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Farewell mrsmiley Wednesday at Forbidden Island - 6/21 TONIGHT!

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martiki posted on 06/21/2006

With the start of summer, so too begins a new chapter in the life of The Zazzman...

This is Bruce's last Wednesday at FI- come on out and wish him well as he will soon be embracing the desert lifestyle.

Bruce probably will not be over until 10pm, so plan to stick around late!

midnite posted on 06/21/2006

Words cannot describe my emotions, at times like these only fine art can properly convey my thoughts:

Bon Voyage and best wishes to Mrs Miley. The Bay Area's loss is Las Vegas' gain, indeed. Come back soon Bruce, and often.

This is so...not Zazz.

Coco Loco posted on 06/21/2006

in agreement, not ZAZZ. Let's incorporate the city of Las Vegas into the Bay Area. Let's just move it. Come on, I've been soliciting movers for Mr. Smiley's move, so just a few more...and I'm sure we can move the city. :wink:

I personally am going to head over to MrsMiley's today to help him pack to ensure that he can hopefully make it to FI by 10pm. Any other takers to help make sure he gets to the party before it's over?

Long live MrsMiley!

Unga Bunga posted on 06/21/2006

On 2006-06-21 11:49, midnite_tiki wrote:
Words cannot describe my emotions, at times like these only fine art can properly convey my thoughts:

(Photo ripped off from KuKuAhu)

Well Thanks for the notice. (?)
Gonna miss ya my friend. See you at Hukilau!

Humuhumu posted on 06/21/2006

We'll be there, we just don't know when -- a work meeting & some jus' plain old work are keeping us in Monolux until a bit later than normal this week -- see you tonight!

Molokai Mike posted on 06/21/2006

We're going to miss you Smiley Man!!
or at least looking forward to seeing you in Vegas (or on one of your many, many trips to the Bay Area) Best of luck with everything!!

mrsmiley posted on 06/22/2006

Thanks everyone for showing up--it meant alot to me!

Martiki, that gift you gave me was, how can I say it?-ZAZZ!!

thanks everyone!!

PS-see this thread abput how you can help me out;

Coco Loco posted on 06/22/2006

A new menu item was created in honor of Mr. Smiley. It's a surprise for those who venture into the Forbidden Island....:wink:

rugbymatt posted on 06/22/2006


Let me know next time you are venturing to NYC and I'll drive in from the Lehigh, we can meet up at Otto's or Waikiki Wally's. Hopefully this move will not prevent you from attending Hukilau?


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