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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Friendly Competition

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Hey all...Thought that since there are so many talented potters, carvers, and other artists among us, we should organize a friendly little event that would add extra excitement to our yearly fun-filled get togethers. Something like a cross between judging home-made pies at the county fair and a bare-footed, rum-soaked extravaganza. Regional competitions could result in a final round at..say...Hukilau. It could even alternate between East and West Coast....Anyway, something like this could bring even more depth to our Tiki events and could perhaps even raise additional interest.
Under a set of guidelines, home-spun artists could run the gauntlet with the big dogs.

Its just a thought. What do you think? Could it fly?


I would say no.

Mostly because an art competition defies the basic premise behind art. Its a product of the artist's imagination and there really isnt any right or wrong or good and bad.

The only way I could see it working would be if everyone carved the exact same thing (same size too). But even then, we pretty much already know who the technically accurate carvers are and who likes a loose look to their style.

I know you started this thread with good intentions but I dont think that anything good would come of it.

but thats just my opinion....


Nice idea but I can't see it working. Kind of like my son getting a D in Art. So he can't draw well. That doesn't make his work any less important to him.

Among the TCers there are so many different styles how can you call one better than another? BK has some mad skill in a very traditional perfectionist sense but I like Lake Surfer's stuff and Johnny P's too (not to mention many others). You can't compare a Benz Art head with a sick Monkeyman frame, they're both equally awseome in an unequal way.

On 2006-06-26 19:16, Surf tiki wrote:
...Among the TCers there are so many different styles how can you call one better than another? ...

Well, that is the very thing that could make it work.... Instead of a judge or jurried selection, do it as a popular/populist/public/crowd vote. Have everyone add their two cents worth and include some categories to specifically include the craftsmanship of the piece. Include categories that level the playing field between art types and art styles, things like Traditional Influences, Modern Influences, Carving Style, Workmanship, Originality.


i'm on the "not a good idea" side. frankly, i wouldn't enter a piece. i don't want my art to be judged against anyone else's. it should stand on it's own. i do some of the same styles as others and am nowhere near as good, i simply don't have the experience. if i were to enter and not be judged adequate it would certainly discourage me. i'm sure others might feel this way also.

good intention and all, but we know where that leads.

I think a judged contest would be tough to pull off for all the reasons mentioned and I doubt that I would ever enter one either. I don't like the idea of my artistic ability being judged. I do like contests that require creativity, but not ones based solely on skill and ability. However, I wouldn't mind seeing some of the artists who are creating great art, but getting very little hype, receive more exposure in our community. What if some of the event promoters held a contest or asked for submissions for consideration to use for poster art, flyers, web graphics etc. With all the events that are now popping up, I think it's a perfect opportunity to promote some of the lesser known folks who are constantly shadowed by the heavy hitters. There would have to be guidelines, rules and all that kinda crap and it might add another dolop of effort onto the promoters already full plate. Also, it might not be the perfect medium for carvers and other non graphical crafts. But then again why not use a digital photo of a killer carved tiki or Tapa lamp as a Graphic? Of course, this is just my two clams and nothing against the successful artists who have put in the time, paid their dues and honed their skills, but I would like to see all the artists here on TC getting a moment or two in the spotlight. Also, I realize that it would not be an easy task and there would be naysayers and obstacles, however, I know that if the determination is there anything is possible.

Thanks to Swamp Tiki for opening the door to this topic. I think his heart was in the right place in wanting to help all the artist on TC get some accolades they deserve.


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[ Edited by: Chongolio 2006-06-28 10:57 ]

Helz posted on Wed, Jun 28, 2006 10:18 AM

Not "Swamp Fire"..."Swamp Tiki"

On 2006-06-28 10:18, HelzTiki wrote:
Not "Swamp Fire"..."Swamp Tiki"

Oops. I fixed my post.

Have any Tiki events ever tried to have a Tiki-type art exhibition in coordination with a local gallery or other venue/location in the area?

hewey posted on Wed, Jun 28, 2006 8:53 PM

My gut reaction is hesitant. I think the general premise is great, and the intention of highlighting the work of all TC artists is a good thing.

But, who says lesser known artists arent going to still be looked over? If I had a carving next to a Benzart piece, or a painting next to a kooche piece - is this going to highlight my work or reinforce how far less developed my work is?

My car is pretty cool and turns a few heads on the street. Not bad for a $2,000 daily driver. But when I go to a show and park it next to a $60,000 hot rod only driven 6 times a year (on sunny days), it may as well be invisible.

The "theme of the month" for artists works okay. Maybe if we just remove the competition bit and have it as a general exhibition on a given (broad) theme. And yeh, as suggested hold it in conjunction with a gallery or a bar or something?

As someone who makes his living from selling his art, I am all for promoting my art to a more people. The more that see it, the more likely I will sell a piece of art.
A general art exhibition of Tiki-related art would more beneficial to tiki artists and craftspeople than a competition. A competition usually means one winner and lots of losers...er, not winners. :)

All my Tiki-type art sells and surprisingly to me it is not to people that would classify themselves as Tiki collectors. People that purchase my Tiki art buy it for other reasons - its fun, colorful, fantasy, humorous, conversation starter; not because they are collectors of Tiki things. (For example, I have never had anyone from these Tiki forums ever inquire about my Tiki art to purchase; but at other forums where I post the art I get regular inquiries. Please note: I am not complaining or whining - it is just interesting to me from a marketing standpoint.) :)

That´s why I think an art exhibition separate from the Tiki event (gallery, bar or other venue), but in conjunction with the event would be the best- so more people can see the art. But an art exhibition is lots of work and can be difficult to coordinate and get something like this organized.

On 2006-06-29 06:43, ToonToonz wrote:

That´s why I think an art exhibition separate from the Tiki event (gallery, bar or other venue), but in conjunction with the event would be the best- so more people can see the art. But an art exhibition is lots of work and can be difficult to coordinate and get something like this organized.

This is exactly what we had for the London Luau, I posted that we were looking for artists and was surprised how few people wanted to be involved.
Ok London is maybe too far away for some, but we had a lot of international artists involved who sold their work, check out the Artshow section on the website http://www.thelondonluau.co.uk.

Further to this thread, my partner Anjy and myself have both entered our work for many Art prizes, we have never won any, but that is how it goes. Its the same with submitting pieces for a gallery show, you may not get chosen but you don't give up trying.

A little competitiveness can push people to strive harder, as long as any criticism is constructive, but as this idea wouldn't involve any criticism it won't harm anybody just push the people who don't win to try harder.

Thats my tuppence worth.

CheekyTiki - I hope to have some art at your event next year!

Note about your link:
Problem 1: I think you included the period at the end of the sentence and so it sends a person to not your website.
Problem 2: When I go to your website -
I get this:
"The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later."
You must be getting lots of traffic!

Regarding the note that you said: "A little competitiveness can push people to strive harder..."
I know what you are saying, but for me it really does not work that way when I create my art.
Art boils down to creating one´s own style - tough to compete on that. One either has their own style or they don´t (yet). The only person I compete against with my art is me. I know what I have to do to get better, it just takes time and practice. I have gotten to the stage in my art that I don´t really even look at other people´s art that much. I have my style and I am trying to develop it.
Thankfully there are a few art collector´s out there in the world that like my art enough to buy a canvas or three! :)

Like a fellow artist repeatedly tells me, "The only votes that count in the art world are the one´s willing to part with their hard earned money for the artist´s art - now they are the ones that really like an artist´s work." :)

I do my worst artwork under pressure.

Not sure why

What type of pressure? Pressure of a deadline or ???

fear of judgement kind of pressure

its just me


I enjoy the clock is ticking (is it time to panic, yet?) pressure of a deadline - "Do or die!".
The pressure of paying the bills is a nice one and the pressure of "I have not done enough art lately and I have 40 sketch books full of painting ideas I need to do so when will I find the time?" keeps me motivated.

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