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Do you want an Official Tiki Central Ohana Hut mug?

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hanford_lemoore posted on 05/19/2006

:down: Please read this carefully :down:

See the mug in Jungle Trader's post here.

Assume the mug bowl is about $100 excluding shipping.

Click here if you want ONE mug, just send a message. Limit one. Please DO NOT pm more than once, DO NOT send a single PM with a request for more than one mug. I'm not going to read the PMs, just count them.

Note: this is not a waiting list or reservation system, it's just a "head count" so we can understand what the demand is.

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-05-19 13:47 ]

hanford_lemoore posted on 05/20/2006

Please do NOT post your request here. Re-read the section labeled "please read carefully" and follow the instructions listed.

hanford_lemoore posted on 05/22/2006

just a reminder that we're still doing the headcount ....

hanford_lemoore posted on 05/25/2006

one more bump, then we're done counting heads.

I might suggest (and you may have already thought of this) to make a few extra if you consider that some people might be on vacation or work trips this week and haven't been reading the board.


teaKEY posted on 05/26/2006

Will we get a number in a few days as to how many are expected to be made?

hanford_lemoore posted on 05/26/2006

On 2006-05-25 17:50, teaKEY wrote:
Will we get a number in a few days as to how many are expected to be made?

Probably, but there's no guarantees.

Mike the Headhunter posted on 05/26/2006

Do you think that there will be a limit to the number one member can purchased?

chisel slinger posted on 05/27/2006

are you F'n kidding me? youre gonna try to bilk people over $100 bucks for this thing? WTF?

Chongolio posted on 05/27/2006

On 2006-05-26 20:59, chisel slinger wrote:
are you F'n kidding me? youre gonna try to bilk people over $100 bucks for this thing? WTF?

Dang it Chisels Slinger you exposed the master plan. That's right Hanford, Stuckie and I were planning on getting rich and retiring in the South Pacific by selling these whack mugs that took absolutely no time, thought process or creative ability to produce. The whole idea was to exploit everybody on T.C. for $100.00 clams while putting zero effort into it. The fact is, there was never a contest it was a huge and well planned conspiracy involving hundreds of unknowing people. We came up with this scam years ago. We just had to wait for the mugs to arrrive on a slow boat from China. That is where they are being mass produced by underaged monkey slave laborers. We would of gotten away with too if it wasn't for your acute observational prowess.

Serioulsy, your comment is not one I would expect to see coming from somebody who knows how much time, effort and work goes into creating something from nothing. How do you feel when somebody ask you the price of one of your creations and then roll their eyes when you give them a fair or even worse a lowball price? Nobody is getting rich from this mug and nobody is "bilking" anybody. It is a large, detailed and complex mug. Everybody who was involved has put a lot of their own time into making this mug a reality. Maybe next time Hanford and Stuckie should do something simple, boring and unoriginal so everybody can have one for a dollar.

No hard feelings on this side of the screen and if you knew me you would know I am not a confrontational type. but I do think your comment was insulting and rude towards Hanford and Stuckie. Hanford is the dude who has more than graciously provided and maintained, FOR FREE, this forum which you are regular participant in. Stuckie, who is one of the nicest and busiest cats I know, probably could of made his life a little easier by not taking on this project. I will say it again, nobody is bilkin' anybody. I think the mug should cost more money and Stuckie and Hanford actually should make some change for their efforts.

Feel free to PM me if you want to continue this discussion without burdening the board with our ranting.


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

hanford_lemoore posted on 05/27/2006

On 2006-05-26 20:59, chisel slinger wrote:
are you F'n kidding me? youre gonna try to bilk people over $100 bucks for this thing? WTF?

Hi CS,
This simply isn't a cheap mug to make. Production-wise it's like two huge tiki bowls -- one for the base, and one for the lid. It takes up a massive amount of space in the kiln, which means they can fire less mugs at a time (not just TC mugs but production mugs as well), which slows the entire Munktiki operation down. Because of the detailed boxy shape the molds themselves were very complex, requiring nine parts, as can be seen in the photos below. And as production continues, Stuckie has to re-add detail by hand on a mug-per-mug basis as the mold degrades, but times that by two since it's really two huge mugs.

We knew it wasn't going to be cheap, and we almost chose a different winner from the top 3 that the judges voted on simply because of that, but this was the clear winner so we decided to go forward with it. I tried to prepare people for the fact that the mug was going to be expensive, but I guess there's no way around a certain amount of sticker shock. Sorry about that.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2006-05-27 14:21 ]

stuckieshaft posted on 05/28/2006

Well.. Hanford did say, "around" $100 bucks. Not Over $100. Dang, read more carefully next time.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 05/28/2006

..you all must realize that chisel slinger practically gives his carvings away with the low prices he puts on his work. Not that i'm complaining as i love his stuff and love the cheap price, however...apparently he does not understand the value of his work which is why i think he totally undersells his stuff, ...this may be why it is impossible for him to understand the value that others put on their work!!! I don't see bezart complaining about the price of the hut..this should be a good indication that you guys aren't off the mark.......

[ Edited by: Tipsy McStagger 2006-05-28 00:30 ]

hewey posted on 05/28/2006

On 2006-05-26 20:59, chisel slinger wrote:
are you F'n kidding me? youre gonna try to bilk people over $100 bucks for this thing? WTF?

And on the other side of the coin some want em hand painted (at an extra cost, but are prepared to pay the extra $$$). $100 is expensive no disagreement, but I think the value is okay.

Mike the Headhunter posted on 05/29/2006

That is an impressive mold! Were you serious about releasing a book on mold making? The price is right for the work!

teaKEY posted on 05/30/2006

Over a hundred dollars with tax, with tax and shipping.

I can see where the disappointment in CS and some other TC members lay. It is the second coming for a TC mug. A lot of members have joined TC in the last couple of years and this should only grow, which means that most of us don't have a Shecky. This second mug (really a bowl) would be the second wave for us to have our tiki community's vessel.

Both sides have good points but at the 100+ price, some people that wanted the next mug, may not get their chance, for a second time at that.

Tiki Flange posted on 05/30/2006

I for one don't mind paying the $100 or even more to have a drinking vessel of this caliber. Quite frankly, I would have been dissappointed it the second official mug was just "another mug" that would blend into my collection, and only have meaning for me. I wanted a mug that people will ask about when they see it on my bar.

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/30/2006

On 2006-05-28 00:29, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
...this may be why it is impossible for him to understand the value that others put on their work!!!

two thumbs up...!

SufferinSimon posted on 05/30/2006

teaKey pretty much summed up my feelings. I'm sure the Ohana Hut
will be a prized centerpiece for all who own one, but I just can't
part with 100 clams for a mug. I missed out on the original offering
of Sheckys ... why not have another run of them?

chisel slinger posted on 05/31/2006

o.k. a little drunk, and a little sticker shock. yes, I am cheap. did'nt mean to hurt feelings. just seems alot of members could get excluded. Aloha.

[ Edited by: chisel slinger 2006-05-30 18:43 ]

SilverLine posted on 05/31/2006

As a fairly new member, I was hoping to get my hands on the next TC mug, but it looks like that's not going to happen. That's OK, though. I started carving tikis mainly because I couldn't afford to buy one.

The true cost of anything is the foregone alternative.

Coco Loco posted on 06/02/2006

On behalf of Mai Tai and myself. Yes.

hanford_lemoore posted on 06/02/2006

Just to confirm with everyone: this is NOT a waiting list. It's NOT an order list. It was just an informal headcount to understand how many we'll be selling.

The headcount we got was a good number, but not enough to justify making master molds*. This means we'll only have the two original molds (one for the top, one for the bottom). And those molds will only work for about 150 pours before they'e too worn out to be used any more. So the TC Ohana Hut will be a limited edition of 150 bowls.

  • This is how I understand it: To make a master mold, Stuckie would have to make two-part molds of each of the pieces shown in the photo below. That's the equivelent work of making nine more two-piece mug molds! And since the headcount we have so far for Ohana Huts is less than 150, we simply can't justify making master molds for the Ohana Hut.

I know this means that some late-comers might not be able to get a mug, but there's just an incredible amount of work required in making the edition count rise above 150. I hope everyone understands.


MauiTiki posted on 06/21/2006

Any idea when they will go on sale??

Kona Chris posted on 06/21/2006

I'm going to have to think long and hard about one of these, as it's an absolutely incredible mug. Expensive to be sure, but look what people pay for Shecky mugs these days. As a limited edition, utterly extravagant mug, I don't think it is out of line at all.


marika posted on 06/21/2006

I find it out of this world and I too would like to know when it will go on sale.

[ Edited by: marika 2006-06-21 09:44 ]

hala bullhiki posted on 06/21/2006

ill pay the 100 for that.....

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TravelingJones posted on 06/25/2006

Aloha Hanford, Stuckie and Chongolio!

I want to address the question, "When can we expect a pre-order?"

The debate of how many will be made and co$t has past. Now we are in the throws of summertime fun, picnics, parties, beaches and vacations. So I just wanted to plant a seed of thought. Possibly to absorb the shock of those willing to pay the amount, do as necessary to be placed on a list... only to come home from that fantastic trip with family to the islands or a Jungle Golf weekend...to find that the list came out, sold out and good luck on ebay auctions.

That would be a tragedy for all and toying with emotions perhaps...BUT something for thought.

The ohana is excited and this is a limited opportunity. When the time comes for release of this fan-tiki-tastic item, nobody wants the tragedy of being trampled or left outside the locked gates, as demonstrated with concert 'Festival seating'.

Please continue to keep me and others informed. Make the debut and release a fun and spectacular event. The mug will be coveted by all!

"Spread tiki joy and peace, one mug at a time." :tiki: -Me


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Geeky Tiki posted on 07/03/2006

I'd buy two, if allowed.

MauiTiki posted on 07/04/2006

I agree with travelingJones, it would be nice to know when they will go up for sale. Any info will be helpful. End of July? August? December?

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Bohemiann posted on 07/12/2006

I would gladly fork out the hundred bucks and grace my collection with this unique TC mug. Each mug in my collection has a different sentiment to it depending on their mode of acquisition. A few of the cheaper mugs I have hold a special place in my collection because of the story and adventure that goes with it. TC has started to become an important part of my "Down Time" and support for my hobbies and interests. To have TC represented incarnate in my mug collection would be worth every penny of a hundred bucks and the vessel would hold court over most of my more expensive mugs. I hope that there is profit in it for TC and will continue to be a supporting consumer until I am to old to raise a toast! :drink:

hewey posted on 07/14/2006

Yeh, I would like a rough time frame on when they will be made available.

I need to schedule that trip to a developing nation to sell a spare kidney on the black market...

Seriously, gotta budget around it - how much is postage to Australia gonna be?

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Digitiki posted on 07/14/2006

Yeah, I agree. It would be nice to get a rough time frame for mug sales - not because I can't wait, but because I need to budget. I'm less likely to get the rolling pin upside the head if I let the Mrs. know about it ahead of time and budget for it.

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kingstiedye posted on 07/14/2006

i will gladly pay extra if chongolio paints mine! :)

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Monkeyman posted on 07/14/2006

I will glady pay extra if Chongolio washes my car and mows my lawn.

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JenTiki posted on 07/14/2006

I would gladly pay extra if Chongolio washes my car and mows my lawn ... shirtless. Is that so wrong?

Your lawn is growing shirts? My lawn is already shirtless.


T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7785272229a12e581b9f410a03e96155?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tedtiki posted on 07/15/2006

Hey how about a foot rub with my mug?

Chongolio posted on 07/15/2006

I am hopeful that these questions and more will be answered at the upcoming SF Tiki Crawl next week. I don't think hand painter mugs will happen because of the time and potential hassle it could cause for everybody. Not to be a buzzkill, but there is already enough things to deal with without adding to the pile. I will talk to Stuckie and Hanford about the possibility, but as of right now, I simply would not have the time to handpaint mugs. But you never know what surprises the future may hold.

Regarding shirtless lawn mowing and carwashing, Now that would cost you plenty!!


Coconut Wired Podcast
Barefoot bloggin'

[ Edited by: Chongolio 2006-07-15 09:29 ]

Pages: 1 38 replies