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eBay: Tiki Table lamps (one with Original Box), Trader Vic's plate, Sea World mug

Pages: 1 4 replies

Doctor Z posted on 07/03/2006

More from the Castaway Lounge Collection:

Tiki Table Torch, w/original box

Tiki Table Lamp

Trader Vic's plate

Sea World mug

Thanks for looking!

Kona Chris posted on 07/03/2006

Hmm, I guess I should have picked up the Sea World mug of that same type I saw at a thrift store for 10 cents. I just didn't think I needed it. Silly me :)


teaKEY posted on 07/03/2006

Z, man you have a lot of posts going at the same time at the moment

freddiefreelance posted on 07/03/2006

Dr. Z, I also have one of those Tiki Table lamps, i'd like to get a decent copy or scan & print of the box art? I'll send you a couple bucks to compensate you for shipping, materials & your time. Please PM me.

Doctor Z posted on 07/09/2006

These auctions are ending tonight Last chance to bid on 'em! :)

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