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Need help finding uke music for funeral

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finkdaddy posted on 07/29/2006

My father-in-law recently passed away, and we are going to scatter his ashes next month. My wife has asked me if there are any Hawaiian songs for funerals that I might play on my uke for him. Does anybody know of any? And if you do, would you happen to have sheet music for it? Any help would be appreciated. Mahalo.

hewey posted on 07/29/2006

I cant help, but my condolences for you, your wife, and her family.

atomictonytiki posted on 07/30/2006

May i offer my condolences as well.

How about "Aloha `Oe", the english translation of the lyrics seem very fitting..

Proudly swept the rain by the cliffs
As it glided through the trees
Still following ever the bud
The `ahihi lehua of the vale

Farewell to you, farewell to you
The charming one who dwells in the shaded bowers
One fond embrace,
'Ere I depart
Until we meet again

Sweet memories come back to me
Bringing fresh remembrances
Of the past
Dearest one, yes, you are mine own
From you, true love shall never depart

I have seen and watched your loveliness
The sweet rose of Maunawili
And 'tis there the birds of love dwell
And sip the honey from your lips

Chongolio posted on 07/30/2006

I have the chords for Aloha Oe. If you need them PM and I will zap them over to you.

My condolences to your family,

Tiki Pop posted on 07/30/2006

I remember watching the "Concert for George" dvd and a song done with a ukulele at the ending..think it was by Joe Brown "I'll See You In My Dreams". it wasnt Hawaiian but sounded great with the ukulele.

finkdaddy posted on 07/30/2006

Thank you everyone for your kind words. He was too young, but his passing was not unexpected due to pancreatic cancer, so everyone was emotionally prepared. Every tool I used to build my Leeward Lounge was given to me by him.

You guys are right, Aloha Oe seems to be the best fit. Thank you for the English translation. I think I have the chords somewhere, but I'll have to download the actual song so I can get the melody.

Thanks again. :)

finkdaddy posted on 07/30/2006

On 2006-07-29 17:46, atomictonytiki wrote:
May i offer my condolences as well.

How about "Aloha `Oe", the english translation of the lyrics seem very fitting..

Proudly swept the rain by the cliffs
As it glided through the trees
Still following ever the bud
The `ahihi lehua of the vale

Farewell to you, farewell to you
The charming one who dwells in the shaded bowers
One fond embrace,
'Ere I depart
Until we meet again

Sweet memories come back to me
Bringing fresh remembrances
Of the past
Dearest one, yes, you are mine own
From you, true love shall never depart

I have seen and watched your loveliness
The sweet rose of Maunawili
And 'tis there the birds of love dwell
And sip the honey from your lips

Does anybody have a version of Aloha Oe with these lyrics? I'm having trouble finding one.

atomictonytiki posted on 07/30/2006

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