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Rapa Nui News Blog: on hiatus

Pages: 1 2 72 replies

Tiki Chris posted on 04/14/2006


I just wanted to let TCers know about my new blog, Rapa Nui News:

The blog is a humble attempt to keep abreast of the news pertaining to one of the world's most fascinating places - Rapa Nui. I hope to present current news about the island, its people, and its culture in such a way as to allow readers to determine their positions for themselves. Of course, comments and opinions pertaining to Rapa Nui from readers are certainly welcome and even encouraged.

Recently, I fulfilled a lifelong dream by visiting Rapa Nui, an adventure chronicled in a 22-page travelogue, The Law of the Island: A Rapa Nui Travelogue. More about The Law of the Island can be found at http://www.weplanyourtrip.com/law.html.

By no means do I see myself as an expert on all things Rapanui neither do purport to represent the views of anyone, let alone those of the Rapanui people. With that said, I certainly welcome any suggestions and leads from others interested in staying up-to-date on Rapa Nui happenings.

I've already posted a few pieces - about the plans to build a casino on the island and about the moai that is to be returned to the island from buenos aires.

Tiki Chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2007-10-30 08:47 ]

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2007-12-13 04:04 ]

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tikijackalope posted on 04/14/2006

Nifty-neato and handy-dandy!

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7f5b0513849f6ea702d9d5cb47401e03?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Humuhumu posted on 04/14/2006

And also, keen-o-reeno. Congrats on both!

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b3e146d633ff492cb1f0174bb9df75c8?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Chongolio posted on 04/14/2006

Yeah Chris, I am looking forwared to readin' your Rapa Nui Travelogue. Its sound really interesting. The pics from your trip are great.


Tiki Chris posted on 04/15/2006

Rapa Nui News Blog:
Thanks for the kind words, folks! I'm glad to see some of you out there have checked it out. I'll do my best to keep it updated on a regular basis. Again, I'm very open to an ideas, suggestions, tidbits, etc.

The Law of the Island: A Rapa Nui Travelogue:
Our trip to Easter Island was phenomenal and just so bizarre that I had to put our experience in print. Besides, the travelogue provides an excellent opportunity to look at my wife's excellent photography. Here's a freebie:

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Your book's in the mail. Lemme know whatcha think about it.

Tiki Chris

Tiki Chris posted on 04/16/2006

Recent Rapa Nui News posts:

More about the Returning Moai
Rapa Nui Inspiration for Skull Island?
Yep. It's Easter Sunday.
More Easter Island Madness from the Lope

Check them out at http://www.rapanuinews.blogspot.com/.

[ Edited by: tiki chris 2006-04-20 17:22 ]

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christiki295 posted on 04/17/2006

On 2006-04-16 15:08, Tiki Chris wrote:
Recent Rapa Nui News posts:
Yep. It's Easter Sunday.

Check them out at http://www.rapanuinews.blogspot.com/.

So very appropriate! Rebirth of Easter Island provides hope for the entire world, including various nationalistic disputes currently ongoing.

Tiki Chris posted on 04/21/2006

Recently Posted:

Still More about the Moai's Return to Rapa Nui
Explora en Rapa Nui
Tricked-out Custom Cadillac features "lava-spewing" moai
Around the world cruises to offer Easter Island excursions

Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris

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KuKuAhu posted on 04/21/2006

Chris, great blog.

Thank you!


Tiki Chris posted on 04/24/2006

On 2006-04-21 08:24, KuKuAhu wrote:
Chris, great blog.

Thank you!


You're very welcome. Thanks for checking it out.

Here are the entries since the last update:

In-depth New York Times article about Rapa Nui artist
Returning moai update
Returning moai's ETA
Rats play role in the understanding of early human travels through the Pacific.

Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris

Tiki Chris posted on 04/29/2006

Latest posts:

British Columbia family breeds unique Easter Island chickens
Rapa Nui among candidates for "New7Wonders" contest
Easter Island on the Hudson
78 year-old playwright Edward Albee's visit to Easter Island

Definitely try to check out Albee's article for the New York Times!

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 05/06/2006

Latest posts:

Rapanui word for the day: TINGO
Easter Island Marathon June 11, 2006
17-photo Rapa Nui slideshow on IHT.com
Rapa Nui and Hawai'i share similar "lizard goddess" legend
President of Chile visits Rapa Nui - casino debate continues
Rapa Nui sea kayaking slideshow in Wyandotte, MI May 4, 2006 at 7pm
Children's computer game features moai on Rapa Nui
Administrative independence for Rapa Nui?

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 05/11/2006

Latest posts:

New Museo Andino in Chile features Rapa Nui exhibit
Rapa Nui on the verge of tourism boom?
Rapa Nui travel info from the New York Times
'Sumptuous' hotel planned for Rapa Nui

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml b

Tiki Chris posted on 05/18/2006

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2006-05-18 01:01 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 05/18/2006

Latest posts:

Polynesian exhibit in Norwich, UK includes objects from Rapa Nui
Rapa Nui fungus drug, Rapamycin, may help against tuberous sclerosis
QE2 to visit Rapa Nui in 2008
More about Rapamycin (Could it cure cancer?)

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 05/25/2006

Latest posts:

United Nations exhibition displays ancient Rapa Nui art
National Geographic Expeditions to visit Rapa Nui
Rapa Nui tourist support?
Rapa Nui is 'loneliest place on earth' according to Google

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 06/01/2006

It's been a pretty slow week with respect to Rapa Nui news. Here are the latest posts:

New Easter Island boardgame for August 2006
Moai inspired playground in Detroit area

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 06/16/2006

Latest posts:

New Zealand Green Party co-leader speaks about the lesson of Rapa Nui
Pacific Princess World Cruise to visit Rapa Nui

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 06/30/2006

Latest posts:

New book parallels Rapa Nui with history of planet
New Paris museum features items from Rapa Nui

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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christiki295 posted on 07/04/2006

Nice blog!

Tiki Chris posted on 07/06/2006

On 2006-07-03 22:29, christiki295 wrote:
Nice blog!

Thank you very much. I really enjoy keeping track of what's up on Rapa Nui and sharing that info with like-minded readers is a pleasure.

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2006-07-06 09:32 ]

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virani posted on 07/06/2006

I'm a big fan of your blog. It's really great.

Tiki Chris posted on 07/19/2006

On 2006-07-06 13:07, virani wrote:
I'm a big fan of your blog. It's really great.

Thanks for the kind words, Virani. It was great to meet you at the London Luau - hope to see you soon.

Here's an update of the latest posts:

Rapa Nui vacation extension added to Antarctica expedition cruises
Meet Tiki Farm's Mr. Rapa Nui
Tiki Magazine's logo now a limited edition mug
Rapa Nui in Brides Magazine

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 07/25/2006

There's already been a considerable among of news this week.

Here's an update of the latest posts:

Moai-shaped playground climbing monument
"Petroglyphs of Rapanui" on display in Garnerville, New York
Polynesians on Rapa Nui by 900 A.D.
"Monolithic" pop culture reference

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Paipo posted on 07/25/2006

What's happened to your travelogue? the link doesn't seem to work anymore and I'm very keen to read it.
I'm incredibly jealous, Easter Island is my ultimate travel dream. I will get there - oh yes....

Tiki Chris posted on 07/25/2006

On 2006-07-25 14:47, Paipo wrote:
What's happened to your travelogue? the link doesn't seem to work anymore and I'm very keen to read it.
I'm incredibly jealous, Easter Island is my ultimate travel dream. I will get there - oh yes....


Thanks for your interest in my travelogue, which may be previewed and purchased via this URL:

If, for whatever reason, you have any more trouble with the link, feel free to send me a PM or email me at info@weplanyourtrip.com

All the best,

Tiki Chris posted on 08/03/2006

Here's an update of the latest posts:

New Anthology of Archaeological Travel Writing
Questioning Rapa Nui's "Collapse" (article and podcast)
Sci-Fi adventure novel incorporates Rapa Nui into story
"Monolithic" pop culture references #2
Re-vamped drive-in theatre features moai
Rapa Nui slide show and lecture at Maine museum
Santiago-Hanga Roa is important air cargo route

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2006-08-03 02:15 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 08/10/2006

Latest posts:

Rapa Nui port of call for Fred Olsen Cruise
13.9% more Lan Airlines Rapa Nui passengers
"Monolithic" pop culture references #3
Rapa Nui delegation "stand out" at Geneva celebration
"Monolithic" pop culture references #4
Rapanui among representatives of the "liquid continent"
2007 Easter Island Conference at Gotland University
New puzzle game features Rapa Nui background

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 08/16/2006

Latest posts:

Solo one-armed sailing expedition to visit Rapa Nui
"Monolithic" pop cultures references #5
How to make a 9 foot inflatable moai
"In the Wake of the Bounty" to visit Rapa Nui
Rethinking Rapa Nui's past

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2006-08-16 16:24 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 08/24/2006

Latest posts:

Easter Island boardgame released
Luxury ocean "residences" to visit Rapa Nui
New7Wonders campaign to visit Rapa Nui

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 08/31/2006

Latest posts (nada mucho this week):

"Monolithic" pop culture references #6
"Monolithic" pop culture references #7

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 09/07/2006

Latest posts:

QE2's Pacific "Odyssey"
California party shop inspired by visit to Rapa Nui
Abercrombie & Kent tour to visit Rapa Nui
"Monolithic" pop culture references #8
Rapa Nui has "shot" to be new world wonder
New7Wonders countdown begins; Rapa Nui among finalists

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 09/13/2006

Latest posts:

British Museum to exhibit Rapa Nui items in upcomi...
Following the paths of Cook and Bligh to Rapa Nui
"Monolithic" pop culture references #9
Rapanui dance surprise at Utah "Dance Spectacular"...
Popular comic strip features moai

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 09/21/2006

Latest Posts:

"Monolithic" pop culture references #10
Sailing to Rapa Nui and around South America
Moai threatened by corrosion

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 09/28/2006

Latest posts:

"Monolithic" pop culture references #11
New book documents Rapa Nui over past 25 years
"Monolithic" pop culture references #12
"The graveyard of Polynesia"

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

Tiki Chris posted on 10/04/2006

Latest posts:

"Monolithic" pop culture references #13
World cruises entice with Rapa Nui visits
Rapa Nui as environmental "tipping point"
"Monolithic" pop culture references #14

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 10/18/2006

Latest posts:

Tingo book review
"Monolithic" pop culture references #15
Princess Cruises to visit Rapa Nui
"Thought Travels" artist inspired by moai
Lonely Planet writer's journey into solitude
"Monolithic" pop culture references #16
New7Wonders' 21 finalists includes Rapa Nui's moai...

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 10/25/2006

Latest posts:

Rapa Nui presentation by John Kahn in New Paltz, N...
"Monolithic" pop culture references #17
New book about Rapa Nui's history, geology, and cu...
New7Wonders "race" is on
Moai "Canstruction" in North Carolina
"Monolithic" pop culture references #18
"Ecocide" and Rapa Nui

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 11/01/2006

Latest posts:

Around the world dancer stopped in Rapa Nui
Moai inspire contemporary art at Memphis museum
"Monolithic" pop culture references #19
Chilean education program to save Rapanui's indigenous language
Rapa Nui among exotic choices for destination marathons
Rapa Nui in top half of New7Wonders votes
Unbroken "Easter Island Code" in new book
Chilean Ministry of Education to save Rapanui from extinction
Jared Diamond's "paradigmatic case" is Rapa Nui

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 11/09/2006

Latest posts:

"Monolithic" pop culture references #20
Writer/adventurer "just back" from Rapa Nui to spe...
Rapa Nui's World Heritage "at risk" score
Suburban Chicago tiki bar decor features moai cast...
Rapa Nui to be part of Walla Walla College lecture...
"Monolithic" pop culture references #21
Jared Diamond, deforestation, and Rapa Nui
German travel article about Rapa Nui
Australian tours to Latin America expands to Rapa ...
Rapa Nui interesting destination for visitors to C...
Belmond, Iowa couple to speak about sailing (inclu...
"Monolithic" pop culture references #22

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2006-11-09 01:49 ]

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Tiki Chris posted on 11/11/2006

I know there are a few regular RNN readers here on TC. If you have a chance, I would really appreciate it if you checked out a survey I recently posted. It's an opportunity for you to tell me what you think about RNN and my other blogs.

Just click on the link below:

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 11/15/2006

Don't forget to take the survey:

Latest Posts:

Taipei Museum sheds light on roots of Rapanui's la...
Shetland Islands artist inspired by moai
A brief survey
Plan to build and improve roads on Rapa Nui
Smithsonian's "Bring a Friend and Save" applies to...
Descriptions of the New7Wonders candidates, includ...
Explora's deluxe adventure hotel on Rapa Nui
More New7Wonders articles
New Zealand performance garden features moai

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 11/22/2006

Latest posts:

Edward Albee on Rapa Nui
Tucan Travel announces strong interest in 4-day Ra...
How to post comments
More New7Wonders articles
Rapa Nui Honeymoon
Super Mario Land "world" set on Rapa Nui
Michigan children's park to feature moai
More New7Wonders articles
Norwegian Coastal Voyage offers pre/post-cruise pr...
Original Rapanui "took essential natural resources...
Rapa Nui in "scary enviro-end bestseller"
More New7Wonders articles

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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[ Edited by: Tiki Chris 2006-11-22 12:33 ]

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Tiki Chris posted on 11/29/2006

Latest posts:

Rapa Nui question posed by Jared Diamond
"Monolithic" pop culture references #23
Tales of reed vessel trip to Rapa Nui thrilled mid...
Moai spotting in Florida
Explora's owner wants to open hotel on Rapa Nui
More New7Wonders articles
"Monolithic" pop culture references #24
Rapa Nui News Logo Apparel

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 12/06/2006

Latest posts:

Rapa Nui among treasured destinations in peril
Auckland Museum tells of Polynesian navigation
More New7Wonders articles
Foto America festival in Rapa Nui
"Monolithic" pop culture references #25
More New7Wonders articles
Taiwan forum for language group that includes Rapa...
Santa Fe's El Museo Cultural to host Rapa Nui film...
New book invents Rapanui legend of "Death-in-the-W...

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 12/13/2006

Latest posts:

Moai damaged and new penalty system
Letter questions rat theory
Ersatz moai at ITU conference
San Francisco's "plastic-fronded hangout" has "Eas..."Monolithic" pop culture references #26
More New7Wonders articles
New type of furry crab found near Rapanui
"Monolithic" pop culture references #27
More about the furry crab
More Yeti Crab articles
"Monolithic" pop culture references #28

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 12/20/2006

Latest posts:

Pinochet related tale mentions Rapa Nui
Entel PCS provides service to Rapa Nui
More about Kiwa hirsuta, the furry crab
Rapa Nui on top of list for around-the-world dancer
Trip to Rapa Nui yields more questions than answers
Book review of Collapse by Jared Diamond
Pan American trip's final stop is Rapa Nui
Rapanui students to take Entrance Exams on own soil
Rapa Nui among world's most remote destinations
Tiki Farm to market "Mr. Rapa Nui Mini Grills"
North Carolina resident recollects journey to Rapa Nui

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Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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Tiki Chris posted on 12/27/2006

Latest posts:

"Museum" movie features moai
Boone County, KY library "Chick Pick" set in Rapa ...
More "Night at the Museum" articles
Disneyesque moai sets "hokey" tone at Kauai garden...
Trip to Chile offers Rapa Nui's "remote wonders"
Rapa Nui among New7Wonders' current list of finali...
Crab found near Rapa Nui warrants new family desig...
Moai in peril
More "Night at the Museum" articles
Blog post about the Rongorongo

Tiki Chris
Site Feed URL: http://rapanuinews.blogspot.com/atom.xml

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