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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving


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flynny posted on 06/22/2006

I have been a lurker on the board for quite a while but am jumping in out of desperation. Does anyone know where I can get hold of any plaited olona for carvings I am in the process of making.
I know there was a member who made some really great stuff but hasn't posted for a while, any help would be most appreciated or a point in the right direction.

Polynesiac posted on 06/22/2006

aloha and welcome!

Here's the information of the guy who I think you are referring to. (his name is Kahi Ki'i)


On his business website he states that "Although natural fibers such as Olona, Hau fiber and coconut sennet are the traditional ancient materials used for Polynesian style cordage, we mainly use nylon/polyester cord for its long lasting strength & durability." Eventhough he doesn't use olona, he may know where you can purchase some.

Here's some information about Olona (incase you're desperate and want to make your own rope!)

and from the same website, is a list of stores that may have what you're looking for:

Good luck! and post pics when you're all done so we can "oooooo" and "aaaahhhh" over them!

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