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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

BENZARTs Carvings, FIRST thread 04-09-2006

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WE REALLY LOVE YOU BEN!!! Great work as always!


ALOHA and Thanks to Everyone for all the kind words. There were too many to individually respond to and my fingers are really sore. Typing is difficult when the ends of your main fingers have been pricked by a little prick of a tiki who was nasty until the Very end. I cannot believe how many times he bit me, but I can count 5 fresh ones that are less than 3 days old.. Yes I'll be glad to box him up and send him away. Aaron just watch your fingers.
This piece has been a real learning experience for me in really getting deep detail. The last tall skinny Lono was very difficult but not like this one. Though I love carving mahogany, it is really too soft and splintery to get this kind of detail so next venture like this needs to be a harder wood.
Also I'm going to get some of that green carvers tape for my fingers.
This guy has added lots of pages to this gigantic thread so I will start another one for the next carving but I will put a link for this one in the first page.
Thanks again for all the great response throughout this carving. It's been like a little book I guess that lasted forever.
Mahalos to all.

hewey posted on Tue, May 24, 2005 8:36 PM

Holy crap...

Sure there is the whole biting thing, but I don't know how you could sell that! That is some truely awe inspiring carving there dude - well done!

The detail in a piece that size! I have seen bigger pieces with nowhere near as much detail. If you used a star treck style thing and enlargened it to lifesize I beleive it would still look supremely detailed.

I sit here in a mixture of awe, envy, and delight in seeing such a piece of art.

Dude that is awesome.

(jeez this a big thread! :))

head shaking talking to self in muffled sounds of disbelief

Okay, Ben says Lono's in the mail, so now I'm just gonna shuffle around to the back of the line (only 35 on Ben's list right now...). Put me down for one of those fantastic Maori heads when you get to #36, will ya Ben. I'll be waiting patiently. (tap, tap, tap...) :)



i love how it's got the curve on it's head. my dad's got a couple of your's and i can't get enough of 'em, keep it up

Wow! Love it! You really made him come alive. Awesome Ben.


jeez B

have a damn drink and lay back and celebrate...you deserve it...thanks again for the inspiration...let me know when my number is up again...i am still in line i hope...

you rock!!!


Once again All you guys ROCK. Lono is a well fed happy camper to get so much attention and so much blood.
Got my son all packed up and moved out this weekend so will have the house to myself and Sherry. It will take about a wek to get things cleaned up and rearranged. You know, all the stuff that leaves with the kid leaves me with more room to spread out and CARVE MORE... with in the next few days I'll really be kikkin butt.
Big Mahalos for all the props from Everyone. You guys really know how to make a grown man shed a tear or two.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-05-31 12:22 ]

Octane posted on Wed, Jun 1, 2005 6:46 PM

Be simply amazing, i have not been on in a while, and know i'm sorry i missed all the great tikis you did. AA is a lucky guy. as always your stuff is as close to perfection as it can get.


Thanks Octane, where you been hiding, it's been awhile.
Glad to have you back and carving too!

Just wanted to say Aloha! and hope to score some of your awesome work for my collection. send me some pictures of your work: [email protected] Mahalo!


Thanks Da Big Haole, and Welcome to TC. I sent you some pix thru shutterfly.


Awesome Ben! Just Awesome.

Ben I recieved the #60. Awesome!!! I will wear it with pride brutha.


Thanks McTiki I appreciate that.
FLOUNDER< Thanks, I'm glad he arrived saftely.
I also received your Flame Man Chu print today too Also VERY AWSOME

Aloha Ben!!!!!!!!
Got antmore Goodies on the way. I'm going through withdraws my brother, Look forward to seeing them. Aloha for now, your friend, mooney


[ Edited by: Benzart 2005-11-22 16:26 ]

Aloha ben, I'm glad your back carving and glad your opperation went well my friend.I'm also glad and thankful for people like you who take the High road and support all the people here with Positive ideas and thoughts, and dont have beat us up and make others feel bad to try to make themselfs bigger. I know I speak for many others who say thank you for being a LEADER and for sharing us your jems of wisdom Mahalo Ben and aloha your friend jimmy mooney



Bete posted on Mon, Jan 23, 2006 4:01 PM

Wow, a whole new thread to check out! I like the Ku and Lono looking pieces that are posted in here, how coooooool!

Bete posted on Mon, Jan 23, 2006 4:04 PM

Wow, some of the pieces in this thread here look like ancient archaeological artifacts, I feel like I'm looking at museum pieces in here.

Bete posted on Mon, Jan 23, 2006 4:12 PM

That Lono on page 48 is cool. Your house must look like a museum. A cool lit-up showcase would be nice to display the figures in. I bet. Awesome work.


Thanks Bete, would you believe that All of thesew pieces belong to other TC'rs and Not Me? If I had a nice lighted case, It would be Empty, or I could keep my few mugs there.
I didn't think you had seen this thread.

Bete posted on Mon, Jan 23, 2006 5:22 PM

No, I didn't see this thread before (so glad it got bumped to the top, thank you), this site is sooooooooo big that I'll never be able to see everything. Yeah, I figured those pieces made it into other people's collections, looks like you made a lot of people happy. I really like the "detail' you put into your pieces. Amazing that you work with small pieces and big pieces. Must take lots of time, practice and patience. I totally want to carve something someday now, it would have to be fairly small though, as I don't have a garage or much room at home. Keep up the good work!

GMAN posted on Mon, Feb 13, 2006 4:35 PM

BUMP. I love this stuff!


Your carvings are amazing! So glad I finally had a chance to see them! And all the emails to you! Do you feel loved and appreciated or what!!! I would definitly put them all into an album!!!
Keep on truck... I mean carvin'!!! Auntie Bungy


well, i never saw this thread. now i'm going home and clearing off my desk. no more carving for me.

ben, when you start a new list, let me know.


Thanks Bete, This thread is only 50 pages, so I gues it's about time to let the current one go into the archives too. Yes, All these are in TC'rs collections, infact everything I have carved since coming to TC is in TC'rs collections, soma almost 80 or so pieces.
Just get yourself a Knife and a piece of wood and start makin chips. A word of warning though, once you complete your first tiki, you will have been bitten and there will be No turning back. Spend all your money on tools and wood. Your work, health, marriage and anything else you Used to spend time on will suffer. Have FUN.
Thanks for the BUmp GMAN.
Auntie Bungy, Thanks for the praise, and Yes I feel Very Loved, and I love all these TC Peeps like my own kidz, the good ones And the bad. I'm afraid I Must keep on carving until they pry the chisels out of my hands, I'm stuck. LOVE your Stories!
Thanks PDrake, I'm glad you found this old thread, this starts with my First carving after a few years off.
Thanks TC, I Love All of you.

GMAN posted on Sat, Jun 24, 2006 5:40 PM

Bump for the stone carver....



I will trry to fix the early links in this thread if anyone can tell me a simple way??

GMAN posted on Thu, Sep 14, 2006 8:22 PM

Bump for the Big Man!


Since it seems next to impossible to fix all the broken links to the old shutterfly pictures I have provided links to 1000 older pictures covering all my earlier pendants and some Tropicana carvings as well. Hope this helps

Paipo posted on Wed, Sep 20, 2006 1:31 PM

1000 new Benzart pictures? There goes my day!

GMAN posted on Thu, Nov 16, 2006 4:26 AM

Bump for Adam




bump too the,. Here is the First one!@

On 2004-02-02 17:44, Benzart wrote:
Well, I can't do much more to this little thing.Tomorrow I'll open an E-bay account and it will be my first offering.Here is the back with the new Logo.(next one will be better.)

Final demensions are 1 1/2" tall by 7/8" wide.

If anyone wants this before it goes to e-bay let me know

[ Edited by: Benzart 2007-07-10 05:58 ]

Walnut shell art ? .........

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