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Dumb Angel Gazette No. 4

Pages: 1 13 replies

Of possible interest to Tiki enthusiasts . . . The new full-color magazine Dumb Angel Gazette No. 4 makes its debut on Thursday, June 16, in a show at the Duck Soup pop culture boutique in Westwood (Los Angeles, California) . . . The editors have included a piece called "Nudity Prevails: The Tiki Tease," and also a few articles on Exotica. For more details, including the cover image and Table of Contents, visit the Official Jan Berry Board . . . A new Website for Dumb Angel is forthcoming.

WOW!! Thanks for the tip. I have been wondering when this was coming out. I wrote a small article on Martin Denny's "oddities". Albums that he did that swerved past the exotica realm. I also noticed a piece on Les Baxter by James Call and an article on Arthur Lyman by our very own Otto Von Stroheim. I can't wait to get this!!!



Mark this looks great! Please be sure to post here again when the new website is up and taking orders.

The new Website is now up . . . and the mailing address and online ordering info will be forthcoming:

Dumb Angel Magazine


The new Message Board for Dumb Angel Magazine has been posted . . . Please feel free to join us for some lively discussion.

Is this magazine available from any of the BIG chain book stores?

Right now, it's in select retail outlets in L.A. -- but rapidly expanding to other cities.

The buzz has started, and early interest is picking up on both coasts.

The P.O. Box went up today, for mail orders ... and the online ordering service should be up any time now.

Go to the board and contact Brian Chidester for more information.


Okay guys, the online store for Dumb Angel Magazine (with PayPal option) is up and running . . .

Just go to the page that says "Buy Now" . . . and click the button that says "ADD TO CART" . . .

Contents of interest to Tiki and Exotica enthusiasts include the following (plus loads of other great stuff):

Nudity Prevails: The Tiki Tease

The Marimba You Send Out Returns To You: The Influence of Exotica on Psychedelic Music — by Tobias Bernsand and Brian Chidester

Les Baxter: The Godfather of Exotica (sidebar) — by James Call

Denny Oddities (Martin Denny, sidebar) — by Jeff Chenault

Arthur Lyman: Exotica Music's Prodigal Son — by Otto von Stroheim

Full color, 148 pages, art stock paper.

Enjoy . . .


[ Edited by: Mark A. Moore 2005-07-06 17:05 ]


Thanks Mark! I just ordered a copy.


Late to the party here, but just got mine and it's awesome. For what it's worth, if anyone's straddling the fence on this purchase as I was for a while, I'd say go ahead and take the plunge. It's great stuff.

I'd like to float a question out there (knowing it might just float indefinitely and never get answered, which would be OK too...): what's behind the title, "Dumb Angel"? I think I'm somewhat tuned into references and indirect meanings, but this just leaves me wondering. Which may be what it's supposed to do.

The title Dumb Angel comes from the original working title that was given to Brian Wilson's SMILE album.

Dumb Angel Gazette #4 is Highly Recommended for anyone into Beatnik, Surf and Exotica Music!!!!!!!!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

The cover looks like the issue I got last year, which I loved. Is #4 a new issue?


Ahh -- thanks! I've enjoyed the recently produced and released SMiLE CD, but didn't know that bit of background info.

Now, I guess my next step is to ponder, in which sense should I understand "dumb" here -- "mentally dull" or "without speech"?

I think that's just something that'll have to be left up to interpretation. Ambiguity being an aspect of art.

Thanks again.


They are numbered right on the front of the issue. Note that I am not talking about a "new" issue here -- I resurrected this thread because I only just got this issue (#4) which has been available for a while. And besides, I figured discussion of this publication deserved a "bump" here, it's so excellent.

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