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We're taking preorders for our Tiki Chimineas

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MakeDaMug posted on 03/17/2006

A lot of you didn't get to purchase one of our Mr. Rapa Nui Chimineas because they sold-out so quickly. So we're accepting preorders on them for Spring delivery. We're "building a truckload" for both the Chimineas and the Mini Grills (which you can also preorder) and once the truck's full, we'll bring in the shipment and get 'em out to you. The Chiminea's are $199.95 & the Mini Grills are $109.95 (sorry, no TC discounts on these).

To preorder, please send an email to holden@tikifarm.com with your complete shipping information and color preference (black, brown or green).


Mini Grill...


[ Edited by: MakeDaMug 2007-01-31 13:29 ]

pdrake posted on 03/17/2006

that's one helluva big mug. will it have the tiki farm logo embossed on the bottom with a little "hecho en mexico" sticker?


Sam Gambino posted on 03/17/2006

That's very cool, Holden. It's big - all the more tiki to love!

Aaron's Akua posted on 03/17/2006

That's a lotta wax. Will it be terra cotta or concrete?

Cool Manchu posted on 03/17/2006

What a brilliant idea!

Monkeyman posted on 03/17/2006

Didnt you say you were selling em for $20 each? Right on...I'll take 2

Cool Manchu posted on 03/17/2006

20 BUCKS! It better come with wood! :)

hewey posted on 03/17/2006

Thats a big mug! I take it people sit around it with strawers? What do you mean you put logs in it?


Is it just me, or do I spot a hint of man boobs?

Once again tiki farm has the cool stuff.

Tiki Lee's posted on 03/17/2006

"chiminea" is a fancy-schmancy way of saying "portable fireplace" here in the U.S. That's why you put logs in what will be the opening in the stomach.
It's gonna be awesome! I can't wait to get mine for the shop. Shipping is gonna be a killer though, hunh? I just might have to plan a vacation weekend in San Clemente!

lanikai posted on 03/17/2006

On 2006-03-17 13:40, Tiki Lee's wrote:
"chiminea" is a fancy-schmancy way of saying "portable fireplace" here in the U.S.

the Mexican artists and craftsmen, whose language (and tradition) that comes from
would cringe to hear what they create is, in some circles, considered: "fancy-schmancy"

Benzart posted on 03/18/2006

Smoggie,these are really pretty Neat, I Might have to get one of them there things. Cool,e rnoo HOT. Yeah

toomuchjoe posted on 03/19/2006

They do look great, but shipping will be a $$$ problem, I'm still in.

[ Edited by: toomuchjoe 2006-03-18 22:43 ]

MakeDaMug posted on 03/30/2006

Here's a photo of the glazed Chiminea.

The color is a muted black/rich grey oxide with secondary tannish hues. It measures 42" in height and it weighs 116 lbs. I've got a packaging consultant coming in next week but likely, it will be crated with ridgid die-cut foam upper & lower to secure it within the crate.

I anticipate taking delivery of the first run of these late next month. More info including pricing, shipping, crating, etc.. as it becomes available. I may have this sample at Oasis (the photo was taken at the factory).


Tikiwahine posted on 03/30/2006

Holy crap-a-roni!
Very cool. I love fire, I love firepits, I love moai.

I'd love to get one, but fear the shipping costs would bankrupt me.
Any chance of sending them to retailers? Cuz then I could get one from Funhauser in Vancouver.

Anyhow, I like it.

pablus posted on 03/30/2006

What are you going to do with a fireplace in South Florida?

Anhhh, why am I bothering asking you - you're in Tennessee right now at the Hapa Haole Hideaway hangin' wit da ohana.

Swanky mixes a mean drink.
Watch it, braddah.

RevBambooBen posted on 03/31/2006


Need warmth now!

Plenty of scrap boo to burn. Hot Hot Heat!!

Warm zee bones!!

Sneakytiki posted on 04/03/2006

Trader Vic's needs to use these for all of their new restaraunts. The chinese oven will be replaced with the Rapa Nui oven..

hodadhank posted on 04/03/2006

Can everybody stop talking about fire...

Fire Bad!

I can't wait to get a few of these and fill'em with asbestos and fire extinguishers.

Hey, Holden how much do these weigh??

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BodhiBoy posted on 05/13/2006

Hey Holden-

That massive piece of clay exudes tiki-genius in every possible way:
Great idea, beautiful sculpting, brilliant realization.
You'll let us know when they will become available, of course.
It's just the thing for the deck when the days get shorter and cooler here in upstate NY, and I'm not ready to give up my cocktail ritual and move indoors.

keep up the good work-

Bodhi Boy

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Raffertiki posted on 05/14/2006

Damn that is sweet.

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THOR's posted on 05/16/2006

WOW! ! Looks Great Holden!!! I am up late, back in LA...trying to adjust to time difference... So, will enjoy Tiki Central here for a while. LOVE this piece!!! ALOHA!

MakeDaMug posted on 06/23/2006

We're anticipating our first run of 100 of our "Mr. Rapa Nui" Chiminea's to be completed in late July. We are accepting preorders by tel. only (800) 357-3360. We are working with various freight carriers to get the best freight rates and will quote freight on an individual order basis. Here are some photos...
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I'm sorry but we can't offer our standard 15% discount to TC members on the Chiminea. It's pretty expensive to produce.

[ Edited by: smogbreather 2006-06-22 19:10 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 06/23/2006


Burn baby burn!!

Can't wait to Baptize one of those muthas' with some Bamboo!!!

I'm sure it'll be a staple ( like poi) in our daily routine!!!

Yoga, Today, takes place in front of the Flaming moai!!!


Can't wait!!

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TravelingJones posted on 06/24/2006

DANG! SsshhhwwWING-Tiki!! MeWana-Bwana!!!

Shipping cost to East Coast???


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TravelingJones posted on 07/13/2006

:tiki: bump :tiki:

Holden, any info on shipping?

Check old pm's, Flip-flOp-fLipPp...

Benzart posted on 07/13/2006

HOlden, these are REally going to be HOT HOT HOT.

MakeDaMug posted on 07/18/2006

They're in stock and are available for either shipping or pick-up early next week. We also did a little 10 1/2" matching Mini Chiminea. We've only got a limited supply of 100 on both sizes for the time being. The big fellow is $199.95 and the small tabletop version is $25.95. Sorry, no TC discount on these. We'll quote shipping on an order-by-order basis & won't bill you without your approval.

[ Edited by: smogbreather 2006-07-17 17:45 ]

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 07/19/2006

Holden, don't forget to hold mine, will be there next week, these are great!


MakeDaMug posted on 07/24/2006

First Annual San Clemente Meeting of the Moai Now in Session
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Dimethios posted on 07/24/2006

I didn't know we had a chapter in Cali? :lol: Oh well the moai the merrier! :)

MakeDaMug posted on 07/25/2006

Our warehouse now looks like that Chinese excavation of the Terra Cotta soldiers.
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My Moai Army guarding my Tiki mug collection.
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[ Edited by: smogbreather 2006-07-25 11:49 ]

Benzart posted on 07/26/2006

How Fantastic to see that row of Moai standing proud with the mountains in the background as thay wait to make their magical journey to lite up some poor , cold tikiphiles night. Can you imagine all these guys, with fires burning in their bellies, sitting there listening to the stories told by the people sitting around getting warm? A Thousand tales are coming.

MakeDaMug posted on 07/31/2006

Here's a photo of the Mini Chimineas...
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He measures 10 1/2" in height and is $25.95. Only greens are still available.

Benzart posted on 07/31/2006

Wow, I didn't realize you had mini chimi's, I Want one, How do I get one before they a re all gone. Maybe I can light a fire on my desk??

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TofuJoe posted on 07/31/2006


We had a little gathering at the house this weekend to welcome our Mr Rapa Nui!

He was doused with a ceremonial shot of Demerara 151 and fired up.

We are very proud to have one of the soldiers guarding the backyard.

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More photos here

Benzart posted on 08/10/2006

Hey Hey Hey, I received my minichimy yesterday,,Totally Cool, so cool it's HOT. I will fire it up this weekend and try to get some fun shots of it to post. Bit Thanks Smoggie. So Cool.

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 08/21/2006

Wow!! saw the big ones at teh Catalina tiki fest and they were unbelievable! so much better in person


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kingstiedye posted on 08/21/2006

mr. rapa nui arrived in sactown today! i can't wait to fire this badboy up!

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kgbenson posted on 08/23/2006

Sooo, how much are they and what would it cost to ship one to South Carolina?


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Blue Thunder posted on 08/23/2006

On 2006-08-23 08:50, kgbenson wrote:
Sooo, how much are they and what would it cost to ship one to South Carolina?


Contact Tiki Farm and ask



Benzart posted on 08/31/2006

I Finally lit up my Mini Chimi and took a few pic's. Enjoy this Really Neat little Mini Chimi from TF.
"HELP' I've Fallen and They can't figure out how to pick me Up"
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Add your own captions.
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Loki posted on 08/31/2006

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JohnnyP posted on 08/31/2006

On 2006-08-31 09:25, Benzart wrote:
Add your own captions.
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"Settle down kids, I'm starting to blow my top!

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Paipo posted on 08/31/2006

What are those little fellas? Are they castings of one of your pendants?
edit: NM, saw the thread in the marketplace. Sure gotta be quick around here!

[ Edited by: Paipo 2006-08-31 13:52 ]

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TravelingJones posted on 09/01/2006

(An eyewitness account reported today, in a sleepy town, outside the big city.)


Carefully I walk through the open doors of Tacky Manor. Well past sunset, darkness fills the room. A dark and looming figure sits quitely in a corner. Nervously, I strike a match to light my puro.
Silence fills the room.

The glowing amber of my fine tobacco torch stirs the shadow, not. I move closer to address this figure and face my growing fears. I cautiously extend my hand and greeting.
Silence feels the room.

I recoil quickly, hair stands erect upon my neck. Chill freezes spine. A lantern within reach, I toss flame to oil...a flash and burn!
Light fills the room.

A stranger of darkness, no more. Mr. Rapa Nui stands stoic to my child-like antics.
Laughter fills the room.

"Welcome to the Easter Coast!", I say... Silence fills the room.


Benzart posted on 09/01/2006

You guyz are ALL Nutz and I'm gonna Tell.
As I walk away with my head shaking in bewilderment!

RevBambooBen posted on 09/17/2006

Mmmm. Chimi Chunga!!!

My camera sucks!!!!

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We got the flame out the top to at least 5 feet.

( after digicam died.) Arrrr!!!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 09/17/2006

whoa!!!!!!!! Ben, that is cool! I can't wait to use mine... well that answers the question of whether or not it can handle heat...

Great job Holden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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