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special c'al luau offer!! - 6th long bch tiki fest- !! bottom of page

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crazy al posted on 05/12/2006

Continuing the Tiki Magic and attempting to be in two places at once!

I'm kicking off my Ten Anniversary Tiki Carving Show in LB with spacial Ten Anniversary items available and a taste what I've done over the past ten years on dissplay...
I might have one new mug available or 200!...
info here:
stay tuned..... Stop by on the way to see me in Catalina?? It's Super Tiki WEEKEND!!!!

"Alfredo's Beach Club "and the "Shell Travel Club" are proud to present....

"The 6th Annual Tiki Beach Festival"

August 18th, 19th and 20th,10am till 10pm, on the shores of the blue Pacific
in Long Beach Ca.

This years free event" a journey to our roots, a celebration of traditional
arts ,crafts, dance and music" promises to be the biggest and most kine yet!

3 luaus in honor of a true Hawaiian legend "Uncle David Nuuhiwa Sr." will
feature incredible food and entertainment, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
...$20 per person
over a 100 island vendors in our marketplace
a cultural center and work shop
live tiki carving demonstrations featuring tiki Diablo, tiki daddy, and the
Crazy Al Evans Tiki museum
limited edition "Tiki Beach" mugs and memorabilia will be available
continuous live entertainment, Hula shows, fire knife dancers the southern
California ukulele club will perform
outrigger canoe and the catamaran" Na Hoku "rides
a kids fun zone and our annual "Kanine Kahuna Kontest"
island vacation specialist "Auntie Sylvie" will be on hand to help plan your
next trip to paradise

For more info, luau reservations, directions, or a vendor application
call...562 434 1542
or visit our website http://www.alfredosbeachclub.com

[ Edited by: crazy al 2006-07-21 01:20 ]

[ Edited by: crazy al 2006-08-12 09:31 ]

[ Edited by: crazy al 2006-08-12 09:36 ]

Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 05/12/2006

WAIT A MINUTE!!! Hold on here! You won't be at the Catalina Tikifest?!?!?! But...
I just booked that weekend for Catalina!! NOW what am I supposed to do!? I NEED to see a live carving demo by Crazy Al THAT weekend! Hmmmm.... what's a girl to do?

SoccerTiki posted on 05/12/2006

I'll bet the "Magic of Tiki" will be present that weekend!!! If anyone can be in two places at once....It's Crazy Al!!!

crazy al posted on 06/27/2006

APE plays Catalina Isl. Aug. 19th!
Opens FRI AUG 18th !!!!!!!!!!
at the
(times to be posted)

Come see some of the oldest, the elite, and most select tikis
From Ten Years of Carving
Available Friday Night Aug 18th

NEW Additions to the Crazy AL Tiki Gallery Line
Crazy AL Tikis #1 & #2
These are replicas of the first two large tikis carved ten years ago in August.
First Glaze runs available in small additions.
Numbers available Friday night is undetermined at this time.

To get on a list for Mug Up-dates and availability
email: al@tikimania.com

Polynesiac posted on 06/27/2006

THose are replicas of your FIRST tikis?!?!?! Holy shit, dude, you are crazy! those are INSANE!!!!

Lookin' forward to the LBC tiki fest, gonna be a good time!

stentiki posted on 06/28/2006

Me likey!

crazy al is da man!

crazy al posted on 07/19/2006

one month to go and so much to do...... an Egypt or SF this weekend???

mug update here

crazy al posted on 07/21/2006

here is an item I'm working on for release at My Show in Long Beach....

'06 marks Ten years since the first tiki necklace I carved for mass-production with my 'Realistic Wood Look'...

ya right, but I did cast allot of these guys personally in my first few years in the tiki biz.... this was the first of five tiki necklaces that I had in my '96 catalog in natural, green, black and red colors,... also available as keychains.
Back then, other then Tiki King, Coco-Joe's in Hawaii was the only Co. making the neck charms and keychains. They where hard to get a-hold of and soon went out of business... The King is still around
Tiki neck charms where one of the first things Tiki fans asked for. Just under 2 1/2 inches, this guy was considered to big for the majority of the buying public. At $8 a pop they didn't sell all that well ten years ago. At $4 a pop wholesale they proved to labor intensive to cast, stain, drill and string myself... so I stopped making them.

A little drifty toucan told me Tiki Tony found one of these necklaces for sale on the Huntington Beach pier and sent him a carving... he can't sell his hand carved one of a kind drift wood neck charms fast enough for $10....yikes! labor intensive???
Thank the Tikis! that I fund a bag or two of rejects that i stashed way.. i started drilling and staining and stringing... I couldn't sell them fast enough for $10.... till that Tony got so dang popular with real wood tikis...... However all my found rejects sold....

any way as part of my 'ten year' shows, I'm re-releasing this first design with a small addition to the original sculpt....

Available in numbered short runs of custom colored resin, in an array of colors....

[ Edited by: crazy al 2006-07-21 01:34 ]

Wolli posted on 07/21/2006

Hi Al,
can't wait for your mugs.
Let me know when they are available,


[ Edited by: Wolli 2006-07-21 04:03 ]

crazy al posted on 08/12/2006

SIX DAYS LEFT!.... time flew and now the big push to get some boo'kooo to-doooo dune!

a bit-o stringing for the 100 Black!!!

a bit o paint for the 'Spacial Forces'

and the last 50 Tiki#2 Mugs to be glazed and fired....

here's the info on that.........

Celebrating the first two CrazyAL large palm-wood tikis carved in Aug of 1996!!

See you Fri Night the 18th with TWO NEW MUGs in Hand!!

One new mug,,,,,, and you can order the other and make sure you have both
Crazy AL Tiki#1 and Tiki#2 Ceramic Wonders in your Collection!

  • Friday the 18th 7:00PM -
    Opening for "CrazyAL's First Retrospective Show,"
    Come and meet the artist, and get the first of the new editions to the
    "CrazyAL Tiki Gallery Collection"TM of Ceramic Mugs.
    CrazyAL Tiki#1 Mug - Edition of 100 in Olive Green Glaze
    CrazyAL Tiki#1 Mug - Edition of 100 in Yellow Ochre Glaze

There will be plenty of the Tiki#2 Mugs available that night
and through out the weekend of the "6th Annual Tiki Bch Festival".
You may place an order for the Tiki#1 Mug at the same time, to be acquired later.
(Post Sales of remaining mugs can be ordered through)
(www.tikimania.com, al@tikimania.com)

These fantastic and highly detailed exact replicas of CrazyAL's first two large palm-wood tikis are all hand made. From CrazyAL's original sculpt
to the hand painted glazed bisque, each mug gets allot of individual attention.
The mold parting lines on the first 50 green wear castings where personally
cleaned up by CrazyAL himself! Be sure to get your low numbered Mug Friday night!
Aug. 18th

CrazyAL's first Bone Productions' Tiki necklace, introduced ten years ago, will be available in a brand new Anniversary Limited Edition of 100 in Lava-Black!
Additional Limited Editions of smaller runs, in a multitude of hand colored resin,
will be available also. Once the molds for these runs are exhausted the Editions will be discontinued.

each mug sold for $45 + tax
both mugs for $80 + tax
Best Value including tax
both mugs and one black necklace for $95 even

The Beach Fest Friday Night LUAU at 5:30PM is $25
Get all "THREE" CrazyAL Anniversary Commemoratives and "LUAU"
$100 even!!!!
RSVP ASAP to al@tikimania.com

info on
"6th Annual Tiki Bch Festival"

info on
"CrazyAL's First Retrospective Show" Aug 18th
'Otto's TIKI ART NOW III Show' Sep 15th
"Tiki & Terrors II" Sept 16th
"CrazyAL's Second Retrospective Show," Oct 13th
'Copro/Nason 15 Year Retrospective Show" Dec


[ Edited by: crazy al 2006-08-12 09:58 ]

GROG posted on 08/12/2006

GROG looking forward to getting GROG's Crazy Al mugs.

MEAN GENE posted on 08/15/2006

See ya in Long Beach you CRAZY MAN!

crazy al posted on 08/16/2006

you must notify me by Thursday morning if you want the spacial Luau Offer......Thanks


crazy al posted on 08/18/2006

6:45 and time to load up tikis!! numbered stuff,pack stuff,shoot some nails in bamboo, pick up fliers, pick up other stuff, and then more stuff........more stuff....

See you tonight at 7:00ish... mugs will be ready to go by 7:30ish!

Saturday sales start at 10:00 AM.

I'll be back from Catalina Sunday around 4:00pm maybe see you then....

RevBambooBen posted on 08/18/2006

On 2006-08-16 08:11, crazy al wrote:
you must notify me by Thursday morning if you want the spacial Luau Offer......Thanks


Last Thursday or Next Thursday?

crazy al posted on 08/26/2006

holly crap'o! has it been a week already? i haven't even looked at my pics from last fri-night or catalina.... hope to have some pics up soon... hope all are enjoying the Tiki#2 mug.
Tiki#1 new molds are to be picked up this week and the toxic smoke of production will soon start billowing out my bowels again....
thanks for all the support see you all again Oct13th!!!!!!!

FRED RULES!!!!!!! 6 years in the same local and going strong!!! better and better....

[ Edited by: crazy al 2006-08-26 07:07 ]

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