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50% off ALL Bamboo Ben 6/23,24,25....

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RevBambooBen posted on 05/02/2006

Aloha Tiki Central Members and Lurkers,

50% off Everything in the Bamboo Ben Hut ( except the mugs and raw materials)

on June 23rd 24th and 25th.

Holly carp fish!! We're actually going to be open on a Friday!?! First time in 7 years!!

We need to make a lil' room for a remodel of the BB Hut.

Everything must go. Even our desk!

Crazy Al might be ( 95% sure) Carving out front on Sunday and selling his stuff too.

And there will be cold pineapple juice on hand also.

Any "Un-Plugged" musicians are welcome for impromptu' jams.


Oh ya, 10-ish to 4-ish all 3 daze!

712 Yorktown Ave. Huntington Beach Ca. 92648

Major cross st. Beach Blvd. and Yorktown (200 yrds west)

Also...prove that you are a Tiki Central Member and get a free Bamboo Ben 70% Bamboo T- Shirt!! Soft as a baby's bottom!

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga 2006-06-19 11:08 ]

[ Edited by: RevBambooBen 2006-06-19 11:15 ]

Lake Surfer posted on 05/02/2006

Beautiful work Ben!

Ahhhh, if HB wasn't so far away I would have a brand new Benboo bar in the tiki room.

Wishing you a successful weekend in finding new home for all that great work!


Tiki Flange posted on 05/02/2006

Ben, you're work is beautiful!

I'm with you Lake, I think someday I may need to make a tiki pilgrimage to the West coast and haul back a trailer full of cool stuff.

At least we've got the Tiki Terrace around here, and tonight's $3.00 Mai Tai night!

hodadhank posted on 05/02/2006


50% off at Ben's in Huntington and Oasis in SD at the same time????!!! How am I supposed to be in two places at once? I haven't done the zygote thing in years.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I think I'm getting a splitting headache...

sneakyjack posted on 05/03/2006

you ready to ship to NYC area yet!!

good times

RevBambooBen posted on 05/03/2006

Aloha Out of Town Tiki Freaks!

Sorry. No shipping yet. But! If you can find a person in the area with one of those handy dandy camera phones......
( only if we know you).......you might be able to shop via 3rd person and then have them ship it?

Something like that.

p.s. We'll have a website sometime soon...............

( But! you probably won't be able to buy from it. Sorry.)

p.s.s. The store is packed to the gills with tons of Tiki and tons of Tacky. But, no Tacky Tiki (That's what the Giant Corporations are for). We at Bamboo Ben, are all about, all different, all the time!!!

p.s.s.s. Hodad, is that from Scanners? Got me a new drill toady!

RevBambooBen posted on 05/04/2006

Al ooooooo HA !

Kim from Orlando, Fl. stopped by today on her rounds before Oasis and snagged the routed tiki on the right. So, kiss that one good bye!

She's way cool and was way stoked. She picked up her complimentary Bamboo Ben 70% Bamboo T-shirt too! The thing is, she might have to wear it for a while because the airline lost her luggage!! (bastards!!! Arrrr!!)

Tiki Arcade posted on 05/04/2006


I live about a mile away and have been meaning to stop by and take a look around. I have a Tiki party I need to buy stuff for and the timing on this couldn't be better! I have no idea how I'll get anything big back to my house with my small car, but I'll worry about that later.

Awesome, awesome. I feel like I just got something taken care of and I haven't even stopped by yet...

RevBambooBen posted on 05/09/2006


Sale held over for the post Oasis blues

this weekend, 5/13 and 5/14

Happy Mothers Day!

Mom Rocks!

Karbora posted on 05/22/2006

Aloha Bamboo Ben-

After what was no doubt my most exciting tiki road trip yet to the west coast, I made it back to O.Ville with the tiki in tow and intact. It took the airport security guys a couple of passes under the scanner to see what was under all that bubble wrap........but I heard them exclaim after a few inquisitive looks......NICE TIKI!! I referred them to the logo on your shirt that I was wearing, even though it wasn't my only choice of clothing as the airline did finally locate my luggage in Phoenix. Go figure. Anyway, visiting your studio was one of the highlights of my trip and you were so gracious with your time and showing me around the place. I really appreciated the experience. I had a hard time choosing what to bring back with me as I wanted one of everything. One of my fondest memories of the Tiki Oasis VI weekend will be you and the Trader Mort mug. Never has one tikiphile taken such good care of a mug...............it was with you from beginning to end! Never did you lose site of the goal which was to put the mug to good use. Way to go Bamboo Ben. Thanks for passing the aloha spirit my way. Long live Tiki :)


RevBambooBen posted on 05/31/2006


Forgot to take the sign down.

Last weekend for sale.

6-3 and 6/4


Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 06/01/2006

Finally on a payday AND I'm in town! Look out, here I come!

bamalamalu posted on 06/02/2006

Yahoo! I'm never in that area, but am on my way up to LA for the Weekend and my friends wanted to swing through HB on the way home anyway! Looking forward to finally visiting on Sunday!

bamalamalu posted on 06/05/2006

Just wanted to say thanks again for a great shopping experience yesterday. I made it to the store just in time and came home with armloads of amazing bargains! Mahalo tons to Mrs. Boo, who was wonderfully patient as I ran around trying to see everything there was to see right when she was getting ready to close up shop (and she didn't even smack my friend when he asked if she was Ben!)

I picked up a great mug shelf and a very cool Tiki art piece that will soon grace my bedroom wall, plus some extra glasses. I wish I had a bigger place (and a truck!) so I could've taken even more. Prices were great even before the sale discount, which made them just unbelievable! With the super soft free t-shirts on top of that, we practically couldn't have made a better deal if they were paying us to take the stuff out of the store!

Definitely recommended to anyone who hasn't been yet; I'm going to have to take the Huntington Beach detour more often!

RevBambooBen posted on 06/19/2006


For new sale on old thread :wink:

See page 1 .

6/23, 24, 25 Blow out! 50% off !!!

crazy al posted on 06/24/2006

I've been sitting on these guys for a while....
They are prototypes from my importer friends Smoke'n Tikis...
Indo carved Crazy AL #45 & #55 Tikis!!!

Great craftsmanship with 'details added by yours truly!!
(tiki fetish for #45 not included)

18"and 10" tall, carved from Malaysian Hardwood
Last Proto Type of #45 left!!!
Very Few of the #55's available!

Come on down and save on the shipping and Ebay inflated prices!!!!

also come check out TIKI#1 & TIKI#2 MUG MASTERS!!! Mugs available this AUG!!!

come on down and sign up for the first 50 of these band new, unreleased designs.

AND my most involved tiki carving yet.... #120!!!!! Von Rat Tiki!!!! I'll be carving all afternoon Sunday!!

Benzart posted on 06/24/2006

AL, this is just plain AWESOME Stuff. THose Mugs are Gotta Have Stuff. You make me want to learn how to carve again!

GROG posted on 06/24/2006

Damn!!!!! You ARE crazy!!

Awesome stuff, Al. See you tomorrow.


Queen Kamehameha posted on 06/25/2006

Ben, are you open sunday? thanks


RevBambooBen posted on 06/25/2006


Amy, yes, we are open Sunday from 10ish to 4ish.....

CRAZY AL will be in da hut!!! from Noon-ish to 4-ish....
( he'll be trying to carve but my guess is he'll be on his nuts. See below).......

We will have ice cold pineapple juice throughout the day
( byo-rum)........

Ukes for troops might show up for a lil' impromptu jam. Or,
any of you who feel like hangin'can jam anytime. Come on down.
Bring your unplugged items......

It'll be a laid back day "spike your punch style", and maybe a game of woofle bamboo stick ball in the afternoon......

The best times come from nowhere. No plans. No worries......

Good times......

8FT Tiki posted on 06/25/2006

Anyone out there willing to pick me up an XL Bamboo Ben shirt and mail it to MO???? Always liked them thangs!
LMK thanks 8FT

Queen Kamehameha posted on 06/25/2006

On 2006-06-24 20:40, 8FT Tiki wrote:
Anyone out there willing to pick me up an XL Bamboo Ben shirt and mail it to MO???? Always liked them thangs!
LMK thanks 8FT

hi 8ft, pm me your address, I will get it for you when I go. No problem.


Queen Kamehameha posted on 06/26/2006

great to see you and Vicki ben, thanks for the sale, cool stuff, already hung it up :)


ookoo lady posted on 06/26/2006

We were afraid that all the good stuff would be gone by Sunday, but there was still a great selection. It was hard to make a choice because there was so much to see.

We ended up buying this cool little tiki hut by Bamboo Ben, which will be used to display our favorite tiki or mug. A steal at only $15.00!

Then Crazy Al showed up with his stuff, and we had another difficult choice to make. We bought this one, and put a deposit on another that he had already roughed-out. We can't wait to see the finished product!

Of course, the best part of the day is seeing Crazy Al in action. Nobody can swing a mallet and chisel like this guy!

RevBambooBen posted on 06/26/2006

Aloha Friends of the Bamboo Ben Tribe,

Wow! What a Crazy 3 Daze. Compare this pic to the one earlier when the store was packed. Looks like a tornado blew threw...

Here's another pic....

Most of the stuff on the floor is sold and will be picked up in 2 Weeks.

It's like a ghost town now.....

....except for Mrs Bamboo's Desk...pic below, which would sell for 2600 new, and is now at 1000 used.

still avail...

Now off to the Mahalos!!

Mrs. Bamboo! Crazy Al! Tiki Bong! Hawk a Luggie! CULT of the EYE!! Mike, Roxy and Biff!! Amy!!! The guy with the dreads ( agent orange), EARNIE aka GROG!!!! Krustiki and Oooookooo, and anyones else I forgot, like Spermy who needed to eat!!!!!

And a special mahalos to the lurkers!!! who are Da Kine!!!

Hopefully, by the end of July, the Bamboo Ben Hut will have a new look on the interior. A

A good excuse to have a party. Maybe a Mele Kilikimaka gig!!


Da Boo Tribe...

crazy al posted on 06/26/2006

Nice! another VISA payment in the mail on time!! thanks Ben for inviting me out...... not much done on the ol' Tiki#120 "von rat tiki" However... lots of talking about it to all the great supporters of my VISA bill... "U' da Kind" as Gecko would be saying...

with a shot of Crusty Rum and pineapple for breakfast... all that was created this day was me signature butt crack

thanks again

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