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TIKI-INVASION, Mission Tiki Drive-In Theatre, 8/5

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'Vid posted on 05/19/2006

Greetings all!

We've had so many changes and updates, I figured I'd better go ahead and start a new post about Tiki-Invasion, the all day, all night 50th anniversary bash at the Mission Tiki Drive-In Theatre in Montclair, CA.

We have info posted at http://www.myspace.com/missiontiki, and we have http://www.missiontiki.com updated with event info also. Online tickets are available NOW at http://www.missiontiki.com or through TICKET ALTERNATIVE:

The Mission Tiki is extremely excited to annouce "TIKI-INVASION", our ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT, COLASSAL 50th Anniversary bash on Saturday August 5th!

Here's the full lineup, and start times:
The Muffs 7:45pm Legendary rock/powerpop/punkpop trio headline our event!
The 88 6:45pm One of the hottest bands in L.A.
The Woggles 5:45pm Glorious 60's garage/r&b from Atlanta - think early Kinks
Slacktone 4:45pm Intense surf
BURLESQUE SHOW, Miss Bonnie Delight's Burlesque Revue from 4:00 to 4:30
The Ghastly Ones 3:00pm Monster instrumental madness!
Tiger Tiger 2:00pm super hot Indie/pop from Atlanta
Davie Allan & the Arrows 1:00pm 60's Fuzz-sensation, their 40th anniversary!
Vicky Tafoya & the Big Beat- Noon amazing swing/rockabilly
El Capitan 11:20am NEW - pirate rock band from Atlanta! Arrrgh! Scalawags!
Couple 10:45am NEW - indie/powerpop from Malaysia!!

The Martini Kings (the finest exotica/lounge band ever) will play in between sets starting after Tiger Tiger (2:00pm)!



DELICIOUS FOOD AND DRINKS (or bring your own)
Make your car sparkle at the BIKINI CAR WASH!
BRING your UKELELE, help us set the most UKELELES record!
SHOP for all kinds of cool stuff from our AWESOME VENDORS!

It all happens Saturday, August 5th, 2006 - gates at 8:00am sharp. Get there early for the best "movie-watching" parking, or purchase a VIP admission for reserved/preferred parking. 1st band (Couple, a charming four piece indie/powerpop band from Malaysia) at 10:45am, vendors and car show all day long, movies (with authentic vintage movie trailers and cartoons) start at about 9:15pm (Cobra Woman), 2nd movie at about 11:00pm (BUG). 3rd movie at 12:45am (Hard Ticket to Hawaii).

Tix are just $20 each for general admission, or $30 for VIP (includes preferred movie parking**, and goodie bag filled with special Hawaiian Lei and refillable VIP plastic TIKI tumbler (Tiki Tumblers get free soda and ice refills at the snack bar during the event). BYOB.

**If the driver of a vehicle purchases a VIP pass, that vehicle gets preferred parking. The passengers of that car don't necessarily have to buy a VIP pass to sit in the VIP area.


Tickets are going fast, advance purchase is highly recommended. Tix are available right now online:




Note: This event will sell out, so buy your tickets early. We normally have room for 1850 cars at the drive-in, but between the car show, the vendor area, the car clubs and the stage area, our capacity will be considerably reduced. The key to not missing out is to bUy YoUr TiCkEtS ToDaY!!

How to best enjoy this unique event:
Plan for an all day, all night tailgate party. Camp style canopies and patio umbrellas are welcome but should be taken down prior to movie time. You are welcome to bring your own food and beverage (BYOB), or buy delicious food from our vendors and snack bar. Small barbeque grills permitted also. Bring LAWN CHAIRS (very important), hats, sunscreen, blankets, a jacket or sweater (it gets cool in the evening) and a boombox style radio with fresh batteries (for the movie sound). We will have a water misting station to help keep cool during the day. No glass bottles, no fireworks and no pets, please. BE GOOD OR BE GONE.

If that's not enough of a party for you...

September 2nd and 3rd, 2006, Atlanta, GA... Don't miss the Grandaddy Drive-In event of them all... the 7th annual DRIVE-INVASION at the Starlight Six!! This is a TWO day event with OVERNIGHT CAMPING at the drive-in! It's OFF THE HOOK!!!!!
Bands include:
Many, many more!

EIGHT films! EIGHT!!
GODZILLA (Japanese 2000 version, awesome!)
VANISHING POINT (original 1971 version)
GONE IN 60 SECONDS (original 1975 version)

Saturday, meet director TIM SULLIVAN and members of the 2001 MANIACS cast! Sunday, meet BARRY NEWMAN, who starred as KOWALSKI in Vanishing Point, as he rolls up in a white 1970 Dodge Challenger pursued by "police"!!

Go to http://www.myspace.com/driveinvasion or http://www.driveinvasion.com for the latest DRIVE-INVASION info and online ticket info.

THANKS and we'll see you at the drive-in!

[ Edited by: 'Vid 2006-07-10 10:44 ]

Tikigoob posted on 05/19/2006

I hear that the pirates of El Capitan have been known to throw their booty at the crowd...
Including mini bottles of rum!!!!

Swamp Fire posted on 05/19/2006

Tiki, cool bands, B-movies and hot rods. It does'nt get any better than that!!!
Can't wait.

thejab posted on 05/19/2006

WOW!!! All that, and my favorite band the Woggles!! I am so there!

bigtikidude posted on 05/20/2006

It's already been said before, and probably will be again.
But I just gotta say this looks like it's going to be an amazing event. I just might need to bring the Suburban, and a blow up Matress, to take naps periodically thru the day. As this will be a
looooong killer fun day.


Tom Slick posted on 05/20/2006

Hopefully my 65 Lincoln will be painted by then, in a 60's Kustom tiki theme!!! we shall see.................

Derek Mitchell posted on 05/20/2006

I'm there, its about 2 miles down the road. Cool place to go for sure.

'Vid posted on 05/30/2006


STAGE: We are very excited to announce that the "decoration/transformation" of our stage and VIP area will be designed, built and installed by THE CULT OF THE EYE. Also be sure to visit their Fez-O-Rama booth when browsing through our vendor area!

TICKETS: tickets are now available online at Ticket Alternative - http://www.ticketalternative.com General admission is $20. VIP admission is $30, which includes preferred movie parking, a souvenir Hawaiian lei and a refillable Tiki "brew" cup.

There has been one more tweak to the Tiki-Invasion movie lineup folks... After talking to the studio, it turns out the last remaining print of what was to be our 2nd feature "The Creeping Flesh" is most likely a bit too faded and "pink" for our tastes.

So, we're going to go with a tried and true "B" movie classic, "BUG", from 1975, starring Bradford Dillman and Joanna Miles. This is a great print and will look spectacular projected through the Mission-Tiki's state of the art Technalight Projection System. We screened this film at our Starlight Drive-In (Atlanta) back in 2005 and I can tell you the print was fabulous and there were an equal amount of screams and laughs from the audience. BUG is a perfect Drive-In movie.

From IMDB, the BUG plot:
"An earthquake releases a strain of mutant cockroaches with the ability to start fires, which proceed to cause destructive chaos in a small California town. The studies carried out by scientist James Parmiter, however, reveal an intent with much more far-reaching consequences."

And a reviewers comment:
"This movie really is scary. The story is about cockroaches that when they rub their legs together sparks flame and kill it's prey. Bradford Dillman is great and has an interesting set."

BUG Trivia: "The set used for the Parmiter home, where Joanna Miles's character has her head set ablaze by a "bug" on the phone receiver, was the same Studio City, California, set used as the Brady home in ABC-TV's "The Brady Bunch" (1969). Due to very poor ratings, the BB series had been cancelled in 1974, a few months before filming BUG began. Since BUG's release in 1975, "The Brady Bunch" became a ubiquitous hit in syndication, and the set has become easily recognizable to several generations of classic TV watchers."

There you have it, the middle feature of three for our Saturday, August 5th event. First film is "Cobra Woman", from 1944.

From IMDB, Cobra Woman Plot:
"Upon discovering his fiancée Tollea has been kidnapped, Ramu and his friend Kado set out for a Pacific isle where all strangers are to be killed on arrival and the inhabitants, who are frequently sacrificed to an angry volcano god, worship the cobra. The island is ruled over by Tollea's evil twin Naja, the Cobra Woman, who, besides having designs on her new prisoner Ramu, also desires to eliminate any competition from her benevolent sister."

Cobra Woman review:
"Must be seen to be believed. This is a classic! The cobra dance will have you on the floor, guaranteed. Note that the deus ex machina is a chimpanzee. Fabulous performance by Maria Montez as good and evil twins with able support from Sabu, John Hall, and the old lady who plays Maria's grandmother. "Joo meen, Joo arre my grandmother?!" Favorite moments: Bad twin's procession to the bathing site, all scenes with Sabu, "the Fire Death Hymn". But NOTHING can top the cobra dance. And you'll love the headwear. Don't miss it!"

3rd film is "Hard Ticket to Hawaii". Written and directed by Andy Sidaris, and produced by Arlene Sidaris, who will be our special guests at Tiki-Invasion.

Hard Ticket Plot:
Two drug enforcement agents are killed on a private Hawaiian island. Donna and Taryn, two operatives for The Agency, accidentally intercept a delivery of diamonds intended for drug lord Seth Romero, who takes exception and tries to get them back. Soon other Agency operatives get involved, and a full-scale fight to the finish ensues, complicated here and there by an escaped snake made deadly by Toxic Waste!

Hard Ticket review:
"Unless I'm mistaken, Hard Ticket to Hawaii marks the first of many pairings of Dona Speir and Andy Sidaris - an actor-director combo sure to be remembered alongside De Niro-Scorsese and Lemmon-Wilder.

Anyway, Dona's job here is to run around with the adorable Hope Marie Carlton as DEA agents investigating... oh, who cares. No one's watching this thing for story, and why the hell does Sidaris feel the need to make his plots so dang convoluted? Great Scott man, if we want complex writing we'll watch Chinatown.

So Dona and Hope Marie get naked often, which is very good, and when they're not nude they have the courtesy to at least wear flattering and revealing outfits. The movie also includes some nice travelogue stuff in and around Hawaii, and one extremely fake-looking venomous snake. There's also the return of the drag queen from Malibu Express, but that's actually OK because in one of his scenes ex-Playmate Patty Duffek flaunts the all-natural attributes that got her in Hef's magazine in the first place. So no major complaints on this end."

Memorable quote: "I always do my best thinking in the hot tub."

You can see we have a beautiful, campy and fun evening of movies ahead! Remember, tickets now available at http://www.ticketalternative.com See you there!

bigtikidude posted on 05/31/2006

Hey Vid, thanks for the updates and film reviews.
I wonder how many people will actually be watchin the movie,
Or foggin up the windows and testing the cars shocks?
Insert bad 70's porn wha wha guitar here:


thejab posted on 06/06/2006

Camp style canopies and patio umbrellas are welcome (must be under 8' tall)

Guess you can't go bigtikidude. Ha! :wink:

I just booked a flight into Ontario for Friday August 4th. so I can get to the drive-in real early! I can't wait!

bigtikidude posted on 06/07/2006

That's funny Dean, allthough sometimes I wish I was 8 ft tall.
6' 3" is just fine thanks.

And I know this is a bit of a no no to cross promote, get off topic.
But I think in this case it might be understood why.
For anyone that might be coming from far away, and want to hit the
Beach the next Day. Or for those So. Cal. locals that don't know.

The Next Afternoon. the Huntington Beach Internationl Surfing Museum
will be presenting 5 Surf bands right by the Pier,from 11 am to 5 pm.
they include:
The Fabulous Nomads
Pollo Del Mar

so if your not too heat stroke or drunk from the Tiki Drive IN event.
come on down and check it out. It's free, and lots of fun.
Bring a chair or blanket if you wanna sit on the grass.


thejab posted on 06/07/2006

So, who's bringing a classic car? I'm going to feel like a dork with my rental car at the drive-in. Maybe I'll just park it in back and walk around.

bigtikidude posted on 06/07/2006

well I could drive my 71 Dodge Polara, not classic but kinda a muscle car era enrty( But Ran would disagree)that's why I said Kinda.

Or I could push my Dad's 57 chevy pick up truck to sit in the back
of during the movies. I'd have to push or tow it cause it doesn't have an engine as of yet.

Dean, there are places that rent classic cars. But most are probably by the beach or in Beverly Hills area.


'Vid posted on 06/07/2006

No worries on what you're driving to the show... It's not the car, it's what going on INSIDE that matters. Besides, you can always pimp your plain vanilla rental ride out with Tiki swag for some immediate street cred. Or just go for it and maybe rent a convertible, LOL

Glad to see so many of you are excited about the show! We are too! I've recently been putting the vintage trailer/cartoon/snack bar snippet program together... it's going to be WILD. All of our movie trailers and cartoons are the real vintage deal, no reproductions or digital (dvd) copies. Some of the snack bar and theater snippets are repros, just because so many of the originals got worn out by being played night after night. But we have an outstanding trailer show planned for you Tiki-Invaders.

I've been asked a few similar questions about the event, so I'll post the info here.

What to bring. Here are the necessities: Folding lawn chairs (or similar), a boom box radio with fresh batteries (for the movie sound), hats, sunscreen, some extra clothes (the chill zone misting booth can leave you a bit soggy by the end of the day, and fresh, dry clothes feel great after a day in the sun) and a light weight jacket because it can cool down pretty good at night during the movies.

BBQ's are permitted, just please use extreme care when you are cooking or disposing of the hot coals. Extinguish them with water or let them die out completely.

Bicycles, unicycles, roller skates and skateboards are permitted when operated in a safe and courteous manner.

Restrictions include glass bottles, pets and fireworks. We don't need folks who are wearing flip-flops stepping on something nasty or dangerous like broken glass or dog doo. And we certainly don't need somebody getting hurt (or thier vintage car damaged) by a malfunctioning roman candle or wayward skyrocket. Thanks!

kick_the_reverb posted on 06/07/2006

I thought I'd be able to bring the 67 Dodge a-100 van, but I think it won't be ready by then.
So Hyundai it is.
Looking forward to it.


'Vid posted on 06/09/2006

The van would've been SWEET! But the Hyundai will do!

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7f8188e1a7ef73efcda2289f5fe1645f?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

If Ran brought the van... He could bring more rum than in the Hyundai....
Somebody help him fix the van..... Please....
Think Mobile Tiki Bar...

F Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ccff3f1b02b10af1aa2e867d8c435c57?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2006-06-06 17:20, thejab wrote:
So, who's bringing a classic car? I'm going to feel like a dork with my rental car at the drive-in. Maybe I'll just park it in back and walk around.

Jab, you cluld check out Rent-a-Wreck, sometimes they still have classics.

A Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e14c24ceeb607a75e26b2ab83f6ee78b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Hey Jab,

Adam and I will be rolling out in either my 62 Comet (the atomi-comet!) :D or his 53 Ford. There is plenty of room if you wanna hang with us. Just no throwing popcorn or getting JuJu Bees stuck in my hair!!!

Wow, this event sounds awesome!!! I can't wait. I have it in my calendar-written in sharpie!

I think I met some of the folks involved with the Mission Tiki Drive-In on a Sunday at The Lucky Tiki . . . I'm sorry I'm so bad with names, but THANK YOU for putting together such an amazing tiki event!

See you there!


T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/162cbeb271b58fd706c06d620b704cef?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
thejab posted on Fri, Jun 9, 2006 3:09 PM

On 2006-06-09 14:57, atomikitty wrote:
Hey Jab,

Adam and I will be rolling out in either my 62 Comet (the atomi-comet!) :D or his 53 Ford. There is plenty of room if you wanna hang with us. Just no throwing popcorn or getting JuJu Bees stuck in my hair!!!

Yeehaw! Count me in. I promise not to pull your ponytail. Mahalo!

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/195726f49fea006d2c26b84837d54dbd?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2006-06-09 09:09, Tikigoob wrote:
If Ran brought the van... He could bring more rum than in the Hyundai....
Somebody help him fix the van..... Please....
Think Mobile Tiki Bar...

Why, do you have money to give me for parts? :wink:
Yeah, it sucks, but there's no way all the work is going to get done in time. Plus, since if all goes according to plan, we'll have a 1 month old baby with us, and the van is not baby compatible, yet.

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This would be a good addition to the movies...... http://www.sphinxproductions.com/pages/ratfink.html

Has anyone seen this? Sounds very cool indeed!

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/64335e5a2c167e585ce1e3bdcfe84920?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Just got my tix, I'll see everyone there.

A Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9d1c7894fa4dd05b01c2ab99703f5121?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Well, g.d. it, The Tiki Goddess and I had vowed not to take any more trips the rest of the summer so we could pay off Hawaii, but this falls squarely under the Too F'in' Cool To Pass Up No Matter What category, so I just ordered our two VIP passes. Mahalo. Yea, make that mucho mahalo. See ya there.

[ Edited by: AquaZombie 2006-06-19 14:59 ]

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Mon, Jun 19, 2006 6:40 PM

Attention all potential Tiki-Invasion vendors!

Our vendor application and rules are now available online at http://www.missiontiki.com

If you are interested in vending, we still have room for you! It's not too late!

Vendor spaces $75 for a 20x20 space, which includes two general admission passes (you and an assistant). You'll need to bring your own tables, chairs, shade, etc. We do have electricity available if needed, please specify on the application.

We are currently negotiating a motel deal with the Best Western/Pine Tree in Chino, CA which is about 1 mile from the Mission Tiki Drive-In. It's not fancy, but it's clean, affordable and it does have a bit of retro charm. Plus it's only two doors down from Honolulu Harry's, Chino's very respectable attempt at a Trader Vic's. Sweet!

Rooms average about $60, we're trying to do a little better than that. Mention Tiki-Invasion and see what it gets you.

Here's the link to the hotel:

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Mon, Jun 19, 2006 8:20 PM

Does anybody have a nice Tiki bar or two we can rent or borrow?

[ Edited by: 'Vid 2006-06-21 22:16 ]

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Thu, Jun 22, 2006 11:12 AM

Folks have been asking about lodging for Tiki-Invasion, so I'm posting some links for 3 nearby candidates.

  1. Sheraton Suites Fairplex

For the discriminating Tiki-Invasion guest, there is the Sheraton Suites Fairplex. The Sheraton is 8 miles away from the drive-in, about a 15 minute drive. The large lobby is done in travertine, brass and mahogany and rooms normally run around $149 to $179 for 2 adults in a king bed. TIKI-INVASION rate is just $109!!

It's lovely, luxurious, sparkling clean and very inviting. We loved it, despite the just under 8 mile distance from the drive-in. Staff was courteous and helpful in a corporate brainwashed kind of way, LOL.

If you want guaranteed comfort like high thread count sheets, travertine bathrooms, squeaky clean surfaces and library quietness... this is your Tiki-Invasion hotel.

Sheraton Link:

  1. The Hotel Claremont

We like this place but found the Hotel Claremont slightly questionable in it's present condition. It's not repulsive by any means, far from it... in fact when we visited there was a hot rod convention at the Pomona Fairplex and many of the rodders (who could probably afford to stay anywhere) were staying at the HC. The online reviews gave us hope for both very clean and affordable lodging, but when we visited we found several of the non-smoking rooms had a noticeable (but not overpowering) stale odor, the carpets did show occasional (unidentified) stains and the hotel's exterior wasn't maintained they way we would have liked. Generally speaking the place looked okay but a little tired. We've stayed in worse and you probably have too, LOL.

The good news: The manager assured us that by the time Tiki-Invasion happens, they will have painted inside and out, and re carpeted all of the rooms too. If that is the case, it will be a winner. It is very convenient to the Mission Tiki, less than 5 minutes drive, right off of the 10 Interstate. Rooms are normally moderate in price ($109/night average for 2 adults in a king bed). TIKI-INVASION RATE is just $59. Staff was very friendly and helpful, bonus points for that. The pool and tennis courts looked clean and inviting. Not a bad choice by any means, just not quite as attractive as our choice #1. Starbucks and Denny's next door!

Happy hunting!

[ Edited by: 'Vid 2006-06-27 17:02 ]

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On 2006-06-19 18:40, 'Vid wrote:

We are currently negotiating a motel deal with the Best Western/Pine Tree in Chino, CA which is about 1 mile from the Mission Tiki Drive-In. It's not fancy, but it's clean, affordable and it does have a bit of retro charm. Plus it's only two doors down from Honolulu Harry's, Chino's very respectable attempt at a Trader Vic's. Sweet!

Rooms average about $60, we're trying to do a little better than that. Mention Tiki-Invasion and see what it gets you.

Here's the link to the hotel:

I checked availability on the BW web site, and found a AAA rate for $50/night for a Queen bed. Sounds pretty good to me so I booked it for Friday and Saturday night, but let us know if you negotiate a cheaper rate.

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Tue, Jun 27, 2006 1:03 PM

We understand there has been some difficulty booking rooms at the Pine Tree Lodge, that they may be closing. If you have already reserved a room, please double check with them!

Now the good news...

Teri has had very good luck negotiating with The Sheraton Suites Fairplex... it's a bit further, but they're giving us a GREAT deal on some REALLY beautiful suites... $109 for Tiki-Invasion guests!
Call them and tell them you're with Tiki-Invasion!
601 West McKinley Avenue Pomona, California 91768 United States
Phone (909) 622-2220 Fax (909) 622-3577


Also got a great deal at the Hotel Claremont for just $59.

Just mention TIKI-INVASION at either place and they'll quote you an exact rate and hook you up.

Any trouble please e-mail me. Thanks!

[ Edited by: 'Vid 2006-06-27 13:09 ]

[ Edited by: 'Vid 2006-06-27 17:03 ]

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/162cbeb271b58fd706c06d620b704cef?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

On 2006-06-27 13:03, 'Vid wrote:
We understand there has been some difficulty booking rooms at the Pine Tree Lodge, that they may be closing. If you have already reserved a room, please double check with them!

I called and they said they are full, and they are no longer taking reservations, but they will not be closing.

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a8f45b5ab38725f1e986f28a1ec3b89b?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Sounds great, wanna go! I'll try to get the Tbird ready, needs a new a-frame right now

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Mon, Jul 3, 2006 1:32 AM

We've confirmed that the Pine Tree is not closing, and they may actually have vacancy. Apparently the owner has been away for a couple of weeks which may have started the confusion.

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Mon, Jul 3, 2006 1:36 AM

Oh, I mentioned this earlier, but we really do need a couple of tiki bars for the event... if anybody has a couple to rent (or loan in exchange for VIP passes), please holler!! We'll hook you up if you can hook us up! :)

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Fri, Jul 7, 2006 7:56 PM

We now have a specific link to the Sheraton Suites Fairplex for Tiki-Invasion. Please book your room by July 28th to take advantage of the discounted group rates. Thanks!


T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3df84ef12fe2cc434e0879d43c6da3b3?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

I just went by the Tiki Theater the other day to drop off my vending fee and check the place out . Its better than I expected .Tiki Diablo and the theater staff have not only given this drive in the face lift it deserves, but the have captured the polynesian lifestyle and old time drive in experience I remember as a kid in the 60's. Tiki Diablo is a creative artist as well as a landscaper to boot. He created this beatiful planter in front with tropical plants , trees and sinking Easter Island heads . While we chatted, I wanted to see the snack bar he decorated but it was closed at the time . My hats off to Tiki Diablo and I hope to see you all there . Tiki-Ray

TD Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/80dd723b294399e4a6de00edc2cafb52?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Thanks Ray, good to see you .

Here are some pics for y'all.
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UB Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ce9c6565f9b2653c29c52ba870fd7d7a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

Those are killer Diablo.
Excellent job.

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on Sun, Jul 9, 2006 7:36 PM

GROG thought those were "Moai", but if you want
to call them "killer Diablo".... to each his own. :D

But, GROG agree. Those are killer, Diablo

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-07-09 19:40 ]

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Mon, Jul 10, 2006 10:33 AM

Excellent job, Tiki Diablo!! Can't wait for the snack bar exterior treatment too.

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Wed, Jul 12, 2006 10:45 AM

Lots of folks have been asking me about the Von Franco Tiki-Invasion poster, and the VonDerLinn "Mr. Tiki in Flying Saucer" poster. Both are incredible, and will be available for sale in limited quantities at Tiki=Invasion. They measure 24"x18" and are perfect for framing.

Thanks again to both of those talented artists for their efforts! Beautiful job!


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Here is a sneak peek of the mug I am doing for the Mission Tiki Drive In. Well, this is the sculpt, but a final limited edition mug will be available at the event. I believe it will sell for $40 and will be limited to 150 pcs. Later an alternate color open edition mug will be for sale at the drive in.

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Is that a bag of popcorn he's holding? I love it!

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GROG posted on Thu, Jul 13, 2006 9:33 AM

That is SHARP!

GROG like, alot.

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dude that mug is baaaad aaasssss.
excellent work man,
can't wait,


' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Sat, Jul 15, 2006 7:30 PM

It is amazing Danny. Genius on the popcorn bag. Those Limited editions will be gone in nothing flat!

We love ya so much, and all the amazing work you're doing at the Drive-In. Thank you, a million times over.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a9648dee823689576e404c9f72c22c89?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill

zazz-now I gotta figure out where we should stay! :)

did the Claremont ever get repainted?

Mr. Smiley is the most thirstiesterest of
Have a nice Tiki Day!
If you like it,it is ZAZZ! If you don't, give it a RAZZ.
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[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2006-07-24 19:35 ]

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its comin it's comin,
big weekend
Ran,Kick the Reverb's band the Sand Devils are playing the Fri aug 4th night before
at the Leucadian in Leucadia near Encinitas with Pollo Del Mar 9pm
and then the 5 bands at the Huntington beach Pier on Sun the 6th from 11 am to 5 pm.

God( sorry I mean tiki) I love California,

' Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4c11c0e241bc68a7afcf14bd7903f273?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
'Vid posted on Thu, Jul 27, 2006 3:22 PM

Nice we got a break in the heat!

We just booked a couple of critical food vendors... Delicious frozen ICE CREAM and COLD BEER! LOL

We'll also have two large misting booths, and misters under the lanai, but not as to douse the Martini Kings! Those guys are super cool already!
See you all there... any questions about Tiki-Invasion please holler!


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