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My Pop [PopTiki of Colorado]...(First look at our 2010 stuff: Page 14)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 236 replies

Red posted on 04/16/2006

That is an awesome ceramic mold. What did you make your prototype mug from (the volcano mug)?

[ Edited by: Red 2006-04-16 07:40 ]

blacksandz posted on 04/18/2006

Holy smokes! :o poptiki, that is one fantastic volcano mug! Got to have that! I sent you a PM.

Mahalo! :drink:

marika posted on 04/18/2006

This is wonderful work and a wonderful mug. Congratulations on the new toy I am sure it won't rest much :)

VanTiki posted on 04/18/2006

Holey Kamoley!

I just saw the shot of the Volcano mug with smoke and flames! Would you ever consider trading one of your mugs for one of mine? Or am I too late? I suddenly fear that all your mugs are spoken for!

Fabulous work!


Palama Tiki posted on 04/18/2006

Pop, you do fantastic work! keep it up!

tfisherart posted on 04/18/2006

Cool pop, very cool I'm going to pull out my test painted piece's tonight, if they work or not I'll letyou know.
Thank's for the help.

TravelingJones posted on 04/18/2006


Yo-Ho-Yo-Ho! I gotz around later tis evenin' to find much anticipated booty...me 'Poptiki Volcano Mug!...AaarrrgH!!! Where's me Rum?!!!
So in celebration me took a few Canon shots...and now it's official...me deadman's chest lay open aye Oooga Mooga showcase to me treasured bounty!!!
ScreeeECH!sSQUuaAkK!!..ffFloof..FlaaAP!! Off ME H00K yedam Bird!!!
Aye keep me good Eye on ye Poptiki...Jolly Good Mate!!! Now........BACK ta WORK with ya!! The crews restless?...MUTINY! Aye Mutiny I saiz if we don't see more treasures...and soooon!!!

flip-Klop-flip-Kloppp...Hazzah! HazzaH! HAZZAH! POPTIKI!!!

hmc posted on 04/19/2006

I just received my Volcano mug and I must say - IT IS TRULY A PIECE OF ART!!!!

It is absolutely magnificent, the design is ingenious and the glaze is spectacular.

I love it!

Oh and the tag is also a great touch, including a drink recipe... very clever!

blacksandz posted on 04/25/2006

On 2006-04-18 19:29, hmc wrote:
I just received my Volcano mug and I must say - IT IS TRULY A PIECE OF ART!!!!

It is absolutely magnificent, the design is ingenious and the glaze is spectacular.

I love it!

Oh and the tag is also a great touch, including a drink recipe... very clever!

I will second that! A true masterpiece!

Poptiki volcano mug in da house (err), hut!

Fantastic! :D


Tikiwahine posted on 04/27/2006

Received my mug yesterday and it is one gorgeous piece of art!
I'm truly honoured to have in my collection, I can't wait to try it out.

Thanks again!

marika posted on 05/11/2006

Poptiki this is a very beautiful mug and it has a crazy shape. This must have been hell to make the mold. I love it it's on my shelf with my other favorite mugs. It's truely amazing.

poptiki posted on 05/13/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:42:12 ]

poptiki posted on 05/13/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:40:45 ]

Tikisgrl posted on 05/14/2006

Hi Pop,

Love the mug variations!!! What else are you hiding in the back yard though? It looks like they are by a waterfall?

The Cobalt turned out great & it seems that the snow capped one is already being put to good use by Helz!!! (He mentioned a reverb crash)

Keep up the good work!!!


TravelingJones posted on 05/14/2006

Y0-H0! Y0-H0!...Poptiki!!

Howzit view Makuakane Lua Pele? Da kine variations SsweeetT, braddah P! Car klub's go-gonutz with flame variations...why not lava variations?!?

Cobaltz kool but hey...why not hot flourescents for the blacklights wavebangerz and metal-flake for the gearheadz??? Rockabilly-N-Tiki cultures seem to mix...Surf & Drag, right?...Big Daddy's, Beachcombers and Kahunas...Whoa PoPs! ...Better get Master Molds ready and a mass manufacturer!...Summer Nationals, Luau's, Kustom HotRod ,X-Games, Hukilau V, Viva Las Vegas10!...Europe, Japan, Russia...Nutz about this stuff!...global I tell ya! G-L-O-B-A-L !!!...now where's the number for that offshore account?

Better preheat that Tiki-fryer my man, cause Elvis is Back!
...hhhHHMMmmmm gold lame' volcano with motor oil lava....

Call Me...we'll do lunch! You da man Poptiki...you da man! SHOW ME DA'TIKI!!!


kingstiedye posted on 05/14/2006

yeah, what jones said! :)

Benzart posted on 05/16/2006

Yes Again to Jones' reply. Pops you are really getting some great stuff there. I Love how the colors are turning out!

TravelingJones posted on 06/13/2006


P-O-P-T-I-K-I...where r u???


TravelingJones posted on 06/18/2006
  • bump +


:tiki: :drink: :tiki:


poptiki posted on 06/18/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:41:23 ]

marika posted on 06/18/2006

These colors are extremely nice on your piece. I will have to collect them all!

TravelingJones posted on 06/18/2006

MMmmmmmm YyuuummmY GOOD! SssluurrrppP SsslobBberrR SsmaaaackK!!!


poptiki posted on 06/18/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:39:59 ]

TikiTikiBoom posted on 06/19/2006

On 2006-06-18 07:04, poptiki wrote:

Here's a misc. pic, looks oily?

Very spacey. I like it! I really love the design.

Whatever will you turn out next, Pop?!

Benzart posted on 06/19/2006

YeSSs, PopTiki, I really love that Oily look.Man, you are really goin' to town with these glazes. It is SO Great watching you have so much fun!

TravelingJones posted on 07/08/2006

Chugga chugga chugga, POPTIKI!!!...Chugga chugga chugga, POPTIKI???


poptiki posted on 07/09/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:38:07 ]

blacksandz posted on 07/09/2006

Pop, the Big Woo tribe will be extremely happy! I know I am w/my first run volcano original!

Keep up the great work! :D

McTiki posted on 07/10/2006

Pop, Awesome is the Woo! Is the indent in the opening for one's beak? I Love it. They fire beautifully. Meh want one.



OnaTiki posted on 07/10/2006

Wow!!! The Woo!!!!

Great job!! Can't wait to see these in person.

TikiTikiBoom posted on 07/10/2006

We here at the Big Woo thank you, poptiki.. for creating such an incredible piece just for us. I know how hard you worked on these and we made so many decisions and changes. The end result, as everyone can see, is nothing short of spectacular!

The colors are beautiful and the lettering.. just perfect! Not a single mug was lost in shipping. They fit the mood and add that certain touch to the Woo.

The skulls and the BigBenz approve, I think. :wink:

Dealing with poptiki was such a pleasant experience. He was so thoughtful during the entire process. Always in contact regarding changes/ideas. The man knows what he is doing and does it with style. THANK YOU again, pop! We LOVE them!!

Tikiwahine posted on 08/04/2006

I love my poptiki volcano mug!

teaKEY posted on 08/04/2006

Very professional

poptiki posted on 08/08/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:33:39 ]

TravelingJones posted on 09/03/2006


If found please report to proper authorities. :sheckymug:


Benzart posted on 09/03/2006

Yeah, Poptiki, where are you. The Big woo mugs were a Perfect fit, I Love what you did with them. What else have you been working on, c'mon, 'fess up??

Paipo posted on 09/03/2006

What a cool thread, from a carver to a one-man mug factory in a few pages. That Tiki Bob is superb. You doing any more carving?

Helz posted on 09/04/2006

Ok, My apologies all...it's my fault that Pop hasn't been out here more. Rita and I just moved back to Colorado, and so I've had him helping us settle into our new place.

One of the thing I asked him to do was make me a Bob for my UTR (Upcoming, Un-named, Un-enchanted Tiki Room).

And interestingly enough, Today he showed me what he did, so here goes...

and one for scale..

I don't know much about the construction...but I do know that there was a lot of pink foam scraps all over the garage.

Tikiwahine posted on 09/04/2006

wow, it's so totally fantastic helz & pops, fantastic job!

tekoteko posted on 09/04/2006

HUGE! HUGE! HUGE! HUGE! That's freakin' HUGE!

Benzart posted on 09/04/2006

Wow, That Bob Is utterly amazing, foam or not. Don't you EVER Comandeer him Away from us AGAIN! making the poor old man help you move and unworthy stuff like that, you'd think he was Your dad or something. 'SOK This time but Don't let it happen again.

poptiki posted on 09/04/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:32:54 ]

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Loki posted on 09/11/2006

You never fail to amaze. I cant wait to get out and visit to see this guy in person.

Helz posted on 09/12/2006


He'll be in the guest room waiting for ya. You know you're welcome anytime.

(of course, I don't know if I could sleep with this thing staring at me...)


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hewey posted on 09/12/2006

Awesome thread man! No idea how I have missed this for so long!

Great looking volcano mugs and the various tiki bob incarnations are awesome too!

Now you just gotta make the right scale decorated swizzle stick for big bob :)

poptiki posted on 09/13/2006


[ Edited by poptiki on 2022-10-12 04:28:52 ]

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cheeky half posted on 09/13/2006

Holy moly! That's a beauty!!! Good going Pop.

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GatorRob posted on 09/13/2006

Holy mother of... That's beautiful work, but... but... it would freak the bejeezus out of me at night!

"Honey, what was that noise?"

"Bob moved. I swear he moved..."

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 236 replies