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(mostly) tiki centralite art : benzart curly lono, page 13, 6/25/10

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kingstiedye posted on 06/08/2006

here are some of my pieces by tiki central artists and a couple others i've been collecting. featuring: tiki tony, kirby, gecko, keigs, hai kai, tikimecula, matt reese, tikisobayli, munktiki, onatiki, benzart, basment kahuna, kaha ki'i (i miss him!), derek yaniger, dave burke, bosko, doug horne and frame fetish. i'm not including my great mugs by tiki farm, vantiki, rum demon, theartcoach, danlovestikis, poptiki, crazy al, tiki diablo, tiki jungle and others.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2010-04-14 17:37 ]

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2010-06-25 16:14 ]

kingstiedye posted on 06/08/2006

thanks to hewey for helpin' me get the pics aligned!

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-06-10 10:51 ]

hewey posted on 06/08/2006

Mate that is an awesome collection you got going there!

Kustom Kahoona* - Tiki and Hot Rod Art by Hewey*

[ Edited by: hewey 2006-06-08 19:06 ]

kingstiedye posted on 06/08/2006

mahalo hewey! i fixxed the original post.

Jeff Central posted on 06/08/2006


That is the BIGGEST collection of Tiki Tony and Gecko mugs I have ever seen. The Gecko mugs look like an entire tribe!!! Very Nice!

Cheers and Mahalo for sharing!!!


ookoo lady posted on 06/08/2006

You have created an impressive collection of contemporary tiki art.

I don't know of anyone else who has exclusively focused on the best work of the best new artists.

hiltiki posted on 06/09/2006

Just curious, who did the very last piece at the bottom, the reddish brownish elongated carving???

8FT Tiki posted on 06/09/2006

Now we know what you've been doing with your allowance!
Looks great, thanks for sharing and I'm sure the TC artists appreciate your support!

kingstiedye posted on 06/09/2006

On 2006-06-08 20:22, hiltiki wrote:
Just curious, who did the very last piece at the bottom, the reddish brownish elongated carving???

"tane mahuta" was done by maaka tipa of new zealand. it's 4 feet tall.

hala bullhiki posted on 06/09/2006

wow....just wow

teaKEY posted on 06/09/2006

What did you have on the walls before Oct. 05 2005? Hey, is that red new Zealand one really TC art?

Lookin great, do you still have the other TikiTony mugs. I think that you had two purple/black ones with the lean. Lean wit it, rock wit it.

kingstiedye posted on 06/10/2006

On 2006-06-09 06:52, teaKEY wrote:
What did you have on the walls before Oct. 05 2005? Hey, is that red new Zealand one really TC art?

Lookin great, do you still have the other TikiTony mugs. I think that you had two purple/black ones with the lean. Lean wit it, rock wit it.

i had 2 other fatutus. one went to my favorite locals, danlovestikis, for a zombie village tribute mug and the other went to my good friend travelingjones for a politiki ronnie raygun. no, i've don't think maaka tipa is a tc member. nor have i seen any posts by dave burke. i just like their work. i have another dave burke painting too, but it's frankenstein, not tiki, so i didn't include it. i did qualify it by saying a couple others in my original post. the thing i like best about my tc art is i like the artists so much. i've never met any of them in person, but i feel like i know them from their posts and personal messages. all are people i'd be proud to have as friends. soon i'll have 4 flounder burlap paintings of coco joe's, a thorsten hasenkamm tiki painting and a frankenstein/tiki thrill ride painting by pooch. also, hewey is gonna do a pinstriped tiki painting for me soon. :)

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-06-10 11:01 ]

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-06-10 11:06 ]

aikiman44 posted on 06/10/2006

Nice. Very nice.

teaKEY posted on 06/11/2006

Of all the Tony mugs, I really like that yellow one the best. Looks like a banana. My green in my collection is my favorite, and actually made my dad take notice. Its one of the only full body relief sculpture mugs.

kingstiedye posted on 06/11/2006

teaKEY, i always appreciate your interest and comments on my collection. pm your address, i'm gonna send you a mug.

rodeotiki posted on 06/12/2006

Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing your collection of great art.

TravelingJones posted on 06/13/2006

HO King! SsweeetT Merciful Tikis my braddah!!...you dropped the gates to da palace and now the natives run wildly & neck'd through da cache booty!!! Quick put the plastic covers on the sofa!

Beautiful collection of workz my man. I echo teaKey's comment that there musta been lotsa blank walls and shelfless space before October 05. Whatever sparked the flame inside you, has blowtorched into a marvelous gallery of the Tops in TC Artistry! I too have been drawn to the flame of enormous talent exhibited and offered by these ambitious creative artists. Just trying to follow along with a few and what they offer is dizzying at best BUT somehow you manage to strike out ahead, catch them at there best and snag thier most unbelievable workz everytime.

Thanks for opening my eyes to what one can strive for in collecting. One or two pieces are a treasure by themselves BUT displayed together...what beauty to behold!
You sir are amassing a definitive collection of Mod-tiki Americana!

Mahaloz for the peekz,cuz!


kingstiedye posted on 06/13/2006

mahalo to hewey, jeff, ookoo, 8ft, hala bullhiki, aikiman44, teaKEY and rodeotiki for the kind words! jones, my braddah, you are so kind and have such a way with words. mahalo for bringing a big smile to my face!

Benehune posted on 06/14/2006

You have a great collection. Thanks for sharing. When are you going to post pics of all your mugs. I am curious about how you have them displayed.

kingstiedye posted on 06/14/2006

mahalo benehune. check out this thread for some of my mugs: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=18458&forum=5&32 and here's a pic of my munktikis from 4 months ago. i have a few more now. a lot, mostly vintage, aren't properly displayed. i need more shelves!

hewey posted on 06/14/2006

Thats a lot of mugs!

cheeky half posted on 06/15/2006

That's a great collection kingstiedye! It's wonderful to see how much love and pride you have for the art that you collect.

Who made the mug with the hair that is next to tiki tony's?

cheeky half

Benehune posted on 06/15/2006

Thanks Kingstiedye. Your collection is very impressive! Keep on sharing: I like to live vicariously.

aikiman44 posted on 06/15/2006

Damn! I love that!

kingstiedye posted on 06/15/2006

On 2006-06-15 09:07, cheeky half wrote:
That's a great collection kingstiedye! It's wonderful to see how much love and pride you have for the art that you collect.

Who made the mug with the hair that is next to tiki tony's?

cheeky half

mahalo cheeky. all those on that shelf are tiki tony's. the ones with hair are custom shrunkys.

Tikiwahine posted on 06/15/2006

Great collection king!

It's wondeful that they're out on display instead of hidden away in boxes.
Do you use many/any of your mugs?

cheeky half posted on 06/15/2006

That custom shrunky is sweeeeeet. Thanks for sharing!

kingstiedye posted on 06/15/2006

On 2006-06-15 11:59, Tikiwahine wrote:
Great collection king!

It's wondeful that they're out on display instead of hidden away in boxes.
Do you use many/any of your mugs?

mahalo tw. my favorites to drink out of are munktiki ultra cute monkey, tiki farm lucky tiki and when i'm really thirsty jungle trader's pika kewalaka. i have doubles of those and i like the way they feel in my hand. i hope this doesn't disappoint anyone, but it's been 20 years this month since i've drunk alcohol. as you can see, i can't do anything in moderation. i like to say i drank enough to last a lifetime. i quit when my first marriage was in trouble, but my wife didn't like me sober either. well, i don't miss it and am better off now.

Tikiwahine posted on 06/15/2006

That's great king! Alcohol is never a requirement.
I say every beverage is better when served in a tiki mug.

Do you display your doubles along with their counterparts?

kingstiedye posted on 06/16/2006

nope, they're in the cupboard! i always use a tiki mug in our monthly poker tournaments and i'm the leading money winner 2 years running. aw, the power of the tiki!

moonturtle posted on 06/23/2006

That is one sweet set up all around very nice, Jeff

kingstiedye posted on 08/03/2006

just got this one. "the discovery" by tiki central artist thorsten hasenkamm.

teaKEY posted on 08/03/2006

My favorite thorsten hasenkamm painting. I liked it so much when I saw it the first saw, I saved the picture on my computer. That's a keeper

kingstiedye posted on 08/03/2006

yeah, teaKEY, i dug it from the first time i saw it, too. this painting is a world traveler, too. it went from germany to france to be in a show. then the french curator mailed it to the shooting gallery in san francisco for unknown reasons. thorsten then tracked it down with instructions to send it to me. instead it went BACK to france, and then finally to me! it was worth the wait, though. in person the painting is so vibrant that pics don't do it justice. great work thorsten!

rodeotiki posted on 08/03/2006

Congrats, Amazing that it never got lost or even worse boosted by someone.

hewey posted on 08/04/2006

Nice man!

kingstiedye posted on 08/28/2006

here are my latest additions to my tc art collection.

coco joe's on burlap by flounder.

club by johnnyp

lava bottom lamp by onatiki.

lamp by tiki tiny. wall hanging by bosko.

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-08-28 16:03 ]

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-08-28 16:07 ]

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-08-29 12:33 ]

Matt Reese posted on 08/29/2006

Greatest collection out there, hands down. Be proud. I know I would be.

kingstiedye posted on 08/29/2006


[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-08-29 12:24 ]

kingstiedye posted on 08/29/2006
Tikiwahine posted on 08/29/2006

totally fantastic, thanks for posting king!

PS mucho mahlaos for the S&P!

teaKEY posted on 08/29/2006

Mind blowing

Just think if Gecko is the next Picasso and you have the bulk of his artwork. You have more than Gecko has. If there ever was a Gecko Museum, it would have to be your house or the museum would be empty.

Fifty years down the road, estate sale at your house. It would be like the find at the end of "National Treasure".

Some guys buy sports cars or expensive houses or real-estate but this is more impressive. I would think, even to a non-tiki person, they could see the passion and beauty in those items. Those are highly well crafted items and 99.999% of the world has never seen of it.

If these items were ever lost down the road and then refound archaeologists would think that were from a lost culture or island called Gecko.

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Paipo posted on 08/29/2006

I'd be very surprised if anyone had a better collection of contemporary stuff than Bullet. Seeing all those Gecko pieces together really shows what a great artist he is.
Is he still selling these?
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Good on you for supporting the new wave of artists, I'm looking forward to being represented in such a great collection.

aikiman44 posted on 08/29/2006

Breathtaking. No shit.

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kingstiedye posted on 08/30/2006

paipo, da big puka is out of production, but gecko does custom pieces.

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JohnnyP posted on 08/30/2006

This has got to be the tops collection around. The more I look, the more I see that I want! I am really humbled to be part of it.


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tiki5-0 posted on 08/31/2006

i am absolutely SPEECHLESS with your collection!!! i remember seeing a small part of it a while back in a post, but this is SOOOOO freaking awesome!! most people would LOVE to have a collection like yours. i'm sure it's even better in person, too. if i am ever up that direction i would love to see it. truely amazing pieces from a lot of TC's best!!

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kingstiedye posted on 09/02/2006

beach bontiki by miles thompson. after talking to miles on the phone i'm really glad i bought this painting, cuz he's a very nice, enthusiastic guy, not to mention a great artist. the glare is caused by plexi-glass to protect it while it hung in a lounge. i'm thinking of removing it.
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here are some hei tikis by a new tc member, tamapoutini. he's from new zealand. please check out his thread in the creating forum.
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