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Insect Surfers 20th Anniversary show,Sat. 7-15 in L.A(review at bottom)

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bigtikidude posted on 07/11/2006


-------- Insect Surfers
(David Arnson-guitar, Dano Sullivan-guitar, Dan Valentie-bass,
Adrien Anthony-drums) are celebrating their 20 years in Los Angeles on

Saturday, July 15th, at the new Safari Sam's in Hollywood,
5214 Sunset Boulevard.(Between Western and Normandie) $10.00 cover.

Starting at 8:00pm sharp, the lineup, in order of appearance is-

  • 8:00pm The Fleagles (exuberant garage rock)
  • 8:45pm Chum (drummer Adrien's surf band)
  • 9:30pm The Boardwalkers (bassist Dan V.'s surf band)
  • 10:15pm Davie Allan and the Arrows (legendary 60's fuzz guitarist,
    noted for numerous Roger Corman biker movie film soundtracks
    and the instro hit 'Blue's Theme')
    **** 11:0pm Insect Surfers (past and present members !), and
  • 12:30am Spindrift (psychedelic spaghetti western sounds)

Also featured are KXLU's Reverend Dan on DJ duty, and Stormy Byrd's
award winning dragster 'Revelation', revving it up in front of the
club between sets !

Special luau/tiki menu and drinks!

and- free admission for all drivers bringing their hot rods!

Unfettered dancing! Groovy projections!

You might even wanna bring earplugs-we don't really as a rule play
that loud, but the sound system here is really, uhh, loud!

We got 'Reverb Sun' bassist Mike Oneil flying in from NYC!!! And
former drummer Jimbo comin' in from his (crunched) house in
New Orleans! Plus many other past and present Insects guestin' on
yer fave Insect tunes!

----and merchandise-wise---we're getting new shirts (and new designs!)
and reprinting our old cds --collect 'em all! Hoot! And artist Yume
will be sellin her lil' Surfin' Insect sculptures!

SEEYA THERE!!!! !~~~~~!!!!!!!!

Be sure to check out the new web site:
It is the same as the old site, but an
easier name to remember!

Insect Surfers DavidArnson@sbcglobal.net

[ Edited by: bigtikidude 2006-07-18 21:36 ]

bigtikidude posted on 07/11/2006

Oh if anybody is interested in going to this. It's just a short hop down the street from the Tiki Ti.
the show starts at 8 pm, so I'll be at Tiki Ti right around 6 pm opening time, and probably at the Pioneer chicken across the street before hand. MMMMMM fried chicken and tropical drinks.


Slacks Ferret posted on 07/15/2006

I love the Insect Surfers.

Chongolio posted on 07/15/2006

On 2006-07-10 19:10, bigtikidude wrote:
Oh if anybody is interested in going to this. It's just a short hop down the street from the Tiki Ti.
the show starts at 8 pm, so I'll be at Tiki Ti right around 6 pm opening time, and probably at the Pioneer chicken across the street before hand. MMMMMM fried chicken and tropical drinks.


ARRRR, your killin' me Jeff. Have fun! that will be a helluva show having all the Insects from near and far getting together again to crank out songs that only the Insect Surfer know how. Not to mention sharing the stage with Davie Allan, Chum, The Boarwalkers. (I am not familiar with the other bands.) Hey if you have a chance grab me a flyer or poster from the show. I will pay you for it and pick it up at the Tiki Invasion. Have fun and tell the crew Chongo says Aloha.

Rapa Nui,

bigtikidude posted on 07/17/2006

All, Chongolio,
the show was great, just an amzing night all around.
The New Safari Sams is a huge amazing venue for shows.
the stage, lighting, and sound system are top notch.
Just not a very troical looking venue. Hopefully they can work on that.

I got ya a flyer, I'l ask Dave to save a poster,


bigtikidude posted on 07/19/2006

Ok here is the review,

Like I said before the Venue (New Safari Sams) is huge and nice, but it was hot as a oven in there. They need some mega AC or swampcoolers on the roof pronto.

The show started off with the Fleagals, which I was kinda looking fwd to seeing, as Brent From Del Noah is a member in the band. He was playing a hallmark Sweptwing guitar, There was another guy that I see at Insect shows sometimes, he was playing a Mosrite copy i think. A guy singer, and a chick on Danelectro Bass, and another chick on Drums.
I was under the understanding that they were kinda fratty or Garagy sounding. Well kinda was the key word. They were also kinda loose and sloppy,and kinda Athens college music sounding, and kinda 60's poppy sounding, and Very hmmmmmm, how to say, well, not my cup of tea. The singer did play a cheapy therimen at the end of the set. But not real well.
Next Up was CHUM with Rory from the Infrareds on Guitar,
I already Liked CHUM before, BUt Rory adds that bit of Modern
Fast surf that I really like to the band. They did a mix of CHUM, INFrareds, and a clash Cover. They had me do the light faders up and down while they played. I had no Idea what I was doin, Iguess it was ok looking. Adrien kept stopping between songs and asking everybody to join him in a drink. After they were done, somebody was looking at the cd table, and asked me where are the cd's from the guys band that likes to drink alot? too funny.
Next Was The Boardwalkers, Which is Dan Valente's( Bass from the Insect Surfers)band where he plays guitar in. Back On Drums was
Jeff Utterback( from 15 Plus surf bands in the 90's) and On Bass was
Marty Tippens( From The Fabulous Planktones)They did a half way trad, Half way Progressive set( which was a good mix for this show).
Half obscure covers, and half originals. Unfortunelty No Pink Floyd Medly( which would have been cool since Syd Barret just Passed away).
Pretty good crowd response for the Boardwalkers.
Next up was the Legendary Davie Allen. He did a mix of 60's and modern originals, and a few cool vocal covers sung by his bass player. Also he did his cool Mancini tribute couple of songs. Davie hadn't played for awhile, was good to see him again.

The Headliner of the Night was up, The Insect Surfers. They orginally started in Wash D.C. as a Mostly Vocal New Wavy sort of underground college type of band. But in 86 Dave Moved out to LA and reformed the band as a all instro surfy sound after seeing the Halibuts Play. They played songs spanning their 20 year LA history. Doin' songs from the 3 studio cd's and Of course finished up with the always fun "Jack the Ripper" They even threw in a few new songs, and dug up some real old ones they hadn't played in along time. Some of their old members flew into town to join them for a few songs. Mike O'neil from NYC played on about 6 songs or so. It was cool to see him play, as I had never seen him with them. As I got into the Insects and Surf in 96 after he had left the band. Jimbo who just recently moved to Louisiana came back and played a bunch of tunes. Jeff Utterback from the Boardwalkers who has also been a part time member of the Insects Joined them for about 5 tunes. Most bands played about 40 min, but the Insects did about a hour and a half. I really like to see it when they streach out and do more then a regular 45 min set.
And Lastly Spindrift The Spaghetti Western band cancelled, So Dave got Lawndale to Play. I guess these guys are kinda popular or were. I heard that they were singed to SST records. Anyways, Not bad playing, actually pretty talented guys. But the sound was very mid 80's dry, crunchy sounding instros. after about 8 songs I headed out to the Billy( Detonator Motor Home in the Parking Lot) for tacos and beers.
The turn out was really good. I was woried it was gonna be small at first when we got there. But by the middle of the night it was probably arond 120 to 150.


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