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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Gman vs Wild - Page 1; Kotiate Warrior 183; BoatMan 184; Gman Lizard Dance 190; Screamer 193

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Loki posted on 07/05/2006

Lookin' great as usual. Sorry I havent been around much lately, but I'm always stopping by your thread.

GMAN posted on 07/07/2006

Finkdaddy - I have a few toys in the garage, but nothing like I want...all in time. Did you get your carving socks yet? Thanks for the kind words on the Maori. He'll start looking a lot better as I get further in on him now.

JohnnyP - When are you moving down man? I need an engineer around to help me figure out how to keep my toys running.

Tiki Duddy - Thanks, the cedar is a beautiful wood, but when I stain him, all the red heart-wood will be covered.

Loki - Hey man! No apologies, I know you are out there. Thanks for leaving a note. What are you two up to over there? I was thinking about you guys the other day when I was trying to get a hogfish for some gyotaku work. I need to get ya one of those. Hopefully I can get out to some good spear-grounds soon. The red tide killed most of the inshore reef fish last year and they are not back. I need to get out at least twice as far as I normally hunt. Soon!


hewey posted on 07/07/2006

Coming along nicely man :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/07/2006

Always nice to see your work. Couldn't sleep tonight and had this hypothetical situation going on in my head and I wanted to run it by you: (It's UFC season, so you know what type of question is coming)
If you fought 10 "tough" fighters, all just barely better or worse than yourself two times each, but:
The first time you fought each one of the ten, you tried as hard as you could to win offensively in each and every fight. No knockout or a submission victory by you is a loss. The second time you fought each guy, your fight plan was to go all defense. You would win the fight by not getting knocked out, or submitting the opponent without strikes. Two ten minute rounds: forced opposing fight plans employed by each fighter. A draw is a loss for both fighters.
Round robin tourney style.
Okay, question is, if you were fighting in this tourney, would you expect to go 5-5 in the offensive mathches, and 10-0, in the defensive matches?
And also, what do you think of this format to force fighters out of their safety zones some times and make more exciting fights? I hate judges decisions. How's ED?
Happy UFC Weekend,

FreekieTiki posted on 07/09/2006

Hey G-man and Buzzy

Fight night is upon us...

I'd like to comment on the two scenarios you proposed. If you fight as hard as you can and you don't get a knock down or submission you have won just by points if you were the aggressor. The only thing is you have let a decision go to the judges and if you are a fight fan or a fighter you know how fucked up that can be.

Secondly, you never fight a NHB fight defensively. That is too dangerous even if you are way better than the opponent you are facing. At this level you have to understand the guy on the other side of the cage came to fight. At Big Johns call he's coming for you. Everyone is tough in here. You never want to let someone take shots at you and let them go unanswered. Anyone of those shots connect, boom, you are on queer street. That's a street that's hard to get off of...

, what do you think of this format to force fighters out of their safety zones some times and make more exciting fights?

It definitely changes the outcome of some of the fights but for PPV it has to be done. I can remember early on I would get a very good ground fighter down and begin to ground and pound him. Like a spider eventually he would wait for me to get out of position and in a blink I was getting tapped. As I got more seasoned i learned to take my time, some could call it stalling but it was really fighting to win. I would see the trap and avoid it. I would do this by not reaching in knowing the ref would stand us up for "stalling". A few stand ups for the grappler with my superior striking and that was all it took to get the KO on the grappler. That is why they don't have time limits in the matches in Brazil. If you really want to keep it raw you have to just let the fighters fight. That is one of the reasons Wanderlei Silva is so tough. He started out fighting bare knuckle bout's in Brazil with no time limits... Remember the UFC is very tough but it has a lot of rules and these rules change things. It's not street fighting. Good scenarios though ; )


GMAN posted on 07/09/2006

Hewey - Thanks man, how goes it in Aussie land?

Buzzy - I would expect to go 0-10, 0-10 and then have immediate spinal surgery. I am so busted up that just getting out of bed is seriously painful. Additionally, I hurt so bad in bed I barely sleep. My daily life is enough to keep me on the edge of being able to deal with my pain, so I would never get in the octagon.

As for UFC 61: I want my forty bucks back.

Ed - We need you to liven these fights up a bit. What a disappointment.


GMAN posted on 07/09/2006

Hey all,

Here are a few shots of a pendant I am making for a TCer. The request was for a stylized wild boar hog hanging by his rear legs. Here is the start, with a beginning at the layout, profile, and rough shape. I believe this is zebra wood. This one should be fun!

Thanks for looking!!!


JohnnyP posted on 07/09/2006

Suey(t) :)

Benzart posted on 07/10/2006

Awlll Riightt, Looks kinda boaring to me!, yes that's zebra wood. Looks good so far GMAN

congatiki posted on 07/10/2006

GMan...your maori carvings are awesome in the red cedar...each one seems to build on the
personality of the last one....love what you're doing with the hands on this guy.
And you've spoken of your pig roasts....now the wild boar.....seems like a pattern developing.
More more more.

Tiki Duddy posted on 07/10/2006

it looks good i like it. keep it comming.

hewey posted on 07/10/2006

Nice piggy :)

Aussie land is great, by the way.

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/10/2006

So I gather that friend of G that fights, is freekietiki. Pleased to meet you ed. Your reputation precedes yourself. Let me know if your ever fighting in SoCal: I want to watch you beat someone up.

GMAN-saw you posted on the thread about working space and mentioned the Donk. Reminded me of a story I forgot to tell you a from a week or so ago:
I was working in this ghetto hellhole school, and there is this one student who I throw out of class everytime I go in there. I swear, four years now and he hasn't lasted all period once. I even throw him out when were only watching movies(tax dollars at work-move to Cali please, schools need more money!) He was A real jerk, as usual. He started up, I gave him the typical speech about calling his parents and etc. I didn't want to kick him out, because the last time I did he snuck into the cafeteria and that's a whole diferent ghetto story. Anyway, for punishment, I made him read Tiki Central for the whole rest of the class. I can see the green screen from across the room, so I know what he was doing. He was asking who good carvers were and I told him to check out your stuff, and you were near the top at the time. I forgot about old Donk. I usually work backwards because I've read everyone's earlier stuff, so I forgot what would happen if someone looked at your thread from the front. I looked up from my work to see five boys looking at the computer and laughing. I could see the green TC background, so I was wondering what they were looking at. Oh! pg 3. You now have a group of inner city gangster fans. Gman's art, inspiring the youth of today from coast to coast...
So now all the kids know I make Tikis. 240 future customers. They were so interested in my work that they tried to find me on myspace. I have no myspace, but two girls went home and "found" my Myspace page. They said, We found your myspace page and your name is "Mission Tiki." I looked and Mission Tiki is a 49 year old female drive in theater in LA...at least they got the tiki part right. Six months ago they would have got that wrong too...Baby steps....

AlohaStation posted on 07/10/2006

That boar looks great! Can't wait to see it done. Watch that Zebrawood it bites.

GMAN posted on 07/13/2006

Thanks guys! I love hearing from you. You each keep me working in your own way. For that I am very appreciative.

I just ordered 6 new small chisels (v-liners, #8s, and a #3) ranging from 1.5mm to 6mm to work on this piece. I'll pick him back up after the toolz arrive. I already see flaws in the sketch that need to be altered before I cut into it.

My wife is coming home for a visit (she works in PA) so I'm not sure what I'll get done on the Maori, but I sure am going to try to get some time in on him. The rail is calling to me too, so maybe I'll head to the pit for a few hill climbs and airs :)


hewey posted on 07/13/2006

Buzzy - isnt that A-hole going to be pissed and bust a cap in yo ass for callin him an A-hole :)

Nice work Gman!

GMAN posted on 07/15/2006

Don't try this at home folks....I'm what you would call a professional.....this is likely gonna leave a mark! This is my first time getting staples (18 of 'em), normally they give me stitches. Ouch!!!!!


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-07-15 16:49 ]

congatiki posted on 07/15/2006

Ouch!!!!!! What are you gonna do now...change your name to Franken-GMan. How in the hell
did you do that...not a chainsaw I hope? Ouch again!

kingstiedye posted on 07/15/2006

wow, gman! i'm glad you look like you're doing ok.

GMAN posted on 07/15/2006

I hit my head on my rail exhaust while I was loading it on the trailer...DUMB ASS!!


rodeotiki posted on 07/15/2006

Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!!

Now remember no more carving while driving the rail!!!

Benzart posted on 07/16/2006

Sorry to hear/see that. Can't you make up a better story then that?? C'mon, we need some carving war wounds like "My grinder got away from me" or "the recip chisel wanted a Mind of its own", c'mon you are a creator, be creative. "bumped my head on the pipe thingy sticking out of my santracer" yeah right..

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 07/16/2006

I hurt for you...

Tiki G. posted on 07/16/2006

G! What the hell! On the exhaust? How in the frick did that happen????? Dude that looks waaaay serious. I'm so glad your ok. Is the wahine there? Man, I'm sorry, battle scar is what you are going to have to call it! Who would have thought with all the chainsaw slingin' you do. Just glad your alright.......


[ Edited by: Tiki G. 2006-07-15 18:12 ]

McTiki posted on 07/16/2006

Freakin ouch ! I bet you said some choice words after that one! feel for you brother.


Moondance posted on 07/16/2006

Damm Gman!! I had to comment here on this one. I wish you a speedy recovery. Maybe put on your helmet when you get within 10' of your rail.

TravelingJones posted on 07/16/2006

DANG GMANG! That's gonna leave a mark!...Superman Bandaids or Duct Tape, that'll fix it fer sure???
Keep your head low and your chisels dry! All the best towards speedy recovery.


hewey posted on 07/16/2006

Ouch man, very ouch!

Bet it would have bled like a bitch too...

Hope you recover quick and it doesnt scar too much

RevBambooBen posted on 07/16/2006

On 2006-07-15 16:25, GMAN wrote:
I hit my head on my rail exhaust while I was loading it on the trailer...DUMB ASS!!


That's Fucked Up!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 07/16/2006


Is that the Rail on the Dell?

I burnt my leg leaning on the pipes ( 3 a.m. dune run in Glamis many moons ago) but never a slice like yours. That's bogus! Probably gonna start itching soon too. Aye yie yie!!

Loki posted on 07/16/2006

Nice one G...you always do it right. Heal well my friend.

Paipo posted on 07/16/2006

Man, that's going to leave an impressive scar! What exactly is a "rail" anyway?

[ Edited by: Paipo 2006-07-16 17:55 ]

JohnnyP posted on 07/17/2006

Now you just need a couple of bolts in your neck!

Benzart posted on 07/17/2006

A Rail is one of the long skinny things that a train rolls on to get from one town to another? However, I think GMAN's is a different kind. Thare's the rail that goes around the front porch and My wife Rails at me sometimes. then theres the Guard rail beside the road where they have curves and stuff. Then theres some kind of cars souped up and set up for running in the sand I think they call those "Sand rails. Then sometimes people use Rali to describe things like "That thar's a rail nice lookin teekeee you got thar. Oh yes theres the Stair rail, but Gman doesn't have those at his house. Then theres the rail that keeps you from falling out of the top bunk of your bunk bed. And Thennnn theres the rail that GMAN hit his head on, What is that kind of rail, a Railroad, or meybe it was the Trail and he forgot the "T". You want more, I can think of a bunch more??

artonsafari posted on 07/17/2006


When you sent me the pics I thought the chain might have let go and smacked your noggin. Then I figured the lines were too clean. Dude that sucks, Heal up quick.
Don't try putting a helmet on until the skin on that mellon is good and fused back together.

GMAN posted on 07/18/2006

Hey all,

Thanks for checking in and leaving notes. I'm fine, a little uglier now, but fine. The staples need to stay in for 10 days or so, and Rita said she'll take them out for me the next time she comes home. I also promised her I would take the "teepee" exhaust off the rail and replace it with a lower, bobcat style. Wicked bummer aye? I was looking forward to a nice night of hill climbing and night riding with some other rail drivers, but spent the evening getting stapled in the ER. Oh well. For those who asked, "rail" is short for "sandrail." A sandrail is a light, rear engine car, designed to run hard and fast in deep sand or other difficult terrain. As for my cut, I got it by banging my head on the "stinger", or very end of my exhaust. I've posted a pic of my rail and the #^%#@*&^ exhaust that cut me below.


"The saw is family"

[ Edited by: GMAN 2006-07-18 16:40 ]

Benzart posted on 07/18/2006

I guess you got 'Stung" pretty good. I have one of those little tools for removing rhe staples if you want to do it yerself?? It clamps down on'em and bends them the right angle and they pop right out, Better yet, Can I come do it ? Pleaseplease and more please?????
More battle scars, thats all.

rodeotiki posted on 07/19/2006

On 2006-07-18 15:21, GMAN wrote:
Hey all,

I'm fine, a little uglier now, but fine.

Glad to see your gonna be fine.
Pain is temporary, glory is forever and chicks dig scares!!!

Hope this doesnt affect your carvings.

JohnnyP posted on 07/21/2006

Now that you have showed us your latest "carving", what are you working on now?

Basement Kahuna posted on 07/21/2006

Damn...I didn't see this. Haven't been around in a week or so. Get well soon, G.

GMAN posted on 07/21/2006

Benz, Rodeo, and BK - Thanks, I'm doing well.

JohnnyP - I dunno. I've got 6 carvings in progress here now, but I don't feel much like working on any of them right now. I've been turning away commissions and sending folks on to other carvers. The commissions I have accepted are going slow. I'm hoping that changes at work will allow me to stop selling my paintings and carvings all together and I will only need to carve or paint for myself, and only when I want to. It's tough, my art business has paid all of my fun expenses for many years. I will still have to sell enough art to pay my business expenses and write off all my carving and painting gear. Right now I am planning a trip to an island off Panama where I will spend a week spearfishing and painting my gyotaku of some interesting Pacific fishes. I can write this one off and need to get it in before the fall. I'm tired and babbling.....I need sleep....

-Gman (putting the "fun" back in dysfunctional)

Mr. Dale posted on 07/21/2006

Man G.......staples and all, real pretty. It would be a cool looking thing to see on a tiki though.
Dont ya love it when they shoot the pain killer right in the cut with a big fat needle. Thats always my favorite.
Glad yer o.k., but I still love pictures like that. Yes!

GMAN posted on 07/21/2006

Mr Dale,

Don't you know it! It took them about 20 minutes of jabbing me with needles to get it numbed out. Unfortunately, the area closest to my eye never got numb and I felt each of the last 5 staples like there was no meds there at all. Love it!


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AlohaStation posted on 07/22/2006

So... does the zipper make it easier to reach in, and pull out great ideas?

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Polynesiac posted on 07/22/2006

DUDE!!!! that is one GNARLY picture! I'm glad you're in good spirits about it all. Congrats to your wife too - that's a big milestone! Was she around to help with the staples? and if she wasn't...was she bummed that she didn't? Lookin' forward to the next carvin' -heal soon!

Who farted?

[ Edited by: polynesiac 2006-07-21 21:16 ]

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Aaron's Akua posted on 07/22/2006

Ouch, jeez! I thought Benz had some gnarly injury photos! Take care of yourself for awhile. Relax, & enjoy your vacation, Gman. You will be back in carving form in no time.

Take care,


H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b3d4f38a46f9e2b10e6aef61241f3169?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Helz posted on 07/22/2006

Damn, G...

Heal well, buddy! And remember "Bones heal, Chicks dig scars."

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/09845a0a5fdbf142ab6c6c187b75b9fc?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GMAN posted on 07/22/2006

.........and glory last forever."

Yeah, thanks all, but no glory with this scar, just a reminder of how bad I can hurt myself if I am not concentrating on what I am doing.


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