Tiki Central / Tiki Central Ohana
A HUGE Mahalo to Pablus & Jonpez!
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Haole Kat
Pablus hooked us up with a gig in Brandon yesterday afternoon. Our new friend, Dave, just opened a Tiki Bar in his backyard. There were a few faces from last year's gig with The Crazed Mugs at Clancy's Freaky Tiki, which was pretty cool. It was a great time and I sure hope we get invited back. Jon hired HAOLE KATS!!! to play his birthday party up near Orlando yesterday. It was alot of fun. Saw some TC'ers and met some new folks, too. The atmosphere was great and the weather Gods were smiling on us, thankfully. Hope you had a Hapyy Birthday, Jon! Thanks to the both of you for sending some work our way. We had some last minute cancellations from a venue we often work, and these 2 gigs helped make up for some of the loss. We're very glad to have had the chance to fill those holes. Mahalo! |
Always helpful to fill holes. Whoah. That didn't sound right. Fantastic to have you there, Got nothing but good responses from all, including the neighbors. Had not heard your new Surf stuff before, so that was a treat! Jon |
Well I finally shook off that hang-over from Pezboy's party... what the h#ll were we drinking anyway? Tristan you are the toxicologist! Anyway, we had a great time seeing Flounder, Megan, Bre-elle, Haole Kats. Kimmy (Kabora), Sandra, that madcap Kono and the rest. I think tiki is causing brain dmagae, damge, madage, damage. I just haven't been inspired to post like I used to. Maybe you all are getting to be too familiar and the Internet seems so remote and distant; especially with all the friggin commercials on TC these days. Uuuugh****. I do enjoy seeing everyone for real, and laughing and talking story. (We did miss Pablus though) Josh, Joe and TJ - it was great to have you on our side of the state - not just to hear your good kine music, but to laugh with you. I hope my dancing didn't embarass anyone besides Marian. Maybe I should grow dreadlocks... then we can have a soul shakedown tiki party - and the rest of you lifeless corpses will have to start moving your dancing feat - in a big zombie conga line sorta way with fire! Oh, Marian told me I said we might have a party around the fourth of July. I'm still thinking about it. Maybe a Jimmy Buffet/Peter Tosh kind of thing with Hawaiian accidents thrown in. If you were at Pezzy's, then Saturday July 1st at the Honolulu Lounge sounds about right. Sorry I can't include more, but our tiki temple is smallish 'cause it was built by menehunes. PM me kidz, as Bigbro might say, and we'll figure it out. [ Edited by: Kailuageoff 2006-06-16 17:31 ] |
Just finally caught this thread. Yes, big mahalos out to all the fine folks at Dave's and JonPez's parties! I was WHOLLY wiped by the time we got back to St. Pete, but it was a fun day. (Note to self: don't drink so damn much when you're playing two gigs the same day outside in the heat!) Aloha, |
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