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Revell Reissues Pirate Ship

Pages: 1 4 replies

larryc39 posted on 06/19/2006

Ok, it's borderline tiki but for the older kids here Revell is reissuing their pirate ship model in some sort of anniversary kit reissuance. It's based off the disney/peter pan ship.


suburbanpagan posted on 06/19/2006

That's the coolest! I remember my favorite model was of a pirate ship that I painted with glow in the dark paint and it looked awesome.........until the day my brother and I had a lightsaber duel with my giant tinkertoys and the galleon sank! sigh

[ Edited by: suburbanpagan 2006-06-18 22:19 ]

Polynesiac posted on 06/19/2006

Pirate stuff is cool. I had a glow in the dark pirate ship model as a kid too. But I think it came that way as a kit. Also by Revell, I believe.

thanks for the post!

Philot posted on 06/19/2006

Damn, here I thought this was going to be about the 70's PotC models by MPC with the "Zap Action!" and all.
mor bettar info : http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/1893/pirates/items/?200619#hard_to_find

(Holy moly! I didn't realize they did a series of Haunted Mansion models, too!)

[ Edited by: PhiloT 2006-06-19 12:01 ]

larryc39 posted on 07/04/2006

Wow! I didn't realize there were so many modelers still here. I ordered one from http://www.modelcarkits.com waiting to see what it's like. I'd built some ships in the past, if you're looking for realistic ships though, Lindberg has I think 4 they regularly issue that are a bit more realistic than the revell one. Then again they take a lot longer to build as well 8^)

And if you've REALLY got money modelexpo-online.com sells huge wooden ship kits.

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