Tiki Central / Tiki Music
Polynesia by Buddy Collette - THANKS Manakoora
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I, Zombie
Hi all, Checked out Manakoora's blog today, and downloaded that Polynesia LP. WOW... really really cool! http://manakoora.blogspot.com/ Do yourself a favor and grab it today. Just wanted to give a big thanks to Manakoora, Sabu, Kono, Traitor Vic, Swanky, and all the rest sharing such great stuff. And the burns, so incredibly clean (how do you guys do it?) I, Zombie [ Edited by: I, Zombie 2006-07-23 05:51 ] |
Traitor Vic
That Polynesia LP is COOL! Amazingly COOL! Damn that's COOL! As for the burning of the Clean Sounds, I can only speak for myself when I say that I am in possesion of Special Tiki Vinyl Ripping Magic that cleans up all my records. Except, of course, for the ones that I would really love to post but, upon careful inspection, sound as if they've been puked upon by a drunken monkey. I think that, in certain instances, the Tiki Gods send out very tiny monkeys with razor sharp teeth to chew upon the records that they wish to keep sacred and out of the reach of the general public. That's why I offer myself, as a sacrifice, to them each time I see a bottle of rum nearbouts. [ Edited by: Traitor Vic 2006-07-22 22:39 ] |
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