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Recipe: bongwater

Pages: 1 3 replies

cyntiki posted on 07/07/2006

Does anyone know the secret recipe?


We shore would love seeing it in print!



Blue Thunder posted on 07/07/2006

Found this at http://www.barnonedrinks.com/recipes/cocktails/b/bongwater.html

Don't know if it is what you are looking for?


1/2 oz. Southern Comfort
1/2 oz. Amaretto
1/2 oz. Midori
1/2 oz. Peach (?? not sure here maybe schnapps or liqueur or juice??)
Fill with 7-Up
Dash of Pineapple Juice
Dash of Cola

Pour all the ingredients (except cola) in a shaker with ice. Shake once and pour in a highball glass Add a dash of cola and do not add any garnish.

cyntiki posted on 07/08/2006

Thanks Blue Thunder, but I'm sure the one I'm looking for has lemon juice and minced mint! A certain Bongofury might be able to help.

but I'll have to try that one too!


DJ HawaiianShirt posted on 07/08/2006

The above drink sounds very good!

I'm pretty sure it's referring to peach schnapps.

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