting them all under one post. Maybe one of you can show me how to create a new title under an old post, I haven't figured that out yet. I'm a tiki carver not a computer programmer.

What do you get when you combine three small tiki statues and a circular redwood burl?

At SCtikis you get a shaky coffee table. The pictures below are of a small table that I made for a close friend. Poor guy had to wait over a year, but that just made him appreciate it more. Unfortunately, I made the backs of the tikis too elaborate which cased havoc when I tried to tie them all together. Next time, if there is a next time, I will notch out the backs and attach the base with dowels and Gorilla glue.

This table has a glass top and is now happily supporting beers and chips. I just hope some drunk hooligans don't decide to wrestle near it and crush it.

Until next time,

[ Edited by: sctikishack 2006-08-02 10:05 ]

Queen Kamehameha posted on 06/11/2006

Thank is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job!


Benzart posted on 06/11/2006

Wil, thos are some Sweet tikis and a triple Sweet table. Man, you have been getting some Beautiful wood. Excellent stuff sir!

To change the heading on your thread or topic, oen the first page (if there are more than one) and at the bottom of Your post, click the "Edit" button. That brings up the edit page where you can change anything in the post including the heading. Just back out the old heading and type in the new then click "submit" at the bottom.
Hope that helps.

AlohaStation posted on 06/12/2006

Your tikis are fantastic. The seemingly simple and deep cuts give your stuf a great style.

SCTikiShack posted on 06/12/2006

Thanks to all of you.

I thouroughly enjoy making tikis and am always trying to do something new.

Ben, thanks for the insite on how to change my topic, it seems easy enough.


Polynesiac posted on 06/13/2006

Hey Will!

I'd wait a year for that table too. I'd say your friend scored! who cares if it wobbles?!?!?! I wouldn't! stick a match book under it! It's a tiki table and tiki tables ROCK.

rodeotiki posted on 06/13/2006

On 2006-06-11 13:24, SCTikiShack wrote:
Unfortunately, I made the backs of the tikis too elaborate.

Until next time,

Gee, I wish I had that problem.

Beautiful work Will. Such a good idea.

Raffertiki posted on 06/13/2006

That "poor guy" must be psyched!

Lake Surfer posted on 06/13/2006

Will, once again... creativity and style show brightly through in your work. A beautiful and functional piece of art.
You really show off the natural beauty of wood with your selections.

Pages: 1 8 replies