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Let's go to Bahooka! August 7, 2006 @ 7:00 p.m.

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ookoo lady posted on 06/23/2006

With the recent tragic losses of the Royal Hawaiian and Sam's Seafood restaurants, it's more important than ever to support the remaining tiki establishments.

The Bahooka in Rosemead, California is a great place, and worthy of making the extra effort to sustain it.

Krustiki and I often have lunch there on Saturdays. I'd like to see if there's any interest in setting up a regular TC get-together. How about the first Monday night of each month?

Any interest? Any suggestions?

[ Edited by: ookoo lady 2006-07-05 20:42 ]

Humuhumu posted on 06/23/2006

An excellent idea! The Bahooka is worthy of all the support it can get. Sure, there are places where you can get better food & drinks, but there's nowhere else on earth that can offer such a grand labyrinth of flotsam & jetsam.

hiltiki posted on 06/23/2006

Is Monday the preferred night for all?

Tigerlily posted on 06/23/2006

Sounds good to me. Can we also meet at Damon's Steak House in Glendale one of the Monday nights. I live in Glendale and go there often and don't know what I will do if it ever closes.

PolynesianPop posted on 06/23/2006

Good idea! Almost any night during the work week (Monday thru Thurs) will work for me.

WooHooWahine posted on 06/23/2006

WoooHoooo! Sounds like fun. SoccerTiki and I love Bahooka's :)

Tiki-Kate posted on 06/23/2006

I'd certainly be willing to make the trek on a regular basis.

PiPhiRho posted on 06/23/2006

If all goes according to plan (a thing that has not been happening much lately) then I should be there for lunch tomorrow (Sat, 6/24). For the last few years I have stopped there for lunch whenever there is a drum corps show in the area, and saturday there is a show at Mt. San Antonio College in Walnut. I'll be there for a pre-show lunch (around 1-ish) if there is enough time.

Tiki Bird posted on 06/23/2006

Great idea! Mondays are ok, but how about thursdays or fridays?


ted tiki posted on 06/23/2006

I'm glad you guys are planning on doing this as I like to know one of my favorite places will continue to be around whenever I'm in that area of the world. Well done, well done indeed.

bigtikidude posted on 06/23/2006

well it is a bit far for me, but I am off mondays, so I guess that is ok for me.
I'll be going there tonight with some frineds before we go to see some bands play at a bar in Rosemead later tonight.


paranoid123 posted on 06/24/2006

Mondays are good for me!

DarkTiki posted on 06/24/2006

Well I agree, the Bahooka is a fun, wild, and a great meeting place, that's why we decided that Tiki's and Terrors II - The 2006 Lost Expedition Art show is going to be held there, and we are also releasing a very exclusive and limited tiki mug that night, would anybody like to know more?
send me a message

Christian Simpson

[ Edited by: DarkTiki 2006-06-24 10:39 ]

DawnTiki posted on 06/24/2006

I can't promise EVERY Monday, but I'd certainly be able to make a Monday or two, every now and then... possibly. How's that for being committed to tiki!

ookoo lady posted on 06/24/2006

OK, we'll start this coming Monday, July 3, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. I know some people have a long holiday weekend and might be out of town, but we'll see how it goes.

I'll try to get a long booth, back by the jail doors.

See you there!

Tiki-Kate posted on 06/26/2006

On 2006-06-24 15:48, ookoo lady wrote:
OK, we'll start this coming Monday, July 3, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.

Al and I will be there.

paranoid123 posted on 06/28/2006

I'll be there!

PolynesianPop posted on 06/28/2006

I think I can make it too...

tyger jymmy posted on 06/29/2006

F - in Way Kool I think were gonna make me and miss tyger .

paranoid123 posted on 06/29/2006

I spoke too soon! I won't be able to go... I'm so bummed.....

Unless you guys try to start going on Tuesdays (hint hint)

[ Edited by: paranoid123 2006-06-29 01:15 ]

GROG posted on 06/29/2006

GROG driving back from Reno that day, but if GROG
make it back early enough, GROG crash party.

GROG never been to Bahooka, so this good incentive
to go.

[ Edited by: GROG 2006-06-29 07:50 ]

ookoo lady posted on 06/29/2006

Sorry you can't come, paranoid123. I was looking forward to meeting you in person.

We'll stick with Monday for this first get-together, since it's already been posted for awhile, and Tuesday is the 4th of July.

For future dates, we'll try to pick the day that will get the most people to participate!

ookoo lady posted on 07/03/2006

Bump! See everyone on Monday!

MTKahuna posted on 07/03/2006

Sveet!!! I know Laney's going...
I'll try and make overz.

[ Edited by: MTKahuna 2006-07-03 07:07 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 07/03/2006

What time is everyone showing up?

ookoo lady posted on 07/03/2006

We'll be there around 7:00 p.m.

LAWebChick posted on 07/03/2006

I'm going to do my best! I've been out of the loop for so long that I really want to say hey to everyone again.

tyger jymmy posted on 07/03/2006

4 30 ish gonna nap shower and hit the road C, everyone in a while.

bigtikidude posted on 07/04/2006

Sorry I didn't make it guys.
I had a busy / rough weekend, and was just too taped out energy,
and money wise to go.
Hope to be at the next one.
still gonna be mondays? That's a good nite for me.


ookoo lady posted on 07/04/2006

Not a bad turnout for a holiday weekend...I think we had about 12 people for this first episode. The Bahooka is a great place to hang out, and I'm sure the owners are happy to see us.

It was good seeing everybody again. I brought my camera but forgot to take a picture.

Let's do it again next month!

Tiki Bird posted on 07/05/2006

On 2006-06-29 07:52, ookoo lady wrote:
Sorry you can't come, paranoid123. I was looking forward to meeting you in person.

We'll stick with Monday for this first get-together, since it's already been posted for awhile, and Tuesday is the 4th of July.

For future dates, we'll try to pick the day that will get the most people to participate!

Glad it was a good turn out, let us know when the next one is & Utopiandreem & i will be there!


bigtikidude posted on 07/06/2006

So is this going to be a once a month thing on Mondays??
That makes is a bit easier than every week.


ookoo lady posted on 07/06/2006

Well, most people seem to like Mondays, and only one person can't come on Mondays (temporarily).

So unless a lot of people speak up (and post here) that they would prefer a different day,
we'll try to keep meeting on the first Monday of each month.

See you August 7!

Unga Bunga posted on 07/06/2006

How about Bahooka's for New Years 2007!?

ookoo lady posted on 07/06/2006

Sounds like fun, but they close at 10:00. I guess you could see about making special arrangements for a private party.

Tiki Bird posted on 07/06/2006

Hey Ookoo, Utopiandreem & i would prefer thursday or fridays if possible.


'Vid posted on 07/12/2006

We're talking to Bahooka about catering at Tiki-Invasion on August 5th. Great ribs!

You know that place has something like 110 aquariums in it?! Wow!

Very cool place and super nice folks there. Also, great tropical drinks!

Definitely make it out there!


dead_ed65 posted on 07/19/2006

HI Ookoo Lady!
How did the trip to Bahooka go? My wife and I were also taking about getting a group together and heading up to Rosemead!When will the August visit be? Going to Tiki Invasion on the 5th so I can't be sure if I'll make Bahooka's around then.In the late 60s' and early 70's my family would and I would pay regular visits to this important Tiki/Nautical (should-be)historic locale.Keep me clued in as to what's up!
In Tiki We Trust,

dead_ed65 posted on 07/19/2006

Uuuuhhhh,it pays to read previous postings,Duuuuh. The 7th sounds like a plan yall!!! See ya on the 5th at Mission Tiki Drive-In's Tiki Invasion!!!! YAAAAHHHOOOOOOO B^)

Tiki Diablo posted on 07/20/2006

The missus and I went out there for lunch on Sunday. Had a great time stuufing our faces and relaxing. I left some flyers over there for the Tiki Invasion, and had nice chat with the manager there. "what to see him eat a carrot?" ha the fish is soo funny.

hiltiki posted on 07/20/2006

Elianore and I went there on Monday on the way back from Palm Springs. Chico is the best (actually just about the only waiter) there. He is soooo funny. Navy Grogs are just about ok there and the lobster and steak is pretty good. Hope to see you all there one of these Mondays. Not the best day for me but I will try to make it one of these times.

LilTikiDude posted on 07/29/2006

Hey there all, this is bigtikidude's little bro.
Mondays sound like an awesoem day, make it feel like the weekend is continuing right on through the week. :P If my bro goes or I get some cash and directions, I'll be sure to be there. GOTTA LOVE THE TIKI PLACES LEFT! Too few still around, especially with Sam's Seafood gone. (Glad I was at the Sam's Fairwell bash.)

Hope to be there,
Jake "Lil Tiki Dude" Hanson

ookoo lady posted on 08/04/2006

Just a gentle bump...remember this Monday! I hope to see everyone!

Al-ii posted on 08/07/2006

Adrian, Kate and I are in.

GROG posted on 08/07/2006

GROG try to make it, but may not get there 'til 8:00 or so.

SoccerTiki posted on 08/07/2006

SoccerTiki and WooHooWahine are still recovering from Scottsdale!!! We WILL be at the next one!

DawnTiki posted on 08/07/2006

MAN! I can't make it tonight. I thought I could but it just aint gonna happen. Have fun kids! I'll see you next month!

Tiki Bird posted on 08/07/2006

Utopiandreem & are in for tonight

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