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bondage instructions for glass floats?

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i've got a lead on some old glass floats, but they are ropeless.

i've been googling around, maybe not using the right words, to find instructions to do the netting around a float ~ but no luck.

anyone have instructions & diagrams for the nautical knots used to surround a glass float?


Can't remember who posted orignally, but I kept the link:

My grandfather was a fisherman and made all his own nets and tools (which of course were dumped days after he died.) He used a bone tool called a "shuttle" attached to the end of the line to facilitate handling it and guiding it in the right direction while weaving nets.

You can make yourself one by getting a sewing tool called a Point Turner and creaser. The cost maybe $2.00 and are available in your local fabric store. they are made from both bamboo or plastic.

Run the end of the rope through the hole. Use it like you would a big needle to weave the net. It should be much easier than just holding the end of the line in your hand. If it's too big you can cut it down (probably easier in bamboo than plastic.) Good Luck and lets us know how it turns out.

I can tie net floats! I posted that link a little while ago(thanks badmojo), and taught myself. You need quite a bit of rope to do it, and no tools other than your hands. If you want the correct version with 12 pairs, you will need over 70 feet to do a 5" float. I used that much, but with a smaller float the spaces between knots get too small, so I reduced it to 6 pairs(that's 35 feet or so) It will probably only take you an evening to get it right. I tried it with thick jute the first time but that stuff is ruff on your hands and doesn't hold a knot.

Here's an offer: you send me two ropeless floats, I'll tie netting around one and send it back, and I get to keep the other. I'm in need of a float, but have the skills to tie the net.

You have to have the float there to tie it properly. You have to un-tie at least half of it to get the float out.



On 2004-04-23 21:20, Tikiwahine wrote:
Here's an offer: you send me two ropeless floats, I'll tie netting around one and send it back, and I get to keep the other. I'm in need of a float, but have the skills to tie the net.

hey..sent you a personal messsage... we'll get a deal as soon as i hear back from the seller!


Someone may find this useful.


Thanks! I think I'll be using this information some day!


Thanks! I think if I tried to do it though that my swearing might wake up the neighbors. I wander if it's hard to find the glass floats for the inside?

Topics merged.

With bondage in the title, I'd like to see some floats tied up with leather too. anyone? anyone?


This is my first try at weaving a float. Now I need to find out how to weather the nylon rope.

nice job skip. now just throw it in your pond for a couple years.

You had me at "bondage"!

But seriously.....good ropecraft always comes in handy, especially for the crafty types!

Try tea dying it, I found cotton rope to take the colour better, but nylon should at least change it slightly. You could also maybe water down some acrylic paint.

damn fine knot tying and great consistency....


great knot work Skip - that float is a beauty!

As far as weathering....I would suggest not using nylon rope next time. Use a (preferrably used) manilla type rope and wet it for up to 24 hours to get it nice and flexable (depending on the type of rope you use, becuase some are already very flexable)) and keep it wet while you're tying your knots. Then stick it outside for a while. It will "weather up" nicely.

I'm very impressed with all of your creations. they look very vintage, even though they are recently created.

you had me at bondage!

This is the first float I tied, using a cotton rope. I used only 6 pairs of rope instead of 12 to make it easier. It needs to have a soaking to toighten it up a bit. I dyed the formerly white rope with tea. It's a little crooked in this picture because I haven't got it hanging correctly.

Float tied with jute or hemp(hurts the hands, but comes in a nice natural colour) I can't tie with this stuff, it hurts my hands too much. Splinters and all.


That green one is great! I dyed my ropes with shoe polish. Worked fine.


This is how I keep my rope/knots even. Start on a styrofoam ball And pin down your knots. This way you can see if its even or not and make adjustments. When you are half way done take out styrofoam ball and put in glass ball. Then tie rest of float.

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