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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

tiki salt and pepper shakers

Pages: 1 10 replies

kingstiedye posted on 08/01/2006

i've just listed many of my shakers on ooga mooga under the heading other mugs. i hope humuhumu, or anyone else, doesn't object. i noticed someone else had done this, too. maybe a new category for shakers is needed. if asked by humuhumu, i'll remove them. check them out here: http://www.ooga-mooga.com/cgi-bin/all/collection.cgi?mode=gallery&user_id=120&rep=yes&tag=shakers&show=80

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2006-08-01 13:47 ]

Humuhumu posted on 08/02/2006

I have grand plans for Ooga-Mooga to become a spot for all sorts of Poly Pop collectibles, but it really is supposed to just be for mugs right now until I can do it properly. I've tried to discourage people from adding non-mug items, for a few different reasons, but largely because there has to be some sort of parameters for what belongs and what doesn't -- after all, what's to keep someone from adding their Beanie Baby collection? Overall, it's a quibbly thing, though.

Ooga-Mooga is overdue for some of my love & attention (can you believe it's been going for a whole year now???). Right now, another project is atop my mighty project-pile, but it's very near the top, and I hope to tackle it in the coming month or two. The use of Ooga-Mooga has been simply massive, and there's a clear desire for it to be bigger and better than it currently is.

I won't be able to automatically transfer your non-tiki-mug items into the new database structure once it's in place, and I worry that if people have invested a lot of time into getting their non-mug collectibles in, they won't be willing to re-enter them properly. That would make me a sad little tikiphile.

So, please, please, pretty, pretty please, hold off on entering your non-mug tiki items until Ooga-Mooga is better equipped to handle them. You'll be rewarded with a much cooler and easier to use Ooga-Mooga!

Chub posted on 08/02/2006

Humuhumu, I just wanted to say that I love what you've done so far and can't wait for the new, improved, and expanded version of the site that will come some day.

One question for you, if you don't mind. Is there any way to get the mugs titles to appear correctly right away? For instance, I just added the Mauna Loa cauldron mug a few days ago and it just says "Other Mug" as it's title.

Thanks and keep up the good work!

Kona Chris posted on 08/02/2006

On 2006-08-01 22:28, Chub wrote:
One question for you, if you don't mind. Is there any way to get the mugs titles to appear correctly right away? For instance, I just added the Mauna Loa cauldron mug a few days ago and it just says "Other Mug" as it's title.

There are many, many items that don't have specific profiles yet. So until she has the time to make a bunch of new specific profiles, there will be lots that will just show up under "glassware","other mug", or "tiki mug". I can't imagine the rather daunting task of trying to create new mug templates for the rather large number of mugs and other items that don't yet have their own unique template.


Chub posted on 08/02/2006

Maybe this issue is one that could be fixed in the future version of ooga mooga. I can't even imagine one person having to update each specific mug profile one at a time. Talk about time consuming! I'm sure Humuhumu would rather be out by the pool sipping Mai Tai's than coming up with mug profiles.

rwhgeek posted on 08/03/2006

Just wanted to add my thanks for the hard work. I like being able to show my collection and I think the site it great keep the awesome work.

tedtiki posted on 08/03/2006

Savage Patty and I are grateful as well for all the work that has been put into Oogamooga. We really enjoy posting/taking pics and checking out everyone elses collections. Thanks Humuhumu.

Hiphipahula posted on 08/03/2006

I dig running my hands through the soil or planting a tree and passing by it years later and saying to myself" I planted that tree and it grew", So is Ooga-mooga, My Tiki Mug collection silly to some but to me, it's all good for my soul. I Thank You Also Humuhumu I know it's time consuming and I do appreciate your knowledge and talent. " it's TIKI FABULOUS!" Kelly

monkeyskull posted on 08/04/2006

I'm kinda fonda these:

freddiefreelance posted on 08/04/2006

On 2006-08-04 00:26, monkeyskull wrote:
I'm kinda fonda these:

OK, I give up. What's the third one for? MSG?

rwhgeek posted on 08/04/2006

On 2006-08-04 00:26, monkeyskull wrote:
I'm kinda fonda these

I noticed you were from Seattle, Monkeyskull and I bought a set just like yours but yellow and only two last time I was out in the NW, found them in a Tacoma antique shop. Do you know anything about them?

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